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Appendix C. Transaction Code Instructions

This topic has been updated to add additional information on recording dollar transactions

Modified to add instructions on the recording of PBL using TC 66, with TD 40.

TC 01, Regular Time

Transaction Code

TC 01, Regular Time

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

All employees


Basic hourly rate of pay

TC 01, Regular Time, Description

This TC is used to record the regularly scheduled tour-of-duty hours an employee worked during the basic workweek.

TC 01, Regular Time, Maximum Hours Per Pay Period

TC 01 hours reported for the pay period cannot exceed 80 hours.

TC 01, Regular Time, Fill-in Hours

A full-time or part-time employee who is on absence without pay (AWOP) must "fill in" the hours of nonpay status before any work performed outside scheduled basic work hours can be paid as overtime. Use TC 01 to record any fill-in hours of work that full-time or part-time employees perform outside the basic workweek. The fill-in hours reported using TC 01 should not exceed the number of hours reported against AWOP. See TC 19 for additional information about fill-in hours.

TC 01, Regular Time, Transaction Code Descriptors

One of the following codes may be entered in the TC Descriptor field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs:






Employee is temporarily assigned to work in another organization or office.


Light Duty (Injury)

Employee returns to work from OWCP injury, but is limited to light duty work.


Light Duty (Illness)

Employee returns to work from OWCP illness, but is limited to light duty work.



Employee is attending training on Government time in lieu of performing work.


Telecom (Adhoc-Alternate Work Site)

Form of telecommuting whereby an employee works at an alternate site (satellite office or telework center) but does not do so as part of a set schedule (e.g., work is episodic, adhoc, and/or situational).


Telecom (Less Than or Equal to 2 Days/Week/Alternate Work Site)

Form of telecommuting whereby an employee works at an alternate site (satellite office or telework center) but does so in accordance with a set schedule for less than or equal to 2 days a week as a part of an official telework agreement.


Telecom (Greater Than 2 Days/Week/Alternate Work Site)

Form of telecommuting whereby an employee works at an alternate site (satellite office or telework center) but does so in accordance with a set schedule for more than 2 days a week as a part of an official telework agreement.


Telecom (Adhoc/Work-at-Home)

Form of telecommuting whereby an employee works from home, but does not do so in accordance with a set schedule (e.g., work is episodic, adhoc, and/or situational).


Telecom (Less Than or Equal to 2 Days/Week/Work-at-Home)

Form of telecommuting whereby an employee works at home, but does so in accordance with a set schedule for less than or equal to 2 days a week as part of an official telework agreement.


Telecom (Greater than 2 Days/Week/Work-at-Home)

Form of telecommuting whereby an employee works from home, but does so in accordance with a set schedule for more than 2 days a week as a part of an official telework agreement.

TC 01, Regular Time, Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the TC field and the number of regular hours worked in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 01, Prefix 97, Regular Scuba Diving 175 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 01, Prefix 97, Regular Scuba Diving 175 percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

FWS employees


175 percent of environmental differential rate

TC 01, Prefix 97, Regular Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record the diving performed during regular duty hours for the time actually spent in the water while engaged in the diving operation.

TC 01, Prefix 97, Regular Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 97 in the Prefix field and 01 in the TC field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields for diving performed during regular duty hours.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 01, Suffix 5, Additional Compensation at Basic Rate

Transaction Code

TC 01, Suffix 5, Additional Compensation at Basic Rate

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Capitol Police

TC 01, Suffix 5, Additional Compensation at Basic Rate, Description

For sworn U.S. Capitol Police members, this TC is used to record the number of hours over 80 worked in a pay period to meet the 85-hour overtime threshold.

Time calculated in excess of 85 hours per pay period is paid at the overtime rate of time and one-half. This 85 hours includes 80 hours in a duty status and no more than 10 non-compensable 30-minute (5 total hours) meal periods, which is allowable only on days when duty is performed. Time in a paid leave status does not count toward meeting the 85-hour overtime threshold. For civilian members, the overtime threshold is 40 hours per week.

TC 01, Suffix 5, Additional Compensation at Basic Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the TC field and 5 in the Suffix field. Enter the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, enter the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 01, Suffix 9, Training

Transaction Code

TC 01, Suffix 9, Training

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Intermittent/Seasonal employees

TC 01, Suffix 9, Training, Description

This TC is used to record the training hours for intermittent/seasonal employees. These hours are excluded from the hourly appointment limitation.

OPM revised its regulations to set a uniform service limit for temporary appointments in both the competitive and excepted service at 1 year with no more than one 1-year extension (24 months total service). Exceptions to the 1-year general service limitation are listed in 5 CFR 316.401 (D) and 5 CFR 213.104 (b)(3). Among the exceptions are appointments/extensions to positions involving intermittent or seasonal work provided that (1) the appointments/extensions are made in increments of 1 year or less and (2) employment in the same or a successor position totals less than 6 months (1,040 hours), excluding overtime, in a service year. Individuals appointed to such intermittent or seasonal positions may be given training for up to 120 days following initial appointment and up to 2 weeks per year thereafter without regard to the service year limitation.

Overtime and compensatory time hours are excluded from all hourly appointment limitations in accordance with OPM regulations.

TC 01, Suffix 9, Training, Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the TC field and 9 in the Suffix field. Type the number of training hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 04, Sunday Differential

Transaction Code

TC 04, Sunday Differential

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time GS and FWS employees


Base pay plus 25 percent of base pay

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Description

This TC is used to record the non-overtime hours worked between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday. The differential is payable in addition to any night or shift differential entitlements. Employees who perform work during a regularly scheduled 8-hour period of duty which is not overtime, any part of which is performed on Sunday, are entitled to premium pay for Sunday work for the entire period of service.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Recording Hours Worked and Paid Absence

Sunday differential is compensable for eligible employees based on regular time worked as follows:

  • Full-time GS Employees - regular time worked on a tour which begins or ends between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday. See TC 05 for Sunday differential with night differential.
  • Full-time FWS Employees - regular time worked on a tour which begins or ends between the hours of midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Maximum Hours Per Day

Do not record more than 8 hours of any one regularly scheduled duty day. If the employee is working an approved AWS, enter 9 or 10 hours, as applicable.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Maximum Hours Per Week

Record a maximum of 16 hours within a single workweek and 32 hours within a pay period under TC 04 or 05.

