The Available Reports are reports generated by the Agency to track transactions.
Available Reports listed:
Reciprocal Account Summary - Allows the user to view a summary of the applicable Agency Reciprocal Account.
Reciprocal Account Detail Report - Allows the user to view a detail of the applicable Agency Reciprocal Account.
Reciprocal Account Detail Report Exceeding a Specific Dollar Amount - Allows the user to view an exceeding a specific amount of the applicable Agency Reciprocal Account.
GTAS File (Current Period) - All Agencies - Allows the user to generate a report of all Agencies for the current period.
GTAS File (Current Period) SGL Standard General Ledger 2400 Only - Allows the user to generate a report of all Agencies for the current period's SGL Standard General Ledger 2400.
Adjustment Worksheet - Allows the user to make adjustments to the Agency's transactions.