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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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System Interface

SPPS interfaces with other systems as follows:

Document Tracking System (DOTSE).

DOTSE records and tracks manual payments for Quick Service Requests (QSR) and the compensation to the beneficiary or beneficiaries of a deceased employee. DOTSE is used to (1) enter written inquiries, particularly those prepared on Form AD-354, Request for Information, (2) view the status of all inquiries (e.g., telephone and written) received at NFC, (3) enter and process recertified payments, (4) enter Form AD-343, Payroll Action Request, and (5) view the status of all manual payments received at NFC.

Administrative Billings and Collections System (ABCO)

ABCO accepts accounts receivable and collection data for administrative billings which are monitored until collected through an automated system. Debts for a separated, indebted employee and a deceased employee recorded in ABCO are displayed in SPPS and are used to determine final payments. Debts for separated employees that are unable to be collected from the employee's final payment are sent to ABCO to generate a receivable.

Payroll Processing System (PAYE)

PAYE computes gross pay, makes applicable deductions, develops the net amount due, and prepares data for subsequent issuance of a salary payment by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury). PAYE also creates accounting records and feeds SPPS payroll information for deceased and separated employees. PAYE processes on the first Thursday and Friday of each pay period.

Payroll/Personnel Edit System (PINE)

PINE edits personnel actions and payroll documents entered through EmpowHR; the Entry Processing, Inquiry, and Correction System (EPIC Web); and the Front-End System Interface (FESI), before they are applied to the payroll/personnel database.

Statistical Tabulation Analysis Tables System (STAT)

STAT collects statistics of automatic data processing (ADP) online activity and replaces Cost and Productivity Analysis System (CPAS) statistics. Data for Agency billing is posted through STAT.

Miscellaneous Income System (MINC)

MINC records payments for vendors and contractors subject to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reporting. Payments to a deceased employee's heir(s) are processed through MINC.

Management Account Structure Codes System (MASC)

MASC provides direct access to tables which contain pertinent information for various application programs. MASC also builds and maintains an accounting class code master file and alpha description master file codes. Accounting data entered in SPPS is validated by MASC.

Central Accounting System (CAS)

CAS produces a complete range of financial management reports for Federal Agency use. CAS reports provide timely and comprehensive information that is used to control budget and operating plans, obligations, accrued expenditures, disbursements, and accomplishments. Suspense accounts established by the Payroll Accounting System (PACS) and SPPS are balanced through CAS.

Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI)

FMMI is a fully integrated financial package that is designed to meet stringent budget and funds control needs, as well as complex multi-fund accounting and reporting needs. FMMI integrates a wide range of accounting-related functions to support a comprehensive financial system. SPPS transactions are processed in FMMI via PACS.

Time and Attendance Validation System (TIME)

TIME reads, collects, edits, and validates Time and Attendance (T&A) data transmitted to the payroll office. TIME updates the payroll/personnel database establishing the hours and type of pay for which the employee is paid. TIME processes live and corrected T&A reports for deceased and indebted, separated employees.

Table Management System (TMGT)

TMGT contains valid values and descriptions for certain fields. These fields in SPPS are validated against TMGT. When edits occur, users can verify the data against the valid data stored in TMGT.

W-2 System

W-2 System takes information from payroll and performs edits to ensure that taxable wages and tax percentages are correct; prints W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, and related reports; and mails completed reports. SPPS creates data pertaining to Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) and Hospital Insurance Tax (HIT) that adjusts the deceased employee's wages for current tax year, and adjusts wages and taxes for indebted employees if the payment is not made in the year the employee separates.

See Also

System Overview

System Capabilities
