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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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Generating Documents as Human Resources Administrator

HR administrators schedule a background process and select one or more employee groups for which to generate documents. The HR Administrator role accesses this menu.

To Create a Document (as an HR Administrator):

  1. Select the Workforce Development menu.
  2. Select the Performance Management menu group.
  3. Select the Performance Documents menu item.
  4. Select the Create Documents component. The Create Documents page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Create Documents Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  5. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the existing run control ID.

    Case Sensitive

    Check this box if the search criteria is case sensitive.

  6. Click Search. The Create Documents tab is displayed.


    Click Clear and search for another value.


  7. Select the Add a New Value tab. The Create Documents page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    Create Documents Page - Add a New Value Tab

  8. Complete the field as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter a new run control ID.

  9. Click Add. The Create Documents tab is displayed.

    Create Documents Tab

  10. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Populated based upon the search criteria entered.

    Run Request Parameters


    Period Begin Date

    Enter the beginning date of the period of time that the document covers or select a date from the calendar icon.

    Period End Date

    Enter the ending data of the period of time that the document covers or select a date from the calendar icon.

    Document Type

    Select the applicable document type from the drop-down list.

    Template ID

    Select the template ID to generate the documents. This field is only available if the template source on the Document Types page is User Defined for this document type.

    Manager Selection Method

    Specify a method for select manager IDs. When the mass document creation process is launched, EmpowHR determines the manager of each employee it processes using data defined in HR. EmpowHR needs this information to route email messages to managers informing them that review forms are available, and to associate a manager ID with each document, so that the manager can act as the author of the manager document and the owner of the evaluation process. Select data from the drop-down list. Valid values are:

    By Department Manager - Retrieves a manager based on the Department of the employee, using the Manager ID field on the Department Profile page.

    By Group ID - Retrieves the manager from the Manager ID field on the Group Profile page.

    By Reports To Position - Retrieves the manager of the employee’s position that is specified in the Position Data component.

    By Supervisor ID - Retrieves the manager based on the Supervisor ID field on the Job Data page - Job Information tab.

    By Part Posn Mgmt Dept Mgr ID - Searches for a Reports To relationship between managers and employees, and then uses the By Department Manager ID selection method if a Reports To ID is found.

    By Part Posn Mgmt Supervisor ID - Searches for a Reports To relationship between managers and employees, and then uses the By Supervisor ID selection method if a Reports To ID is found.

    Employee Groups to Process


    *Group ID

    Required field. Specify the employee groups for which documents should be generated. Select data by clicking the search icon.

    As Of Date

    Enter the date or select a date from the calendar icon. This date is to generate the group that is used in the document creation process. The current date is the default.

    Note: The mass creation process always regenerates the selected groups before it creates employee documents.


    Populated with the description of the Group ID selected.

    Language Code

    Select a language code to generate documents in a different language than the base language of the database. This field is available only when the Allow Review Language Override check box is selected on the ePerformance Installation table.

  11. Click Save. At this point, the following options are available:



    Click Notify

    Advances to the Send Notification page.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Create Documents page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the Create Documents page - Find an Existing Value tab

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the Create Documents page - Find an Existing Value tab

    Click Report Manager

    Formats a report. For more information refer to EmpowHR, Section 14, Reporting.

    Click Process Monitor

    Allows users to specify the location where a process or job will run and the format used for the output. For more information refer to EmpowHR, Section 14, Reporting.

    Click Run

    Allows users to specify the location where a process or job will run and the format used for the output. For more information refer to EmpowHR, Section 14, Reporting.

See Also

Generating Documents

Cloning Documents

Document Content

Initializing from Profiles

Viewing Document Creation Results as an HR Administrator