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Security Entry and Tracking System (SETS)

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This option is used to display a summary of all the history records created for a particular SSNO as a result of a change to certain data elements.

To Access the Summary/Detail Option:

  1. Type 1 at the cursor.


    Position the cursor next to the Summary/Detail option.

  2. Select the Enter key. The Summary/Detail screen is displayed.

    Summary/Detail Screen

To View Personnel Information:

  1. Complete the fields as follows:



  2. Select the Enter key. A system message is displayed:
    • If no history record exists for the SSNO, the message SSNO Has No History Info, Re-Enter SSNO is displayed.
    • If a history record exists for the selected SSNO, a summary record is displayed with the record ID number (assigned by NFC for control purposes), the type of investigation, the date the record was updated, and the user-ID number.

      Note: The current record appears at the beginning of the list. When a change is made to a record, the change becomes the current record and displays at the beginning of the list.

  3. Select the Tab key to place the cursor in front of the Record ID you would like to view.

    Summary/Detail Screen

  4. Select the Enter key once the cursor is next to the time that you want to view. The Summary/Detail Part I: Personnel Information is displayed.

    Summary/Detail History Part I: Personnel Information Screen

    Note: If no field was updated on the screen, the system message No Updated Fields; View Next Part will be displayed. If information was updated, the system message Field Updated; View Next Record is displayed. An arrow is positioned at the field where the change occurred.

  5. Select the F11 key to scroll to the Summary/Detail Part II: Other Personnel Information.

    Summary/Detail History Part II: Other Personnel Information Screen

  6. Select the F11 key to scroll to the Summary/Detail Part III: Clearance Information, Part VII: Personnel Security - NAC/NACI, and VIII: Personnel Security - Other

    Summary/Detail History Parts III: Clearance Information, VII: Personnel Security NAC/NACI, and VIII: Personnel Security-Other Screen

  7. Select the F11 key to scroll to the Summary/Detail Part IX: Billing Information and Part X: Comments.

    Summary/Detail History Parts IX: Billing Information and Part X: Comments Screen

    At this point, the following options are available:

    • Select the F2 key to return to the summary screen to view another history record.
    • Select the F5 key to display the Help screen and to obtain assistance in completing any field.
    • Select the F12 key and repeat the above process or refresh the screen to query another individual’s record.
    • Select the applicable function key to perform another function or to exit.

See Also


Cumulative Updates

NAC/NACI Investigative History

Other Investigative History