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webTA 4.2 HR Administrator

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POI/Agency Assignment

HR Administrators may assign and/or remove POIs and Agencies to users in the following roles:

To Assign a POI to an HR Administrator:

  1. Select the Assign POIs and Agencies link from the Agency/POI Assignment menu on the HR Administrator Main Menu page. The Assign POIs and Agencies page is displayed.

    Assign POIs and Agencies Page

  2. Select the Search for Employee button. The Select User page is displayed.

    Select User Page

  3. Select the applicable HR Administrator to assign a POI. The Assign POIs and Agencies page is displayed with the selection displayed.

    Assigning New POI Page

  4. Select the Add POIs button. The Select POIs page is displayed.

    Select POIs Page

  5. Select the checkbox of the POI(s) to assign to the HR Administrator.

    Note: Selecting the checkbox adjacent to POI selects all POIs listed.

    Select POIs Page - POI Selected

  6. Select the Select button. The Assign POIs and Agencies page is displayed with new POI listed.

    Assign POIs and Agencies Page - POI Added

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Select the Delete button

    Deletes the POI.

    Select the Add POIs button

    Allows you to add additional POIs.

    Select the Cancel button

    Returns you to the HR Administrator Main Menu page.

    Select the HR Admin tab

    Returns you to the HR Administrator Main Menu page.

    Select Log Out

    Logs you out of webTA.