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webTA 4.2 HR Administrator

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Managing Delegates

HR Administrators may manage Timekeeper and Supervisor delegates.

To Delegate a Timekeeper or Supervisor:

  1. Select the Manage Timekeeper Delegates link from the Delegates/Reassignment section on the HR Administrator main menu page. The Select User - Choose a Timekeeper page is displayed.

    Note: Optionally, select the Manage Supervisor Delegates link.

    Select User - Choose a Timekeeper Page

  2. Select the Select button on the row that identifies the timekeeper or supervisor for whom you want to delegate a backup. The Delegate Roles page is displayed. A table displays users who have already been delegated as a backup for the timekeeper or supervisor.

    Delegate Roles Timekeeper Page

  3. Select the Add Delegate button. The Add Delegate page is displayed listing users who are qualified to be selected as delegates.

    Add Delegate - Timekeeper Page

  4. Select the box next to user(s) you want to select as delegates.
  5. Select the Select Checked Users button. The Delegate Role - Timekeeper page is displayed listing the newly assigned delegate and a message confirming that the delegation was successful.

    Delegate Roles Timekeeper Page - Delegate Added

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Select the Add Delegate button

    Allows you to add additional delegates.

    Select the Undelegate All button

    Allows you to undelegate all delegates.

    Select the Cancel button

    Returns you to the previous page.

    Select the HR Admin tab

    Returns you to the HR Administrator Main Menu page.

    Select Log Out

    Logs you out of webTA.