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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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Missing Documents

This report lists documents that were not created for a group of employees that are selected by group ID, document type, and date range. Knowing whether documents are missing is important if the HR Department has defined desired rating distribution percentages. This is the result of the distribution report not being reliable unless everyone in the group has a document and receives a rating during the period.

To Generate Missing Documents Report:

  1. Select the Workforce Development menu.
  2. Select the Performance Management menu group.
  3. Select the Reports menu item.
  4. Select the Missing Documents Reports component. The Missing Documents page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Missing Documents Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  5. Complete the field as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the run control ID for the applicable value.

  6. Click Search. The Missing Documents page is displayed.


    Click Clear to clear the entry.


    Select the Add a New Value tab. The Missing Documents page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    Missing Documents Page - Add a New Value Tab

  7. Complete the field as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the run control ID for the applicable value.

  8. Click Add. The Missing Documents page is displayed.

    Missing Documents Page

  9. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Populated based upon the search criteria entered.


    Defaults to English. To change, select data from the drop-down list.

    Report Request Parameter(s)


    *Group As Of Date

    Required field. Enter a group as of date or select a date from the calendar icon. The report generates a list of missing documents for employees belonging to the group that is defined in the Group ID field as of the data specified.

    Group ID

    Enter the group ID or select data by clicking the search icon. Identifies the group of employees to include in the report.

    Document Type

    Enter a document type, such as quarterly, annual, or yearly or select data by clicking the search icon.

    From Date

    Beginning date of the data for the report. Enter the from date or select a date from the calendar icon.

    To Date

    Ending date of the data for the report. Enter the to date or select a date from the calendar icon.

    Period Basis


    Period Begin Date

    Determines which of the dates on the manager evaluation EmpowHR uses when selecting mission documents to publish in the report. Select this option to search for employees who do not have a document of the specified type with a period begin date falling within the range that was entered in the From Date and To Date fields.

    Period End Date

    Determines which of the dates on the manager evaluation EmpowHR uses when selecting mission documents to publish in the report. Select this option to look for employees who do not have a document of the specified type with a period ending date falling within the range that was entered in the From Date and To Date fields.

    Due Date

    Determines which of the dates on the manager evaluation EmpowHR uses when selecting mission documents to publish in the report. Select this option to look for employees who do not have a document of the specified type with a due date falling within the range entered in the From Date and To Date fields.

  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Run to run the report.
  12. Click the Report Manager link.


    Click the Process Monitor link.

    For more information on Run, Report Manager or Process Monitor, refer to EmpowHR, Section 14, Reporting.

See Also


Printable Performance Appraisal/Development Plan

Late Documents Report

Performance Summary

Detailed Staff Report

Staff Summary - Series

Staff Summary - Location

Retirement Eligibility

Executive Summary