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webTA 5.0 Employee

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Validating Your Timesheet

Timesheets should be validated and transmitted to NFC by close of business on Tuesday following the end of the pay period.

To Validate Your Timesheet:

  1. Select the Timesheet link from the Time section on the Employee Main Menu page. The Timesheet page is displayed.

    Timesheet Page - Validating

  2. Verify that all sections are complete.
  3. Select the Validate button. If there are no errors, the message Timesheet validated successfully is displayed and the timesheet status is changed to Validated.

    Note: If there are any errors on your timesheet, they will be displayed. You must resolve all errors before a timesheet may be validated.

    Note: If there are any warnings on your timesheet, they will be displayed. You should resolve warnings; however, a timesheet may still be validated with warnings.

    Timesheet Page - Validated

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Select the Save button

    Saves any changes you have made

    Select the Delete Timesheet button

    Deletes the timesheet after you accept a confirmation message

    Select the Remove All Entries button

    Removes all entries after you accept a confirmation message

    Select the Cancel button

    Returns you to the previous page

    Select the Employee tab

    Returns you to the Employee Main Menu page

    Select Log Out

    Logs you out of webTA

See Also

Timesheet Data

Entering Work Time and Accounting on Your Timesheet

Entering Dollar Transactions and Accounting on Your Timesheet