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webTA 5.0 Employee

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Adding a Premium Pay Request

The Premium Pay Request page is used to add premium pay requests.

To Add a Premium Pay Request:

  1. Select the Premium Pay Requests link from the Time section on the Employee Main Menu page. The Premium Pay Request page is displayed defaulting to current and future pending requests.

    Note: Select the View Calendar button to view premium pay requests in a calendar format.

    Premium Pay Requests Page

  2. Select the Add Premium Pay Request button. The Premium Pay Request page is displayed.

    Premium Pay Request Page

  3. Complete the following fields:


    Start Date

    End Date

    Start Time

    Stop Time

    Meal Time

    Daily Hours

    Note: Select the Add New Row button to add additional premium pay request entries to this request.

    Submitter Remarks

    Note: Select the Add Intermediate Approver button to select an intermediate approver.

  4. Select the Submit button. The message Premium pay request successfully updated is displayed. The request is routed to the appropriate supervisor for approval and will populate to the timesheet when approved. The Activity Log is now displayed.

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Select the Cancel button

    Returns you to the previous page.

    Select the Employee tab

    Returns you to the Employee Main Menu page.

    Select Log Out

    Logs you out of webTA.

See Also

Premium Pay Requests

Editing a Premium Pay Request

Deleting a Premium Pay Request

Viewing Your Premium Pay Request History