Note: For AWS Codes 3 and 5, the maximum is 40 hours which can be recorded for TC 04 and TC 05 and for AWS Code 7, the maximum is 48 hours. This is recorded if the employee’s duty day begins on Saturday and ends on Sunday with another duty day beginning on Sunday and TC 04, Sunday Differential, ending on Monday.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Paid Absence

Do not use TC 04 to record hours of paid absences which occur within the employee’s scheduled tour of duty. Use the appropriate transaction code for the paid absence hours.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Combination of Paid Absence and Time Worked

The employee must perform work for some part of the scheduled duty day during the hours of the Sunday differential period before the Sunday differential may be applied.

Example: A FWS employee’s scheduled duty day is 11:00 p.m. Sunday through 7:30 a.m. Monday.

If the employee takes leave for the first 2 hours, Sunday differential will not be paid for the remaining 6 hours of the tour because work was not performed on Sunday.

If the employee takes leave for the last hour, Sunday differential will be paid for the hours worked.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Sunday Holiday

Record all hours worked on a Sunday holiday (or a Sunday in lieu of holiday) under TC 31, Holiday Worked. See TC 31 for detailed instructions. Entitlement to premium pay and differential depends upon whether or not the employee performed work on the holiday.

  • If the employee does not work on the Sunday holiday (or a Sunday in lieu of holiday), Sunday differential will not be paid. Use TC 66, Other Leave, to record the holiday hours based on the tour of duty. Enter the suffix 1, 2, 3, or 4 for FWS employees; do not enter a suffix for GS employees. If the FWS employee works on the Sunday holiday (or a Sunday in lieu of holiday), both the premium pay for a holiday worked and Sunday differential must be paid. Enter suffix 5, 6, or 7 as applicable.
  • If the employee works on the holiday, both the premium pay for a holiday worked and Sunday differential must be paid. Enter the suffix or night differential TC, as applicable. If the employee did not work a full duty day on the Sunday holiday, use separate line entries to differentiate between the hours for which Sunday differential is or is not applicable.

Record the hours for which work was performed on the holiday using TC 66, Other Leave. Enter 3 in the Suffix field for GS employees for hours worked only. If no work was performed, do not complete the Suffix field.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Overtime and LWOP

TC 04 may not be used to record hours of scheduled or unscheduled overtime worked. However, Sunday differential may be applied to hours of regularly scheduled overtime if those hours of overtime lose their identity as overtime hours because of LWOP.

Example: An employee works a scheduled 10-hour duty day (8 hours of regular scheduled duty and 2 hours of scheduled overtime) with the tour of duty beginning at 6 p.m. Sunday.

  • If the employee works the full 10 hours, he/she would be entitled to 8 hours of Sunday differential.
  • If the employee is on LWOP for the first 3 hours of the tour, he/she is entitled to 7 hours of Sunday differential because the last 2 hours of the tour lose the overtime status because of the LWOP.
  • If the employee is on LWOP for the first hour of the tour, he/she is entitled to only 8 hours of Sunday differential and 1 hour of overtime pay because 8 hours of a duty day is the maximum Sunday differential entitlement.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Entry Instructions

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Full-time GS Employees

Type/select 04 in the TC field and the number of hours of non-overtime work performed between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. If the employee’s scheduled tour of duty included the hours of midnight Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday and/or 6 p.m. to midnight Sunday, use TC 05, Sunday With Night Differential.

TC 04, Sunday Differential, Full-time FWS Employees

Type/select 04 in the TC field and the number of hours of non-overtime work on a tour which began or ended between midnight Saturday to midnight Sunday in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type the appropriate suffix in the Suffix field to record shift differential in addition to Sunday differential.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 04, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 04, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


Base pay plus 25 percent of base pay

TC 04, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record non-overtime hours for protective services duty the employee worked between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday. The differential is payable in addition to any night or shift differential entitlements. Employees who perform work during a regularly scheduled 8-hour period of duty which is not overtime, any part of which is performed on Sunday, are entitled to premium pay for Sunday work for the entire period of service.

TC 04, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 04 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate TC code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 04, Prefix 50, Sunday Differential at 50 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 04, Prefix 50, Sunday Differential at 50 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 04, Prefix 50, Sunday Differential at 50 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of regularly scheduled non-overtime work performed on Sunday that is not a holiday.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This premium pay applies to only those hours worked that are on Sunday. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 04, Prefix 50, Sunday Differential at 50 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 04 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 04 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field.

TC 04, Prefix 97, Sunday - Scuba Diving 175 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 04, Prefix 97, Sunday - Scuba Diving 175 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

FWS employees


175 percent of environmental differential rate plus 25 percent

TC 04, Prefix 97, Sunday - Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Description

Used to record the hours of diving performed on Sunday for time actually spent in the water while engaged in the diving operation.

TC 04, Prefix 97, Sunday - Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 97 in the Prefix field and 04 in the TC field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields for diving performed on Sunday.

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential

Transaction Code

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time GS employees (For FWS employees, see TC 04.)

Note: This TC does not apply to employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform.


Base pay plus 35 percent

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential, Description

This TC is used to record regular time worked on a tour which begins or ends between the hours of midnight Saturday through 6 a.m. Sunday and/or 6 p.m. through midnight Sunday.

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential, Maximum Hours Per Day

Do not record more than 8 hours for any one regularly scheduled basic workday for TC 05 or a combination of TC 04 and TC 05. If the employee is working an approved AWS, enter 9 or 10 hours, as applicable.

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential, Maximum Hours Per Week

Record a maximum of 16 hours within a single workweek and 32 hours within a pay period under TC 04 and TC 05. For AWS Codes 3 or 5, the maximum is 20 hours which can be recorded for TC 04 and TC 05. This may occur if the employee’s duty day begins on Saturday and ends on Sunday with another duty day beginning on Sunday and ending on Monday.

Note: A combination of TC 04 and TC 05 cannot exceed (1) 40 hours when the AWS code is 3 or 5; (2) 32 hours for Code 9 or blank.

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential, Paid Absence

Sunday differential is not applied when paid leave is taken during the pay period. Night differential is not applied when paid leave is 8 hours or more within a pay period.

