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webTA 4.2 ECM (Emergency Contact Management) Administrator

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Editing Employee Emergency Contacts

ECM Administrators are able to edit emergency contacts for employees.

To Edit Emergency Contacts:

  1. Select the Employee Contacts link from the Emergency Contacts menu on the ECM Administrator Main Menu page. The Emergency Contact page is displayed defaulting to the Essential Employee status of All.

    Emergency Contacts Page

  2. Select the applicable employee or complete the applicable search criteria. The Emergency Contacts for Employee page is displayed.

    Note: For more information on how to search, see Searching for Employee Emergency Contact Information.

    Employee Contacts for Employee Page

  3. Select the name link of the applicable contact to edit. The selected Emergency Contact Details page is displayed.

    Emergency Contact Details Page - Editing

  4. Make applicable edits.
  5. Select the Save button. The message, Contact saved, is displayed and the page is updated.

    Emergency Contact Details Page - Edited

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Select the Save button

    Saves any changes you may have made.

    Select the Cancel button

    Returns you to the Emergency Contacts for Employee page.

    Select the ECM Administrator tab

    Returns you to the ECM Administrator Main Menu page.