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Evaluation of Potential Charges for Things of Value

The Agency CFO will review the things of value the Agency provided, free of charge, to determine whether a charge should be imposed. The things of value to be evaluated are those where a special benefit is received allowing the beneficiary to obtain a more immediate substantial gain or value than those that accrue to the general public, where services are performed at the request of the recipient for convenience or where the services provided are beyond those regularly received by members of the same industry or group or by the general public. The results of the evaluation are documented on the USDA OCFO Biennial Review of Charges for Things of Value Web site. The evaluation should:

Note: Legislative proposals should be prepared in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-19, Legislative Coordination and Clearance, and OMB Circular No. A-25.

See Also

Agency CFO Responsibilities

Analysis of Current Charges for Things of Value

Schedule of Review for All Things of Value