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SPPS Web Procedure Manual
SPPS Web is used to process and request manual payments and adjustments. Written inquiries are requested, recorded, updated, and completed via the Remedy Requester Console. The console allows Agencies to electronically submit manual payments and adjustments to NFC for processing.
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SPPS Web - Adjustments
Agencies are occasionally faced with the need to override automated payroll processes. The National Finance Center (NFC) processes certain Agency requests for manual payments and adjustments in Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS) Web.
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SPPS Web Course
This course will introduce you to SPPS Web and include an overview of special manual payments for employees that cannot be processed in the automated Payroll/Personnel System.
Canceled Payments
Canceled Payments are a type of miscellaneous payment issued from SPPS Web that allows Agencies to reissue payments to employees as needed.