Making a Leave Donation
allows users to make a new donation to a VLTP recipient or the VLBP and view existing donation records. Users are also allowed to review historic donation details or take action on pending donation refunds. Pending donation refunds are donations which were returned to the donor by the VLTP Administrator.
To View Current or Historic Leave Donations:
- Select
- To view historic requests, complete the fields as follows:
Pay Year
Select the year of the donated leave requests to review from the drop-down list.
Select the status of the donated leave requests to review from the drop-down list. Valid values are
, , , and . - The historic requests are displayed. If no requests are found, the message,
To Make a VLTP Donation:
- Select
- Click
- Click
- Complete the fields as follows:
Leave Type
Select the leave type to donate from the drop-down list. Valid values are
and .Hours Donating
Enter the number of hours to donate.
Select the accounting code from the drop-down list.
- Click
To Make a VLBP Donation:
- Select
- Click
- Click
- Complete the fields as follows:
Leave Type
Select the leave type to donate from the drop-down list. Valid values are
and .Hours Donating
Enter the number of hours to donate.
Select the accounting code from the drop-down list.
- Click
To Take Action on a Pending Refund:
- Select
- Click
- The following fields are displayed:
Previous Recipient Name
Displays the recipient's name.
Displays the reason for the medical emergency.
Active Dates
Displays the active dates of the emergency.
Total Donated Hours
Displays the total number of hours donated to the recipient.
Refund Amount
Displays the amount of the refund.
- Complete the remaining field as follows:
Refund Selection
Select the option to apply the refunded leave. Valid values are
, N , and . - Click
- Click
- Click
- Click
See Also |