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webTA 3.8 - Employee

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webTA is a Web-based Time and Attendance (T&A) report application specially designed to meet the T&A reporting requirements for Federal Departments or Agencies and their employees. The application can be securely accessed with an Internet browser, allowing users the flexibility to enter time from anywhere they have an Internet connection. Transaction Code (TC) and leave type tables are used to enter data in webTA. Once approved, the T&As are picked up on scheduled build files and transmitted to NFC for processing. Once received, these T&A files are edited using the Time and Attendance Validation System (TIME) job.

Employee profile information is brought into webTA via a Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) biweekly feed from NFC. This information is retrieved from PPS after the Personnel Input System's (PINE) and the Personnel Update System's (PEPL) run each evening. This daily file updates all accessions and separations. New employee records should be added via this PPS biweekly feed. Only in special circumstances should an employee be added directly into webTA. This eliminates errors and maintains consistency between webTA and PPS. At the end of the pay period, additional information is updated after the Bi-Weekly Examination Analysis and Reporting System's (BEAR) run is complete.

webTA allows for both the Timekeeper and/or the employee to enter and submit T&A data on a daily basis throughout the pay period.

webTA is used to:

T&As are processed through TIME, which reads, collects, edits, audits, and validates the data for payment. All errors encountered are reflected on an error list, and T&As in question are placed in an error suspense file. T&A errors are corrected by NFC and are again processed through TIME. After T&As pass all edits and are validated, the database is updated for subsequent payment processing.

Timely submission of T&As is necessary because of the impact on the employee’s pay. T&As should be completed on the last day of the pay period and processed as soon as possible. T&As should be transmitted to NFC no later than close of business the Tuesday following the last day of the pay period.

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