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Central Accounting Database Inquiry (CADI)

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Employee Accounting Information

Employee Accounting Information is Option 2 on the Salaries and Benefits Document Menu screen. This option is used to change or add employee’s accounting to reflect unpaid pay periods in the Projections Report.

Note: After initial entry, the accounting is stored for future years.

Note: The accounting established in this module will not affect the Payroll/Personnel System but will impact the unpaid pay periods in the Projections Report.

To Select This Option:

  1. Type 2 or EAI at the Enter Document Code prompt on the Salaries and Benefits Document Menu screen.
  2. Press Enter. The Enter Organization and Enter Last Name prompts are displayed.

    Salaries and Benefits Document Menu EAI

  3. To establish accounting for new employees who do not have accounting established in Projections and Salaries and Benefits, complete the fields as follows:



    Enter Organization

    Type 9s in all positions of your Agency organization. All Agency employees who are not assigned Agency accounting will be displayed.

    Enter Last Name

    Type the complete or any part of the last name. If a part of the name is entered, a selection screen with a list of employees is displayed (e.g., if W is entered, then names beginning with W, X, Y, and are displayed). Press Enter. Place an X next to the name for which the accounting is being established. Press Enter. The Employee accounting information screen is displayed. It will reflect the employee’s name, SSN, and accounting information populated with all 9s. Type X next to the accounting classification line. Type the accounting to be stored. Press PF6.

    Employee Screen (list of employees)

  4. Press F2 to return to the Salaries and Benefits Document Menu screen.
  5. Repeat the above process until all employees have accounting stored.

Note: If the message states that there are no records found on the database, this indicates that all employees have accounting stored in the Salaries and Benefits module.

The following options are available:



Change the accounting

Type the organization and last name.

If the complete name is entered, the Employee Accounting Information screen is displayed.

If part of a name is entered, the selection screen is displayed. Select a name by placing an X next to the name and press Enter. Type X and the new accounting data; press PF6.

Review a list of employees by organization

Type the Organization code and A in the Last Name field. Press Enter.

A list of employees who have accounting stored with the specified organization is displayed. The Projections Report will also reflect these employees.

Note: The accounting entered on this screen for unpaid pay periods will not impact the accounting for actuals (transmitted Time and Attendance (T&A) Report).

See Also

Salaries and Benefits
