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Table 044, Non-Paid Codes and Descriptions

Non-Paid Codes and Descriptions is Table 044 on the Table Management System (TMGT) menu. This table contains the codes and descriptions of why employees were not paid in the Payroll/Personnel System.

Agencies can query Table 044 data, view documentation data, and generate reports; however, update authority is limited to authorized National Finance Center (NFC) personnel only.

Updating Table 044

The Table 044, Non-Paid Codes and Descriptions, update screen shown below allows authorized NFC personnel to add, modify, delete, or reactivate a record.


Table 044, Non-Paid Codes and Descriptions Update Screen


At the Table 044 update screen, complete the fields as follows:






Requesting a Report for Table 044

The Table 044, Non-Paid Codes and Descriptions, reports screen shown below allows users to generate ad hoc reports.

Table 044, Non-Paid Codes and Descriptions Reports Screen


At the Table 044 reports screen, complete the From/To fields as follows:


Select Type of Report

View Report Before Printing?

Routing Information: Name

Remote ID