Exception: Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. In such cases, record the hours of paid absence using the TC that describes the absence and suffix 2 to reflect the paid absence with night differential.

The employee must perform work for some part of the scheduled duty day within the Sunday differential period before Sunday with night differential may be applied.

Example: A GS employee’s scheduled duty day is 11:00 p.m. Sunday through 7:30 a.m. Monday.

  • If the employee takes leave for the first 2 hours (e.g., 11 p.m. - 1 a.m.), Sunday differential will not be paid for the remaining 6 hours of the tour because work was not performed on Sunday.
  • If the employee takes leave for the last 2 hours (e.g., 5:30 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.), Sunday differential will be paid for the remaining 6 hours of the tour because work was performed on Sunday. TC 04 would be used for FWS employees, and the shift entitlement would be reflected by the use of the appropriate suffix, either 1, 2, or 3.

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential, Sunday Holiday

Record all hours worked during the base hour period on a Sunday holiday under TC 31, Holiday Worked. See TC 31 for detailed instructions. Entitlement to premium pay and differential depends upon whether or not the employee performed work on the holiday. If entitled, use TC 66 and the applicable suffix for differential payment.

Note: Sunday with night differential is applied only to hours worked within the night differential period for military leave, OWCP Injury Leave, and Union Representation.

TC 05, Sunday Differential With Night Differential, Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the TC field and the number of non-overtime hours worked on a tour which begins or ends between midnight Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday and/or 6 p.m. to midnight Sunday in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. For FWS employees, use the appropriate suffix with TC 04 rather than TC 05.

If the employee does not work on the holiday, Sunday differential will not be paid, but night differential will be paid. Enter 66 in the TC field and the appropriate code in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours for the Sunday tour of duty in the applicable Week 1/Week 2 fields.

If the employee does work on the holiday, the premium pay for a holiday worked, Sunday differential, and night differential will be paid. If the employee did not work a full duty day on the Sunday holiday, use separate line entries to differentiate between the hours for which the differentials are or are not applicable.

For GS employees who are entitled to Sunday differential, enter 3 in the Suffix field. For those hours for which no work was performed, use TC 66, but do not complete the Suffix field, unless night differential is applicable.

For GS employees who are entitled to Sunday and night differential, enter 66 in the TC field and 4 in the Suffix field. For those hours for which no work was performed, use TC 66 but do not complete the Suffix field, unless night differential is applicable.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 05, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential with Night Differential (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 05, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential with Night Differential (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


Base pay plus 35 percent

TC 05, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential with Night Differential (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record the hours of regular time for protective services duty worked on a tour which begins or ends between the hours of midnight Saturday and 6 a.m. Sunday and/or 6 p.m. through midnight Sunday.

TC 05, Prefix 01, Sunday Differential with Night Differential (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 05 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week1Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 11, Night Differential

Transaction Code

TC 11, Night Differential

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS employees


Hourly base rate plus 10 percent

TC 11, Night Differential, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked between 6 p.m. through 6 a.m. during the regularly scheduled basic tour of duty.

If an employee uses 8 hours or more of paid leave in a pay period, night differential will not be paid for the period of paid leave. Exceptions to the rule are TCs 65, 66, 67, and 68.

TC 11, Night Differential, Entry Instructions

Type/select 11 in the TC field and the total regularly scheduled hours of work performed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 11, Prefix 01, Night Differential (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 11, Prefix 01, Night Differential (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


Hourly base rate plus 10 percent

TC 11, Prefix 01, Night Differential (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record hours for protective services duty worked between 6 p.m. through 6 a.m. during the regularly scheduled basic tour of duty.

TC 11, Prefix 01, Night Differential (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 11 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week1 Hrs/Week2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes

TC 11, Prefix 05, Night Differential at 15 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 11, Prefix 05, Night Differential at 15 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 11, Prefix 05, Night Differential at 15 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of work (in 15-minute increments) performed during the employee’s tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and 12 midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 11, Prefix 05, Night Differential at 15 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 11 in the TC field.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 11 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 11, Prefix 10, Night Differential at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 11, Prefix 10, Night Differential at 20 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 11, Prefix 10, Night Differential at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of work (in 15-minute increments) occurring on a regularly scheduled assignment, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 11, Prefix 10, Night Differential at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 11 in the TC field.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 11 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 11, Prefix 15, Night Differential at 15 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 11, Prefix 15, Night Differential at 15 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate.

TC 11, Prefix 15, Night Differential at 15 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of work (in 15-minute increments) occurring on a regularly scheduled assignment, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and 12 midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation, otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 11, Prefix 15, Night Differential at 15 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 11 in the TC field.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 11 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 11, Prefix 20, Night Differential at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 11, Prefix 20, Night Differential at 20 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 11, Prefix 20, Night Differential at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of work (in 15-minute increments) occurring on a regularly scheduled assignment, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 11, Prefix 20, Night Differential at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 11 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: Employees entitled to Customs Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 11 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field.

TC 11, Prefix 20, Night Differential at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 11, Suffix 09, Night Differential Training

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Intermittent/Seasonal employees

TC 11, Prefix 20, Night Differential at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of training for applicable intermittent/seasonal employees receiving training during night differential hours.

OPM revised its regulations to set a uniform service limit for temporary appointments in both competitive and excepted service at 1 year with no more than one 1-year extension (24 months total service). Exceptions to the 1-year general service limitation are listed in 5 CFR 316.401(D) and 5 CFR 213.104(B)(3). Among the exceptions are appointments/extensions to positions involving intermittent or seasonal work provided that (1) the appointments/extensions are made in increments of 1 year or less and (2) employment in the same or a successor position totals less than 6 months (1,040 hours), excluding overtime, in a service year. Individuals appointed to such intermittent or seasonal positions may be given training for up to 120 days following initial appointment and up to 2 weeks per year thereafter without regard to the service year limitation.

Overtime and compensatory time hours will be excluded from all hourly appointment limitations in accordance with OPM regulations.

