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webTA 5.0 Employee

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The Reports page allows employees to run Leave Audit reports. The Leave Audit report displays leave balances and adjustments for a specific type of leave within a designated range of pay periods.

To Run a Leave Audit Report:

  1. Select Reports on the Employee Main Menu. The Reports page is displayed.

    Reports Page

  2. Select the Leave Audit link. The Leave Audit Report Parameters page is displayed.

    Leave Audit Report Parameters Page

  3. Complete the following fields:

    Report Header

    From PP

    To PP

    Leave Type

  4. Select the Run Report button to run the report. The Leave Audit report is displayed.

    Leave Audit Report

  5. Select the PDF link to save/view the report as portable document format (PDF).


    Select the Excel link to save/view the report as an Excel spreadsheet.


    Select the HTML link to save the report in hypertext markup language (HTML).


    Select the CSV link to save/view the report in a comma-separated values (CSV) format.

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Select the Cancel button

    Returns you to the Reports page

    Select the Employee tab

    Returns you to the Employee Main Menu page

    Select Log Out

    Logs you out of webTA