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Security Entry and Tracking System (SETS)

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Reports is option 4 on the SETS Menu. This option is used to request reports pertaining to accession, change, and separation actions processed in a given pay period.

To Access the Reports Option:

  1. Type 4 at the cursor.


    Position the cursor at Reports option.

  2. Select the Enter key. The Report screen is displayed.

    SETS Main Menu Option 4 Reports

  3. Complete the fields as follows:




    Routing Information

    Printer Destination

    Number Of Copies

    View Before Printing (Y/N)

    Pay Period Number


    Report Number

  4. Select the Enter key. If all edits are satisfied, a message will display indicating that the report was successfully submitted.

    At this point, the following options are available:

    • Select the F1 key to return to the summary screen to view another history record.
    • Select the F5 key to display the Help screen and to obtain assistance in completing any field.
    • Select the F12 key and repeat the above process or refresh the screen to query another individual’s record.
    • Select the applicable function key to perform another function or to exit.