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Adding Inquiry Information for a Recertification Record

To successfully add a recertified payment, options 1 through 5 of the DOTSE Main Menu Screen must be completed in their entirety. To add a recertification record, complete the fields below. Unnumbered fields do not apply to a recertified payment. The Inquiry Information screen is displayed.

Inquiry Information Screen

Note: Ensure that no payment has been returned or disbursed by researching DOTSE before beginning the recertification process. If a payment has been recertified, or an Standard Form (SF) 1098 (Schedule of Cancelled or Undelivered Checks) or RO145 (Scheduled of Cancelled EFT Items) was issued, do not enter the data; contact NFC Consolidated Help Desk at 1-855-NFC-4GOV (1-855-632-4468).



Identification Number

Type the Social Security number (SSN) after PAYE and press Enter. An extension to the SSN can be entered if a record exists. Press PF11 to confirm that another record does not exist.

Caution: This record cannot be deleted once added. Please verify that the correct SSN is entered. A new inquiry record must be added if an erroneous SSN was entered.

If a recertification record exists, the established record is displayed with the message Found in the upper right corner. To add another record when a record exists, type any character (e.g., a, b, c, etc.) after the SSN and press PF2 to refresh the screen.

If a recertification record does not exist, the message Not Found is displayed in the upper right corner. Press PF2. The message changes to Add. Complete the applicable fields. The data for the system-generated fields is obtained from DOTSE entries or the database.


Payee Name

Type the payee's name.


Type the amount of the payment in dollars and cents (e.g., $1000 is entered as 1000; $500.50. is entered as 500.50).

Method Inquiry Received

System-generated method of transmission of inquiry (6).This code can be changed to 3 (priority/e.g., congressional, special handling, etc.) if applicable.

Date Due

System-generated date an inquiry is scheduled to be completed. Written inquiries are completed within 7 workdays; priority inquiries are completed within 2 workdays.

Type Inquiry

Type the code that identifies the type of inquiry. Valid values are:

001 Non Receipt (Paper Check)
002 Non Receipt (DD/EFT)

Date Rcvd

System-generated date that the recertification record is entered.

Time Rcvd

System-generated time the recertification record is entered.


Type the name of the user entering the recertification record.

Positions 1-10. Type the first name. Tab to the next field:
Positions 11-32. Type the last name. Tab to the next field.

Phone No

Type the telephone number starting with the area code.


Type the telephone extension or Tab to the next field.

Payee (1) Agcy (2) Other (3)

System-generated code indicates who is entering the data.


System-generated Department code.


System-generated Agency code.

Submitting Personnel Office

System-generated POI for the Agency submitting the request.

Correspondence Date

NFC only
Date the recertification record was entered in DOTSE.

Assigned Date

System-generated date the inquiry was assigned.

Inquiry By

System-generated Agency (199) indicates that the inquiry is entered by an Agency.

Assigned To

System-generated ID of the employee assigned the research.

Assigned By

System-generated ID of the supervisor assigning the inquiry.

Reply Method

Type the code and description that identifies how the reply was made. Type 2 (wire/electronic).

Reply Date

NFC only
Date the inquiry was completed.

Reply Time

NFC only
Time that the inquiry was completed.

Reply Code

Type the code and description which identifies the method the original payment was made. Type 55 (recertified payment-SF 1184 /To Be Generated) for a paper check. Type 64 (recertified check-DD/EFT) for direct deposit/electronic funds transfer.

Note:If the incorrect reply code was entered and the payment has not been disbursed, the reply code can be changed.

Press Enter. The system edits the data. If no errors are found, the record is added. The message changes to Found to confirm that the record was updated. If errors exist, the message Please Correct Field(s) in Error is displayed at the bottom of the screen and the fields with errors are highlighted. Correct the field(s) in error and press Enter to add the record. After the record is added, the Information on First Check screen is displayed for a paper check or DD/EFT.

To perform other processing tasks, press the applicable PF key. To exit, press Clear.

See Also

Recertification Process

Types of Recertified Payments

Replacement Instructions

Updating an Inquiry for a Recertification Record

Viewing an Inquiry for a Recertification Record