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webTA 4.2 ECM (Emergency Contact Management) Administrator

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References to a button are indicated by Courier New font and in bold.

Select the Save button.

References to email addresses are indicated in italics.

For additional assistance, send email to

References to menu options are indicated in italics and in bold.

To print the Earnings and Leave (E&L) Statement, select File > Print.

References to system messages are indicated by Courier New font and are italicized.

The message Changes have been made. Save changes? is displayed.

References to valid values are indicated by Courier New font and are italicized.

Valid values are None, End, or Start.

References to actual data are indicated by Courier New font.

Enter 10 into the field.

References to telephone numbers are indicated in bold.

For assistance, call 1-800-555-1212.