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CLER Data Dictionary

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Discrepancy Codes Table

A discrepancy code indicates an error occurred during the edit process. A record that has no discrepancies is considered reconciled. The table below lists discrepancy codes for CLER.





Invalid Payroll Office ID Number On Payroll Office Record

NFC will investigate these and determine which payroll office is responsible for the record.


Invalid Payroll Office ID Number On Carrier Record

NFC will investigate these and determine which payroll office is responsible for the record.


Invalid/Missing Enrollment Code On Payroll Office Record

The enrollment code is for an invalid plan or option or it is missing.


Invalid/Missing Enrollment Code On Carrier Record

The enrollment code is for an invalid plan or option or it is missing.


Missing Enrollee ID Number On Payroll Office Record

The payroll office record did not contain a value for Enrollee SSN, Alternate SSN, Pseudo SSN, or Other Payroll Office ID.


Missing Enrollee ID Number On Carrier Record

The carrier record did not contain a value for Enrollee SSN, Alternate SSN, Pseudo SSN, or Other Payroll Office ID.


Missing Last Name On Payroll Office Record

The payroll office record did not contain the last name of the enrollee.


Missing Last Name On Carrier Record

The carrier record did not contain the last name of the enrollee.


Enrollee On Carrier Record But No Payroll Office Record Found

The carrier reported this enrollee as being under your payroll office but your office reported no record for this enrollee.


Enrollee On Carrier Record But Reported Under Different Payroll Office

The enrollee is reported on your payroll office records and a matching carrier record was found for this enrollee, but the carrier record lists the enrollee under a different payroll office.


Enrollee Reported On Carrier Record Under Pay ID, But Found In Another Carr. ID

Enrollee is reported on a carrier record under the Carrier ID for the enrollment plan you submitted. However, enrollee record also found on a different Carrier ID.


Enrollee On Your Payroll Office Record, But No Carrier Record Found

The payroll office lists this enrollee as having coverage, but there is no corresponding carrier record.


Enrollee On Payroll Office And Carrier Records But Enrollment Codes Do Not Match

The enrollee is on a payroll office record and a matching carrier record was found. The enrollment codes of the two records, however, do not match.


Enrollee On Multiple Payroll Office Records - Reported To Each Payroll Office

This enrollee was included on more than one payroll office record. This situation usually happens when the enrollee is transferring jobs from one Agency to another. Payroll offices that report having this enrollee will receive this error message and should contact the other(s) to resolve this discrepancy. Also, payroll offices that service more than one Agency may have more than one record for an employee. These records will be reported to the servicing payroll office.


Enrollee On Multiple Carrier Records

This enrollee was included in the files of one or more carriers. Payroll offices specified in the carrier records will receive this error message and should contact each other to resolve this situation.


Enrollee ID On Payroll Office More Than Once

Same enrollee on the same payroll office record more than once.

See Also

CLER Reference Tables

Warning Codes Table

Payroll Office System Codes Table

Carrier System Codes Table

Reconciliation Reason Codes Table

Reconciliation Action Codes Table

Carrier Corrective Action Response Codes Table

State, U.S. Territory, and Overseas Military Abbreviations Table

Country Codes Table