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Adding An SF- - Second Check Record

To add a second check record, press PF2. The function message changes to Add.

Note: Do not press PF2 if the function is already in the Add mode.

Complete the fields as described: The data for the system-generated fields is obtained from DOTSE entries or the database.



Identification Number

System-generated PAYE in the first four fields followed by the entered employee’s SSN.

Reply Code

System-generated action taken to process the payment.


System-generated name to be shown on the recertified payment.


System-generated amount of the recertified payment.

Date to Certification

NFC only
Date that the payment schedule was sent to NFC’s Certification and Disbursement Section for recertification.

Date to Treasury

NFC only
Date that the payment schedule was sent to Treasury for payment.

Consolidated Schedule Number

NFC only
Treasury schedule number of the second payment.

Feeder Schedule Number

NFC only
Feeder schedule number of the second payment.

Manual Schedule Number

NFC only
Schedule number of the second payment.


System-generated Agency Location Code 12400001.

Date 2nd Payment Processed

System-generated date that the second payment was processed by NFC.

Payment Status

System-generated N (waiting to be processed). On paper checks, the Agency must change N to P (process). On DD/EFT payments, N will automatically change to P when certification enters Y in the OK To Recertify field on the Claim of Non-Receipt DD/EFT screen. After the payment is disbursed, the system changes the P to D (disbursed). After the payment is disbursed, the record cannot be updated.

Check Type

Type 0 for a paper check, 9 for a DD/EFT address on the database, or 2 for DD/EFT address other than the database for payment being recertified.

Note: If 0 or 2 is entered in this field, fields 15 and 16 must contain specific instructions about the payment. See Information on First Check, fields 8 and 9.

Check Amount

System-generated amount of the replacement payment.


Type the payee’s name. This field is required for all recertified payments.

Address (1)

Type the first line of the payee’s address plus enter RE (recert) and the pay period for a DD/EFT payment (i.e., P.O.Box 503 RE01). For DAs enter D/A, press Space, and the DA code (i.e., D/A 1234). For EFT payments, type RT#, press space, and type the routing number (i.e., RT# 251076).

Address (2)

Type the second line of the payee’s address if applicable for a paper check. Do not use for DA. For DD/EFT, Check-Type 2 payments, type Acct#, press Space, and type the account number (i.e., Acct# 3456).


Type the city name. This field is required for paper checks.


Type the abbreviated State code. Type FF for a foreign address. This field is required for paper checks.

Zip Code

Type the ZIP Code. Leave two spaces then key in the ZIP+4 Code (optional). If the ZIP+4 is not available, leave blank or fill with zeros. Leave blank for a foreign address. This field is required for paper checks.

Press Enter. The system edits the data. If no errors are found, the record is added and the message changes to Found to confirm that the record was added. If errors are found, a message Please Correct Field(s) in Error is displayed at the bottom of the screen and the fields with errors are highlighted. Correct the field(s) in error and press Enter to add the record. After the record is added, the Claim of Non-Receipt (DD/EFT) screen is displayed for an electronic funds transfer.

To perform other processing tasks, press the appropriate PF key. To exit, press Clear.

See Also

SF- - Second Check

Updating An SF- Second Check Record

Viewing An SF- Second Check Record