TC 11, Prefix 20, Night Differential at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 11 in the TC field and 9 in the Suffix field. Type the number of training hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 12, Night Differential on Compensatory Time

Transaction Code

TC 12, Night Differential on Compensatory Time

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

Exception: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform


10 percent of base pay

TC 12, Night Differential on Compensatory Time, Description

This TC is used to record night differential hours for substitute and/or regularly scheduled overtime work for which the employee is required or has elected to take compensatory time off instead of receiving premium pay.

Night differential may not be paid for occasional overtime work. If the overtime is regularly scheduled and falls between the hours of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., the employee is entitled to night differential. A regularly scheduled tour of duty must be authorized in advance. For more information, see 5 CFR 610.102(g). The night differential must be paid even if the employee received compensatory time off instead of premium pay. Consult your Agency’s policy since compensatory time is normally earned for hours worked for irregular/occasional overtime. See TC’s 25 and 32 regarding regularly scheduled and irregular overtime.

Exception: Night differential in addition to overtime payment or compensatory time for employees performing grain appeal inspections may be paid only if the overtime is worked during the hours of service established at the point of inspection. Overtime work on grain appeal performed outside the established hours must be reported using TC 18, Overtime Grain Appeal.

TC 12, Night Differential on Compensatory Time, Entry Instructions

Type/select 12 in the TC field and the number of compensatory hours worked which fall within the night differential period in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type the number of compensatory hours worked under TC 32, Compensatory Time Worked. The number of hours recorded using TC 12 must be less than or equal to the number of hours recorded using TC 32.

TC 13, Night Differential on Sunday Double Time

Transaction Code

TC 13, Night Differential on Sunday Double Time

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, full-time/part-time GS employees


10 percent of base hourly rate

TC 13, Night Differential on Sunday Double Time, Description

This TC is used to record overtime work performed on Sunday during the night differential period (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) by employees engaged in inspection and quarantine services.

TC 13, Night Differential on Sunday Double Time, Entry Instructions

Type/select 13 in the TC field and the number of hours worked which fall within the night differential period in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type/select 22, Overtime Double for Sunday Work, in the TC field and the number of overtime hours worked on Sunday in the applicable Week 1 Hrs and Week 2 Hrs fields. The number of hours recorded using TC 13 must be less than or equal to the number of hours recorded using TC 22.

TC 14, Hazard Pay Differential

Transaction Code

TC 14, Hazard Pay Differential

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

GS employees


25 percent of base rate

Note: AUO hours are not subject to 25 percent hazardous pay differential. Also, for employees using Special Employee Code 37, hazard pay, is paid at 8 percent of the base rate.

TC 14, Hazard Pay Differential, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of hazardous duty or duty involving physical hardship which is not usually involved in carrying out the duties of the position. Such duties may not be an inherent or a regular part of the position nor may have been taken into account in the classification of the position.

Hazard Pay Differential is the addition to any other type pay or allowances due the employee. It is not considered part of the employee’s basic compensation when computing other pay and/or allowances. Therefore, this differential pay is not included with other premium pay when determining whether or not the maximum earnings limitation has been reached (gross pay for the top step of Grade GS-15).

The types of duty for which hazard pay differential is applicable are defined by OPM. Your Agency is responsible for informing you when and for what type of duty hazard pay differential is applicable.

When employees perform duty for which hazard pay differential is authorized, they shall be paid the differential for all hours in pay status on the calendar day in which the hazardous duty was performed. If the employee works a continuous period which extends over 2 calendar days, the Agency should designate the 24-hour period for which the differential is to be applied. All regular time and overtime hours which were worked on the same calendar day (24-hour period) must be recorded.

These same hours may also be subject to other differentials or allowances.

TC 14, Hazard Pay Differential, Entry Instructions

Type/select 14 in the TC field and the number of hours worked under hazardous conditions in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Also record these hours with the appropriate TC(s).

TC 16, Other Pay

Transaction Code

TC 16, Other Pay

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


See TC 16 below with Suffixes 1-9.

TC 16, Other Pay, Description

This TC is used to record the hours for duties performed by wage marine employees that are (1) hazardous, (2) outside the employee’s normal responsibility, and (3) of a dirty or distasteful nature, while aboard oceangoing vessels.

Wage marines are paid on the basis of 365 days a year (2920 hours including non-workdays). Their hourly base rate is computed by dividing their annual salary by 2920. The daily rate is paid 7 days per week, except when the employee is on AWOL, LWOP, or assessed pay forfeitures as a result of disciplinary action.

The hourly overtime rate is paid for all authorized work in excess of 8 hours per day and for all work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays. The overtime rate cannot be computed and is, therefore, stated in the pay tables by occupation and grade.

Suffixes 1 through 9 must be used with TC 16 to distinguish the various types of other pay and to distinguish the rate of pay (e.g., base or premium).

TC 16, Other Pay, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and the applicable suffix in the Suffix field (see TC 16, Suffixes 1-9 below). Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 1, Penalty Pay Regular

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 1, Penalty Pay Regular

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


Applicable penalty rate

TC 16, Suffix 1, Penalty Pay Regular, Description

This TC and suffix combination is used to record regular penalty pay based upon the position classification for work performed Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The applicable penalty rate will be paid.

TC 16, Suffix 1, Penalty Pay Regular, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 1 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 2, Penalty Pay Premium

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 2, Penalty Pay Premium

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


One and one-half times base rate

TC 16, Suffix 2, Penalty Pay Premium, Description

This TC and suffix combination is used to record premium penalty pay for work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or hours in excess of 8 hours per day. For the hours of duty between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, the applicable penalty pay will be paid at 1 1/2 times the base rate. If overtime pay results in the greater pay benefit for the employee, use TC 21.

TC 16, Suffix 2, Penalty Pay Premium, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 2 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 3, Scuba Diving

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 3, Scuba Diving

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


One and one-half times base rate

TC 16, Suffix 3, Scuba Diving, Description

This TC is used to record the hourly premium pay for diving performed during regular duty hours for the time actually spent in the water while engaged in the diving operation. Fractional hours are accrued to determine the amount due at the end of the employee’s regular duty day. A minimum of 1 hour must be recorded. For diving work performed outside the regular tour of duty and in excess of 8 hours per day, the regular overtime or penalty rate are applicable in addition to the premium pay.

