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Adding An SF� Record

To add an SF 1184 record, press PF2. The message changes to Add.

Complete the fields as described: The data for the system-generated fields is obtained from DOTSE entries or the database.



Identification Number

System-generated PAYE in the first four fields followed by the entered employee’s SSN.


System-generated payee’s name.


System-generated amount of the original check.

SF 1184 Schedule Number

System-generated schedule number of the original check.

Check Series

System-generated check number range for the check.

Date to Certification

NFC only
Date the unavailable check cancellation (SF 1184) was sent to NFC’s Certification Section.

Check Date

System-generated date of the original check.

Date to Treasury (1)

NFC only
Date NFC sent the unavailable check cancellation (SF 1184) to Treasury.

Check Amount

System-generated amount of the original check.

Date to Treasury (2)

NFC only
Date NFC sent the second unavailable check cancellation (SF 1184) to Treasury if the first was not received.

Check Number

System-generated check number of the original check.

Date from Treasury

NFC only
Date the SF 1184 was received at NFC from Treasury.


System-generated Agency Location Code 12400001.

Old Address

System-generated address of the original check.

New Address

Type the payee’s name and address.

Note: The payee’s name must be on the first line of the address.

Stop Reason Code

Type the code that identifies the reason for the stop payment. Type A, Recertified.

Treasury Response Option

NFC only
Code that indicates the action taken by Treasury.


NFC only
Description of the action taken by Treasury.

Date of Death

NFC only
Date the payee died if applicable.

Check Canceled Date

NFC only
Date the check was canceled.

Schedule Number

NFC only
Schedule number of the check.

Check Number (Correction)

NFC only
Corrected check number.

Date to Claims

NFC only
Date the check was sent to claims.

After typing in the data, press Enter. The system edits the data. If no errors are found, the information is added and the SF 1184 is marked for generation in the batch processing procedure. The function message changes to Found to confirm that the record was added. If errors are found, the message Please Correct Field(s) in Error is displayed at the bottom of the screen and the fields with errors are highlighted. Correct the field(s) in error and press Enter to add the record. After the record is added, the SF 1166 - Second Check screen is displayed for a paper check.

To perform further processing tasks, press the appropriate PF key. To exit, press Clear.

See Also

SF 1184 Unavailable Check Cancellation

Updating An SF� Record

Viewing an SF 1184 Record