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Updating An SF� Record

To update an SF 1184 record, type 4 at the DOTSE Main Menu screen. Press Enter to display the SF 1184 Unavailable Check Cancellation screen. Type the SSN at the Identification Number field on the SF 1184 Unavailable Check Cancellation screen. Press Enter. A completed SF 1184 - Unavailable Check Cancellation screen is displayed with the function message Found.

To update the information, press PF2. The function message changes to Update. Type the new data using the instructions under Adding An SF� Record.

After typing in the data, press Enter. If no errors are found, the record is updated and the message changes to Found to confirm that the record was updated.

To perform other processing tasks, press the appropriate PF key. To exit, press Clear.

See Also

SF 1184 Unavailable Check Cancellation

Adding An SF� Record

Viewing an SF 1184 Record