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Security Entry and Tracking System (SETS)

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Part III: Clearance Information

This option is used to correct the clearance level and dates regarding security clearance information (e.g., the level of security clearance and dates pertaining to security clearance).

Note: Although option 3 is listed separately on the Correct Menu, it is displayed on the same screen with option 4, as one screen.

To Access the Clearance Information Option:

  1. Type 3 at the cursor.


    Position the cursor next to the Clearance Information option.

  2. Select the Enter key. The Part III: Clearance Information screen is displayed.

    Correct Part III: Clearance Information Screen

To Correct Clearance Information:

  1. Complete the following fields as applicable:



  2. Select the Enter key. A system message SSNO Obtained is displayed.
  3. Correct the following fields as applicable:


    Clearance Level

    Date Clearance Requested

    Date Clearance Granted/ Canceled

    Date SF 312 Signed

  4. Select the Tab key to move to the next line.

    Refer to the instructions for Part IV, Part IV: Waivers, if you need to correct information in Part IV: Waivers.


    Select the Enter key if you do not need to correct information in Part IV. If the data passes system edits, the message Data Successfully Modified will be displayed.

    If the data does not pass system edits, an error message will be displayed.

    Note: All data must be corrected before the SETS database is updated.

At this point, the following options are available:

See Also


Part I: Personnel Information

Part II: Other Personnel Information

Part IV: Waivers

Part V: Security Forms

Part VI: Name and Fingerprint Checks

Part VII: Personnel Security - NAC/NACI Investigations

Part VIII: Personnel Security - Other Investigations

Part IX: Billing Information

Part X: Comments