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CLER Data Dictionary

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Warning Codes Table

A warning code indicates that there is a certain condition that was flagged by CLER during the reconciliation process that is not considered a discrepancy error. Agencies, at their discretion, may correct records flagged with these warnings, but the presence of warnings, by themselves, do not make a record unreconciled. The table below lists warning codes for CLER.





Enrollees Name Does Not Match

For those Agencies that have separate fields for the first, middle, and last name: the first and last name fields of the payroll office’s record will be matched to the carrier’s record, and, if they are different, there will be a warning.

For those Agencies that have one field for the first, middle, and last name: the last name and first name of the carrier record will be compared with the equal number of characters of the last name field of the payroll office record. If they do not match, then there will be a warning.


Withholdings/Contribution Amount Missing Or Incorrect

The amount of withholdings/contributions does not match the standard expected amount or is missing entirely. Some situations that may result in this warning include:

Enrollee transferred from one payroll office to another within a single pay period.

Enrollee did not contribute any money that particular pay period.

Enrollee record shows an adjustment of previously reported premium amounts.


Invalid Submitting Office Number

Submitting office number on payroll office enrollee does not match any payroll office personnel office identifier contact record.

See Also

CLER Reference Tables

Discrepancy Codes Table

Payroll Office System Codes Table

Carrier System Codes Table

Reconciliation Reason Codes Table

Reconciliation Action Codes Table

Carrier Corrective Action Response Codes Table

State, U.S. Territory, and Overseas Military Abbreviations Table

Country Codes Table