TC 16, Suffix 3, Scuba Diving, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 3 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 4, Port Pay

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 4, Port Pay

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


Applicable penalty rate

TC 16, Suffix 4, Port Pay, Description

This TC is used to record pay for the first 48 hours and the last 24 hours in port. Employees are normally paid at the penalty rate during this time.

Licensed engineers receive an additional compensation as overtime. TC 21 (if stateside), or port pay (if overseas), for night port watch between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m., during the first 48 hours and the last 24 hours in port.

Master (Watch) received compensatory time off for overtime worked in port. Pay in lieu of accumulated compensatory time at the existing overtime rates may be authorized by appropriate officials, if such time off cannot be realistically used.

TC 16, Suffix 4, Port Pay, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 4 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 5, Tank Cleaning Oil Regular

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 5, Tank Cleaning Oil Regular

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


The rates for tank cleaning are based on classes of positions. Class rates are established in the pay tables for each occupation and grade.

TC 16, Suffix 5, Tank Cleaning Oil Regular, Description

This TC is used to record pay for tank cleaning.

For the hours of duty between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, the applicable hourly rates for classes A, B, or C are paid.

Employees in Class B engaged in tank cleaning receive a bonus of 3 hours pay upon completion of the tank cleaning work.

On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, for employee on-watch, enter TC 16, suffix 5 plus the applicable overtime (TC 21).

TC 16, Suffix 5, Tank Cleaning Oil Regular, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 5 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 6, Tank Cleaning Oil Premium

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 6, Tank Cleaning Oil Premium

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


Applicable overtime rate or 1 1/2 times the penalty rate

TC 16, Suffix 6, Tank Cleaning Oil Premium, Description

This TC is used to record pay for tank cleaning. For the hours of duty between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, the applicable premium rate for Classes A, B, or C is paid. When such work is performed on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays, or in excess of 8 hours per day, the applicable overtime rate or 1 1/2 times the penalty rate is paid.

When set rates are used, no other premium compensation is payable.

TC 16, Suffix 6, Tank Cleaning Oil Premium, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 6 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 7, Launch Operations

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 7, Launch Operations

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


Launch operators are paid on a flat rate per pay period, regardless of the number of hours or days in which work is performed.

TC 16, Suffix 7, Launch Operations, Description

This TC is used to record pay for performing launch operator duties. When oilers perform duty as launch operators, additional pay per period is authorized.

TC 16, Suffix 7, Launch Operations, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 7 in the Suffix field. Type 1 in the Week 1 Hrs field.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 8, Dirty Work Regular

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 8, Dirty Work Regular

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


Dirty work is paid by hourly rates

TC 16, Suffix 8, Dirty Work Regular, Description

This TC is used to record pay for duties performed which are of a dirty or distasteful nature. For the hours of duty between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, the applicable hourly rates are paid.

TC 16, Suffix 8, Dirty Work Regular, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 8 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 16, Suffix 9, Dirty Work Premium

Transaction Code

TC 16, Suffix 9, Dirty Work Premium

TC Descriptor


Applies To

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, full-time/part-time wage marine employees


Dirty work is paid by hourly rates

TC 16, Suffix 9, Dirty Work Premium, Description

This TC is used to record pay for performing launch operator duties. If the overtime rate is higher, TC 21 should be used instead of TC 16, suffix 9.

For dirty work performed between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m., Monday through Friday, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, the hourly rate is paid or the overtime rate, if higher.

Note: Any wage marine whose penalty pay is not listed above will not be paid for the hours recorded opposite TC 16, Suffixes 5 and 6.

TC 16, Suffix 9, Dirty Work Premium, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the TC field and 9 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definition of applicable code.

TC 17, Commute Use Government Auto

Transaction Code

TC 17, Commute Use Government Auto

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

Exception: TC 17 does not apply to control employees (an employee who is (1) an elected official, (2) a Federal employee appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, or (3) a State or local Executive Officer comparable to (1) or (2)).

TC 17, Commute Use Government Auto, Description

This TC is used to record the number of one-way commutes to and from an employee’s home in a Government-owned or leased vehicle (GOV).

If the number of one-way trips in any given month in a tax year exceeds two, all trips are taxable and are reported on the employee’s W-2. Record all trips on the T&A each pay period if it is apparent that the number of one-way trips in any given month will exceed two. If the number of trips does not exceed two in a month, do not record TC 17 on the T&A. If trips were erroneously reported on the T&A, process a corrected T&A(s) to reverse the trips reported. Trips that should have been reported in a prior pay period(s) may be reported on the current T&A or before the end of the tax year.

Note: Regulations are based on monthly activity, not pay period or weekly activity.

TC 17, Commute Use Government Auto, Entry Instructions

Type/select 17 in the TC field and the number of one-way commutes to and from an employee’s home in a GOV in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 10, Transit Subsidy

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 10, Transit Subsidy

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees who receive qualified transit and van pool benefits

TC 17, Prefix 10, Transit Subsidy, Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount in excess of $130 per month for which an employee is reimbursed by the Agency for transit passes and van pool fees. This fringe benefit is taxable and will be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Transit passes and van pool fees may be recorded biweekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually, but must be reported by the end of the tax year (usually Pay Period 24). Timekeepers should follow Agency reporting guidelines. Report this information for separated employees at the time of separation.

Transit passes and van pool fees should be recorded on the T&A by the last pay period of the tax year. If not reported on the T&A by the last pay period of the tax year, Form AD-343, Payroll Action Request, must be submitted with the data and NFC, Payroll/Personnel Operations Section, must be contacted. A delay in reporting will result in the issuance of an incorrect Wage and Tax Statement (W-2). The W-2 will be adjusted to include the transit subsidy once a Form AD-343 is processed. See the Non-Automated Processing (NONAUTO) procedure manual located under the Manual Payments publication category on the Publications Page of the NFC Web site, for AD-343 processing instructions.

TC 17, Prefix 10, Transit Subsidy, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter a transit subsidy of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the transit subsidy will be reflected in the following format:

Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.

Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 17, Prefix 10, Transit Subsidy, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Work Time (GovTA), the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8), the Time & Attendance Worksheet (STAR), or the Dollar Transactions (webTA) section of the T&A:

Select the applicable TC.

Select the accounting code.

Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Prefix 11, FLSA Meal Periods During Regular and/or AUO

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 11, FLSA Meal Periods During Regular and/or AUO

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Law Enforcement nonexempt FLSA employees for Department of the Treasury and Department of Justice


Hours are used to compute FLSA straight time and to help meet the 85.5-hour FLSA standard.

TC 17, Prefix 11, FLSA Meal Periods During Regular and/or AUO, Description

This TC is used to record meal periods during regular and AUO duty. For regular duty, the meal is reported if the employee is not in leave status during his/her designated meal period, even though the employee actually takes a meal break.

Law enforcement officer (LEO) meal periods are not to be reported on T&As for employees who do not receive AUO or standby premium pay compensation.

TC 17, Prefix 11, FLSA Meal Periods During Regular and/or AUO, Entry Instructions

Type/select 11 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the meal period hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 12, FLSA Other Trave

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 12, FLSA Other Travel

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Law Enforcement nonexempt FLSA employees for Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury employees


FLSA overtime rate

TC 17, Prefix 12, FLSA Other Travel, Description

This TC is used to record overtime during other travel for which the employee is entitled to overtime compensation under FLSA.

TC 17, Prefix 12, FLSA Other Travel, Entry Instructions

Type/select 12 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the overtime hours performed during other travel in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Follow your Agency’s policy to distinguish between FLSA hours and entitlement compensable under Title V.

TC 17, Prefix 13, FLSA Training

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 13, FLSA Training

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of Justice
‎Department of the Treasury


FLSA overtime rate

TC 17, Prefix 13, FLSA Training, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours during training for which an employee is entitled to overtime compensation under FLSA.

TC 17, Prefix 13, FLSA Training, Entry Instructions

Type/select 13 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the overtime hours performed during training in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Follow your Agency’s policy to distinguish between FLSA hours and entitlement compensable under Title V.

TC 17, Prefix 14, FLSA UD Roll Call

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 14, FLSA UD Roll Call

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Law Enforcement nonexempt FLSA employees for Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury employees


FLSA overtime rate

TC 17, Prefix 14, FLSA UD Roll Call, Description

This TC is used to record Uniformed Division roll call hours which the employee is entitled to overtime compensation under FLSA.

TC 17, Prefix 14, FLSA UD Roll Call, Entry Instructions

Type/select 14 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the overtime hours performed during UD roll call in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 15, FLSA Home to Work Travel

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 15, FLSA Home to Work Travel

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Law Enforcement nonexempt FLSA employees for Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury employees


FLSA overtime rate

TC 17, Prefix 15, FLSA Home to Work Travel, Description

This TC is used to record home to work travel time for which the employee is entitled to overtime compensation under FLSA.

TC 17, Prefix 15, FLSA Home to Work Travel, Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the overtime hours performed during travel from home to work in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 16, FLSA Other Hours

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 16, FLSA Other Hours

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Law Enforcement nonexempt FLSA employees for Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury employees


FLSA overtime rate

TC 17, Prefix 16, FLSA Other Hours, Description

This TC is used to record other overtime hours for which the employee is entitled to overtime compensation under FLSA.

TC 17, Prefix 16, FLSA Other Hours, Entry Instructions

Type/select 16 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the other overtime hours performed in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 17, Suffered and Permitted Duty

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 17, Suffered and Permitted Duty

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of Justice
‎Department of the Treasury


FLSA overtime rate

TC 17, Prefix 17, Suffered and Permitted Duty, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of work performed by an employee for the benefit of an Agency whether requested or not, provided the employee’s supervisor knows or has reason to believe that the work is being performed and has an opportunity to prevent the work from being performed.

TC 17, Prefix 17, Suffered and Permitted Duty, Entry Instructions

Type/select 17 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the hours of work prior to or after the established tour of duty or during the lunch period in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Normally, one-quarter hour should be the lowest fraction of an hour scheduled or permitted for overtime. Overtime should be rounded up or down to the closest one-quarter hour. If the minutes total 7 or less, the total shall be rounded down to the preceding one-quarter hour. If the minutes total 8 or more, the total shall be rounded up to the next quarter hour.

TC 17, Prefix 18, FLSA Meal Periods During Non AUO Overtime and Compensatory Time

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 18, FLSA Meal Periods During Non AUO Overtime and Compensatory Time

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of Justice, Law Enforcement nonexempt employees


FLSA overtime rate

TC 17, Prefix 18, FLSA Meal Periods During Non AUO Overtime and Compensatory Time, Description

This TC is used to record FLSA meal periods during non-AUO overtime and compensatory time that have not been reported under another type of duty for law enforcement employees.

LEO meal periods are not to be reported on T&As for employees who do not receive AUO or standby premium pay compensation.

TC 17, Prefix 18, FLSA Meal Periods During Non AUO Overtime and Compensatory Time, Entry Instructions

Type/select 18 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the number of hours devoted to meal periods during non-AUO and compensatory time in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields, for which the time was not reported under another TC.

TC 17, Prefix 19, Excludable AUO Days

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 19, Excludable AUO Days

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of Justice

TC 17, Prefix 19, Excludable AUO Days, Description

This TC is used to record:

(1) The number of excludable AUO days used to calculate AUO percentage rates for type of absence/duty listed below:

  • Paid Leave.
  • Holiday Off.
  • Leave Without Pay.
  • Training periods when AUO duty was not performed.
  • Days as negotiated in agreements between the Departmental components and exclusive bargaining units.
  • Temporary non-AUO assignments in excess of 10 consecutive prescribed workdays. The days not excludable while on such temporary assignments may not exceed 30 workdays in a calendar year.

(2) Excludable availability pay days.

The maximum number of days that may be recorded in one pay period is 14. The entry must not exceed 7 in the Week 1 Hrs field and 7 in the Week 2 Hrs field. Prepare a corrected T&A to record days from a prior pay period.

Note: Refer to your Agency for guidance on recording availability pay data.

TC 17, Prefix 19, Excludable AUO Days, Entry Instructions

Type/select 19 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Enter the number of days being recorded in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Do not complete the fraction portion of these fields.

TC 17, Prefix 21, Place on Furlough

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 21, Place on Furlough

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Internal Revenue Service

TC 17, Prefix 21, Place on Furlough, Description

This TC is used to record furlough hours.

