Accessibility for Users of Assistive Technology with webTA 4.2
The National Finance Center (NFC) is committed to providing applications that may be used with assistive technology.
In order to meet this commitment, NFC will comply with the requirements of the United States Access Board.
NFC must ensure that users with disabilities be provided with access to have the same options within an application as those with no disability, unless an undue burden would be imposed upon NFC.
Help for Users of Assistive Technology
Online help utilizes HyperText Markup Language (HTML) frames which display help in a separate browser. Each Help page contains a Table of Contents with links and Help content. Some Help topics include one or more Related Topics.
To Navigate within Frames:
- Select . The browser opens. By default, the focus is in the content pane.
- Select the key to move the focus to the Related Topics (if any).
- Select the
Select the
key to move the focus to the Table of Contents. key to open a related topic link. - Select the key to open a different help topic link.
Navigation with Keyboard Shortcuts/Commands
- To move forward from link to link or to interactive elements, select the key.
- To move backward from link to link or to interactive elements, select the + keys.
- To select hyperlinks, select the key.
- To select buttons, select the key.
- To navigate and select radio buttons, select the Up and Down Arrow keys.
- To select and deselect check boxes, press the Spacebar.
- To navigate and select dates from the Calendar picker, use the following options:
- To move to the day to the left, select + Left Arrow.
- To move to the day to the right, select + Right Arrow.
- To move to the row above, select + Up Arrow.
- To move to the row below, select + Down Arrow.
- To change the month, select the Page Up or Page Down key.
- To navigate and select options from combination boxes, use the following options:
- To view all options, press the Spacebar.
- To move through options, select the Up and Down Arrow keys.
- To select an option, select the key.
- To navigate and select options from a selection box, select the Up and Down Arrow keys.
- To navigate and select options from the Role selection box, use the following options:
- To view all options, select the key.
- To move through the options, select the key.
- To select an option, select the key.
- To navigate and select options from the Transaction Code selection box on the Timesheet pages, use the following options:
- To move through the options, select the Up and Down Arrow keys.
- To select an option, select the key.
- To clear current options, select the key once, then type the search criteria.
- To insert a daily comment on a Timesheet page, select + .
- To display and place the focus on Skip Link, select + .
Contact Information for Users of Assistive Technology
If you experience an issue due to accessibility as defined by the United States Access Board, please contact your Agency Servicing Personnel Office for assistance. Authorized Agency Contacts (AACs) listed in Table Management System (TMGT) Table 063, Department/Agency/Bureau Contact, Contact Type 04, should call the NFC Contact Center at
( ). When contacting the applicable person, please include all information regarding the function that you are trying to use within the application.