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EmpowHR: Section 9 - MSS AWE

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Approving/Denying Requests

Once a request is initiated, it must go through the approval workflow. The approval workflow is determined by the Agency, and each workflow can be any number of steps. The initiator is not considered a part of the workflow; therefore, the workflow begins with the first approver in the chain.

Each approver in the workflow will receive an email notification regarding a pending PAR. The approver can access the request by clicking the link provided in the email or through the Review Transactions component.

To Approve/Deny Transactions:

  1. Select the Manager Self Service menu group.
  2. Select the Review Transactions component. The Review Transactions page is displayed with the approver's transactions that are pending the manager's review.

    Review Transactions Page

  3. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the applicable transaction. The View Approval Status Detail page is displayed for the selected transaction.

    View Approval Status Detail Page

  4. Complete the Comments field as follows:




    Enter any applicable comments that pertain to the action being taken on the transaction.

    Note: Each approver in the workflow is required to enter comments before the transaction can move forward through the approval process.

After entering comments, the following options are available:



Click Approve

Approves the transaction and forwards it to the next step in the approval workflow.

Click Deny

Cancels the transaction and all remaining approval workflow steps.

Click Pushback

"Pushes" a transaction back to the previous approver for further review and approval.

Note: The first approver in the workflow chain will not have the option to push back a transaction since the first approver is the initial step in the workflow and there is no person to "push" the transaction back to.

See Also

Review Transactions

Reviewing Transactions