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Management Account Structure Codes System (MASC)

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Table 103, DOTS Recertification Table

DOTS Recertification Table is Table 103 on the MASC Tables-Update menu. This option is used to add, replace, or delete Agency accounting codes and descriptions related to the Administrative Billings and Collections System (ABCO) recertifications.

Table 103 Update Screen

To add data to Table 103 Update Screen, complete the fields as follows:




Required, alpha, 1 position

Type applicable action code. Valid entries are:

  • A - add
  • R - replace
  • D - delete

Table Number

System generated

Populated with the table number selected on the MASC Update Menu screen.


Required, alphanumeric, 2 positions

Type the NFC-assigned Agency code. See Table 004, Agency Codes and Descriptions (Inquiry), for a list of NFC-assigned Agency codes.

Feeder Sys Code

Optional, alphanumeric, 2 positions

Type the feeder system code.

Org - Lev 2

Optional, numeric, 2 positions

Type the org - Lev 2 code.

Last Updt

System generated

Populated with the date the table was last updated.

Acct 1

Required, alphanumeric, 27 positions maximum

Type the accounting code.

Acct 2

Required, alphanumeric, 7 positions

Type the accounting code.

Note: This field is only used for Agencies 11 and 37.


Optional, alphanumeric, 2 positions

Type the region code.


Optional, alphanumeric, 2 positions

Type the unit code.

Contact Name

Required, alpha, 35 positions, maximum

Type the contact's name.

Contact Phone

Required, alphanumeric, 12 positions

Type the contact's telephone number.

To navigate in the system, press the applicable PF key displayed at the bottom of the screen.

See Also

Field Instructions For MASC Tables 103-306

Table 110, HHS CAN (Common Accounting Number) Codes

Table 192, DFIS Treasury Symbol Account Conversion

Table 193, DFIS NFC To USDA General Ledger Account Rollup

Table 194, DFIS USDA General Ledger Account Description

Table 195, DFIS Treasury Symbol Description

Table 196, DFIS Treasury Symbol Consolidation

Table 302, Forest Service Contra Fund Codes

Table 305, Treasury Symbol/Description (Inquiry Only)

Table 306, Appropriation Codes/Descriptions (Inquiry Only)