Using the Edit Panel Action Bar
Options on the Edit Panel Action Bar are found at the top of the Edit Entry panel and are the same as on the View Edit Panel Action Bar. The and options were previously discussed in the View option. Following is a description of the remaining options.
- LMF. Used to edit-lock the member if in a controlled library that is part of a concatenation sequence, but only if the member does not exist in your private library. Specify one of the following values for LMF:
- Lock-Never. Tells ISPF not to edit-lock the member and to retain this value for the future Edit sessions.
- Lock-No. Tells ISPF not to edit-lock the member, but to change this value to Yes for the next Edit session.
- Lock-Yes. Tells ISPF to edit-lock the member. The member is locked under your user ID.
Edit-locking is important for two reasons:
- Keeping other users from accessing that member while you are editing it.
- Promoting the member back to the controlled library when you have finished editing it. If you do not edit-lock the member, you cannot promote it.
If you save any changes you made while editing the member, it remains locked in your private library. The version of the member stored in the controlled library remains unchanged until you promote the one in your private library. If you leave Edit without saving the changes, they are lost.
- Workstation. This option is discussed in the section entitled Using the Edit Entry Panel.
See Also |