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webTA 3.8 - HR Administrator

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Adding or Editing Accounting Code Descriptions

The Manage Accounts function allows HR Administrators to add or edit accounting code descriptions. Employees and timekeepers can change account descriptions for their own personal use, provided the HR Administrator has added a description to the accounting code. However, the changes they make will only display on their individual account tables.

To Add or Edit an Accounting Code Description:

  1. Select the Account button on the HR Administrator Main Menu page. The Account Management page is displayed.

    Account Management Page

  2. Select the Edit button. The Search for Account page is displayed.

    Note: The contents of this page may differ depending on Agency requirements.

    Search for Account Page

    Complete the fields as follows:



    Fiscal Year

    Enter the fiscal year.

    Program Code

    Enter the program code.


    Enter the function code.


    Enter the description of the accounting code.

    Note: Entering a partial accounting code or description will return any accounts whose account numbers or descriptions contain the information entered. Boxes or fields left empty will return a list of all the accounts available to you.

  3. Select the Find Account button. The Browse for Account page is displayed with accounts matching the search criteria listed.

    Browse for Account Page

  4. Enter an accounting code description in the applicable text box.
  5. Select the Update button. The Browse for Account page is updated with the descriptions added.

    Browse for Account Page - Description Edited

  6. Select the Return button to return to the previous page.

See Also

Account Management

Adding New Accounting Codes

Inactivating Accounting Codes