TC 17, Prefix 21, Place on Furlough, Entry Instructions

Follow Internal Revenue Service instructions for recording furlough hours.

TC 17, Prefix 22, Placement in Pay Status

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 22, Placement in Pay Status

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Internal Revenue Service

TC 17, Prefix 22, Placement in Pay Status, Description

This TC is used to return an employee to duty from furlough.

TC 17, Prefix 22, Placement in Pay Status, Entry Instructions

Follow Internal Revenue Service instructions for recording return to duty from furlough.

Note: Do not prepare a corrected T&A using TC 17, Prefixes 21 or 22.

TC 17, Prefix 37, 1911 For Continuation of Pay

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 37, 1911 For Continuation of Pay

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service

TC 17, Prefix 37, 1911 For Continuation of Pay, Description

This TC is used to record the payment for the 1911 portion of the Continuation of Pay.

TC 17, Prefix 37, 1911 For Continuation of Pay, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 37 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Example 1: To record $999.11, type 999 in the Week 1 Hrs field and 11 in the second and third positions of the Week 2 Hrs field.

Example 2: To record $1,302.00, type 1302 in the Week 1 Hrs field and 00 in the second and third positions of the Week 2 Hrs field.

TC 17, Prefix 37, 1911 For Continuation of Pay, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Prefix 38, 1911 Hours - Intermittent

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 38, 1911 Hours - Intermittent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, intermittent employees

TC 17, Prefix 38, 1911 Hours - Intermittent, Description

This TC is used to record the number of 1911 overtime hours worked by intermittent employees and used for reporting and tracking purposes only.

TC 17, Prefix 38, 1911 Hours - Intermittent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 38 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the 1911 overtime hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 40, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Weekdays

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 40, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Weekdays

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), full-time employees


See: Full-time Employees and Part-time and Intermittent Employees under Entry Instructions below.

TC 17, Prefix 40, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Weekdays, Description

This TC is used to record overtime compensation for immigration officers and other eligible employees who perform inspections of steamships and airplanes on non-holiday workdays and Saturdays as authorized by the INS 1931 Act.

TC 17, Prefix 40, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Weekdays, Entry Instructions

Type/select 40 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Time is reported in increments of half days depending upon the number of hours worked. Night differential does not apply to this compensation.

TC 17, Prefix 40, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea WeekdaysFull-time Employees

A full-time employee may work a maximum of 20 hours per day or 120 hours per week on Monday through Saturday.

Employees performing immigration inspections for at least 1 hour will receive compensation for more hours than actually worked at the base rate. Use the table below to report time worked:

Hours Worked

Hours Reported

1.0 - 2.3


3.0 - 4.3


5.0 - 6.3


7.0 - 8.3


9.0 or more


Overtime hours greater than zero must be divisible by 4.

Inspection duty overtime on holidays must be reported as INS 1931 Act overtime, rather than as holiday worked.

TC 17, Prefix 40, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Weekdays, Part-time and Intermittent Employees

Part-time and intermittent employees cannot work INS 1931 Act overtime on non-holiday weekdays and Saturdays. Air/Sea overtime for Sunday and/or holidays may be recorded using TC 17, Prefix 43.

Time amounting to less than 1 hour spent on inspection duty is compensable under Title V overtime.

Exception: When duty and "roll-back" time equal one or more hours, even if the actual duty time is less than one, the pay is compensable under 1931 Act entitlement.

TC 17, Prefix 41, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Weekdays

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 41, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Weekdays

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Immigration and Naturalization Service


See TC 17, Prefix 40, 1931 Act Air/Sea Weekdays

TC 17, Prefix 41, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Weekdays, Description

This TC is used to record overtime compensation for immigration officers and other eligible employees who perform inspections of trains and other vehicles on non-holiday weekdays and/or Saturdays as authorized by the INS 1931 Act.

TC 17, Prefix 41, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Weekdays, Entry Instructions

Type/select 41 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Recording 1931 Act O/T Land Border Weekdays is the same as recording INS 1931 Act Air/Sea Weekdays. See TC 17, Prefix 40, for instructions.

TC 17, Prefix 42, INS 1931 Act O/T - Not Worked

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 42, INS 1931 Act O/T - Not Worked

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Immigration and Naturalization Service

TC 17, Prefix 42, INS 1931 Act O/T - Not Worked, Description

This TC is used to record time not worked for immigration officers and other eligible employees who perform inspections of steamships, trains, airplanes, and other vehicles as authorized by the INS 1931 Act. (This is the difference between entitlement hours and hours actually worked.)

TC 17, Prefix 42, INS 1931 Act O/T - Not Worked, Entry Instructions

Type/select 42 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields, in increments of quarter hours.

Enter inspection hours to be paid under TC 17, Prefix 40, 41, 43, and/or 44. Record hours not worked in increments of quarter hours under TC 17, Prefix 42. The hours recorded under TC 17, Prefix 42, must be less than the total hours recorded under TC 17, Prefix 40, 41, 43, and 44.

TC 17, Prefix 43, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 43, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Immigration and Naturalization Service

TC 17, Prefix 43, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday, Description

This TC is used to record overtime compensation for immigration officers and other eligible employees who perform inspections of steamships and airplanes on Sundays and/or holidays, as authorized by the INS 1931 Act.

TC 17, Prefix 43, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday, Full-time Employees

A full-time employee may be paid 16 to 36 hours per Sunday or holiday in increments of 4. Weekly hours cannot exceed 108.

TC 17, Prefix 43, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday, Part-time and Intermittent Employees

A part-time or intermittent employee may be paid 16 hours per Sunday or holiday. For hours up to the first 8 hours of inspection duty worked, 16 hours of entitlement are reported as INS 1931 Act overtime. After the first 8 hours worked, the time would be reported as Title 5 overtime (1945 Act). The weekly maximum hours is 48.

TC 17, Prefix 43, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday, Recording INS 1931 Act Overtime on a Holiday

If an employee performs inspection duties on a holiday, enter these hours under the appropriate ship inspection TC. Record the hours to be paid. If an employee performs non-inspection duties on a holiday, enter those hours under TC 31 (Holiday Worked) if the holiday is included in the employee’s tour of duty, or under TC 01, when appropriate, for part-time or intermittent employees.

