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EPIC to IRIS Crosswalk

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Retirement/Termination (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Web-Based Entry, Processing, Inquiry, and Correction System (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Crosswalk




Agency Use

Retirement Dedctn Refund Rcvd

Military Retired Pay Recipient

Military Waiver Received

Life Insurance Reduction

Projected Sick Lve Usage Dt

FERS Disability/SSA Benefits

Part Time, After April 7, 1986

Post-56 Military Deposit

Survivor Election

Administrative Fees

12 Characters are required to process PAR but values are not stored in IRIS.

See Also


Key Data* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Remarks (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Personal Phone Numbers (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Award* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

PAR Tracking Data (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

PAR Justification (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Employee* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Additional Birth Information (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Address (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Employee* (EPIC Web) Veterans Information to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Marital Status (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Employee* (EPIC Web) Education to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Position* (EPIC Web) Job Data to EmpowHR Job Data and IRIS Crosswalk

Position* (EPIC Web) Data to EmpowHR Position Data and IRIS Crosswalk

Salary* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Compensation Data and IRIS Crosswalk

Salary* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Compensation Grade and Pay Retention and IRIS Crosswalk

Salary* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Compensation Quoted Pay and IRIS Crosswalk

Other Pay Information (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Expected Pay (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Accounting Info (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Key Data* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Employment Data 1 and IRIS Crosswalk

Service Computation Dates (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Employment Data 1 and IRIS Crosswalk

Misc* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Service Conversion Dates and IRIS Crosswalk

Salary* (EPIC Web) SCD/WGI to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Expiration Dates (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Salary* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR Appointment Limits and IRIS Crosswalk

Salary*, Benefits*, and Misc* (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Probation Dates (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Non Pay Data (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Security Info (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Benefits* (EPIC Web) FEHB, FEGLI, TSP to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Misc* (EPIC Web) Annual Leave to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Pay Allowances (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Retirement (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk

Annuity Commencement (EPIC Web) to EmpowHR and IRIS Crosswalk