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Centralized Enrollment Clearinghouse System (CLER) for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

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System Access

At the request of OPM or OPM’s delegated authority, NFC grants users the authority to access CLER. Users request access through their security officer. Each user (Agencies and carriers) is required to establish a primary and an alternate security officer, who coordinate all requests with NFC for CLER access authorization. Users, with approval from their organizations, are allowed to have access to appropriate resources, and OPM may grant access permission to other users or groups of users. Resource access permission is limited to the extent determined by OPM, NFC, and the approved user organizations (e.g., participating Agencies, carriers, or auditors).

In This Section

Requesting Access to CLER

Viewing the Online Application

Browser Information

Security Officer Responsibilities

Changing Your Password

Logging On to CLER

Logging Off of CLER