USDA OCFO Biennial Review of Charges for Things of Value
All USDA Agencies are expected to perform biennial reviews of fees and other charges in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-25 and USDA Departmental Regulation (DR) 2100-3, OCFO Biennial Review of Charges for Things of Value.
OMB Circular No. A-25 establishes Federal policy regarding fees assessed for Government services and for sale or use of Government goods or resources. The objectives of OMB Circular No. A-25 are to:
Ensure that each service, sale, or use of Government goods or resources by an Agency to specific recipients be self-sustaining.
Promote efficient allocation of the Nation's resources by establishing charges for special benefits provided to the recipient that are at least as great as the costs to the Government of providing the special benefits.
Allow the private sector to compete with the Government without disadvantage in supplying comparable services, resources, or goods.
A review of fees and other charges will be conducted on a biennial basis to determine if the objectives of OMB Circular No. A-25 are being met. The review should include:
Assurances that existing charges are adjusted to reflect unanticipated changes in costs or market values.
An analysis of all other Agency programs to determine whether fees should be assessed for Government services and for sale or use of Government goods or resources.
Due to restrictions in the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA), Public Law No. 101-508, fees relating to programs affected by the FCRA will be reviewed annually using the format as described:
The reviews need to be performed annually per OMB Circular No. A-129, Policies for Federal Credit Programs and Non-Tax Receivables.
The credit program fee reviews can be based on standard budgetary documents.
The fee reviews are based on direct costs instead of full costs.
These reviews should be submitted to OCFO in hard copy by April 1st of each year. For questions relating to fees affected by credit programs and how they should be reviewed, contact OCFO, Fiscal Policy Division at 202-720-1558.