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webTA 4.2 ECM (Emergency Contact Management) Administrator

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Organization Field Instruction


Displays the user's Organization.

Note: To change the Organization, select Clear, then select None Selected to display the Organization Management page to search for and select an Organization or Sub Organization for the report.

See Also

Field Descriptions and Instructions

Address 1 Field Instruction

Address 2 Field Instruction

City Field Instruction

Country Field Instruction

Email Address Field Instruction

End Date Field Description

Essential Employee Field Instruction - Search

First Name Field Instruction

First Name Field Instruction - Search

Include Sub Orgs Field Instruction

Last Name Field Instruction (Required)

Last Name Field Instruction - Search

Middle Name Field Instruction

Notes Field Instruction

Organization Field Instruction - Search

Password Field Instruction

Password Field Instruction - webTA

Phone 1 Field Instruction (Required)

Phone 2 Field Instruction

Phone 3 Field Instruction

Phone 4 Field Instruction

Phone Type Field Instruction

Phone Type Field Instruction (Required)

Relation Field Instruction

Report Header Field Instruction

Specify Other Relation Field Instruction

State Field Instruction

User ID Field Instruction

User ID Field Instruction - webTA

Users Field Instruction

Zip Code Field Instruction