TC 17, Prefix 43, INS 1931 Act O/T - Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday, Entry Instructions

Type/select 43 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 44, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Sunday/Holiday

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 44, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Sunday/Holiday

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Immigration and Naturalization Service

TC 17, Prefix 44, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Sunday/Holiday, Description

This TC is used to record overtime compensation for immigration officers and other eligible employees who perform inspections of trains and other vehicles on Sundays and/or holidays as authorized by the INS 1931 Act.

TC 17, Prefix 44, INS 1931 Act O/T - Land Border Sunday/Holiday, Entry Instructions

Type/select 44 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Recording 1931 Act land border on Sunday and holidays is the same as recording INS 1931 Air/Sea Sunday/Holiday. See TC 17, Prefix 43, for instructions. Weekly hours cannot exceed 108.

Note: TC 17, Prefixes 40, 41, 43, or 44 must reflect the number of hours to be paid. The system will compute the number of hours worked by subtracting the hours not worked (TC 17, Prefix 42) from the hours of payment.

TC 17, Prefix 45, Continuation of Pay

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 45, Continuation of Pay

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Two times the basic hourly rate.
‎Continuation of pay is excluded from the $25,000 fiscal year cap limitation.

TC 17, Prefix 45, Continuation of Pay, Description

This TC is used to record hours of continuation of pay that a Customs Officer is entitled to compensation for lost overtime wages.

TC 17, Prefix 45, Continuation of Pay, Entry Instructions

Type/select 45 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time on continuation of pay in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 46, COPRA Settlement Agreements

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 46, COPRA Settlement Agreements

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Two times the basic hourly rate.
‎Military and court leave are excluded from the $25,000 fiscal year cap limitation.

TC 17, Prefix 46, COPRA Settlement Agreements, Description

This TC is used to record hours of military or court leave that a Customs Officer is entitled to compensation for lost overtime wages.

TC 17, Prefix , 46, COPRA Settlement AgreementsEntry Instructions

Type/select 46 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time on military or court leave in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 50, Travel Reimbursements

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 50, Travel Reimbursements

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Bureau of the Census Field Representatives (FR)
‎U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board
‎U.S. Department of Agriculture
‎U.S. Office of Government Ethics
‎Peace Corps

TC 17, Prefix 50, Travel Reimbursements, Description

This TC is used to record consolidated travel reimbursement payment amounts. For payment purposes, travel reimbursements are not considered wages; are non-taxable; and are not subject to any deductions, collections, or garnishments. Travel reimbursements will not be reported on an employee’s W-2.

TC 17, Prefix 50, Travel Reimbursements, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter a travel reimbursement of $5.50, enter 5.50 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. Enter the remainder of the T&A in the usual manner. In the detail area of the Biweekly T&A, the travel reimbursement will be reflected in the following format.

  • Five dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Fifty cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

Note: Special Employee Code 34 is used with TC 17, Prefix 50.

TC 17, Prefix 50, Travel Reimbursements, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Prefix 71, Within Tour OT Substituted for LWOP

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 71, Within Tour OT Substituted for LWOP

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 71, Within Tour OT Substituted for LWOP, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked as Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Within Tour Overtime, but substituted for LWOP, AWOL, suspension, or furlough hours accrued within the same pay period.

TC 17, Prefix 71, Within Tour OT Substituted for LWOP, Entry Instructions

Type/select 71 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Within Tour Overtime Worked

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Within Tour Overtime Worked

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Within Tour Overtime Worked, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked as Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) that are required as part of the Tour of Duty over the base 80 hours.

TC 17, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Within Tour Overtime Worked, Tour of Duty

  • Level 1 Schedule - No more than 20 hours per pay period.
  • Level 2 Schedule - No more than 10 hours per pay period.

This time will be included as basic pay, but this time will not be paid as overtime or accumulate as a compensatory leave balance.

TC 17, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Within Tour Overtime Worked, Entry Instructions

Type/select 80 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 83, Within Tour Overtime Not Worked

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 83, Within Tour Overtime Not Worked

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 83, Within Tour Overtime Not Worked, Description

This TC is used to record Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Within Tour Overtime not worked that creates an Obligated Overtime Debt to be repaid. Hours for this transaction will be added to the BPAPRA Obligated Debt Balance.

TC 17, Prefix 83, Within Tour Overtime Not Worked, Entry Instructions

Type/select 83 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 84, BPAPRA Training Credit

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 84, BPAPRA Training Credit

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 84, BPAPRA Training Credit, Description

This TC is used to record Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) non-work hours during the Within Tour Overtime period that is considered advanced training status.

TC 17, Prefix 84, BPAPRA Training Credit, Entry Instructions

Type/select 84 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 85, BPAPRA Canine Care

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 85, BPAPRA Canine Care

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 85, BPAPRA Canine Care, Description

This TC is used to record 10 hours of Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Within Tour Overtime per pay period that is required to be credited to agents assigned maintenance. Limited to only the Level 1 Schedule.

TC 17, Prefix 85, BPAPRA Canine Care, Entry Instructions

Type/select 85 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 86, Within Tour Overtime - Exempt

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 86, Within Tour Overtime - Exempt

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 86, Within Tour Overtime - Exempt, Description

This TC is used to record Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Within Tour Overtime hours not required to be worked in the pay period due to a full day of paid or unpaid time off.

TC 17, Prefix 86, Within Tour Overtime - Exempt, Entry Instructions

Type/select 86 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 87, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for Debt

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 87, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for Debt

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 87, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for Debt, Description

This TC is used to record Irregular Overtime Worked (BPAPRA Comp Time Earned) that will be used to substitute for BPAPRA Within Tour Overtime Not Worked in the same pay period or to reduce an existing Obligated Debt Balance. This transaction will not be included as a part of gross pay.

TC 17, Prefix 87, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for Debt, Entry Instructions

Type/select 87 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Prefix 88, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for LWOP

Transaction Code

TC 17, Prefix 88, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for LWOP

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 17, Prefix 88, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for LWOP, Description

This TC is used to record Irregular Overtime Worked (BPAPRA Comp Time Earned) that will be used to substitute for leave without pay transactions in the same pay period, including LWOP, AWOL, furlough, and suspension. This transaction will be included as a part of gross pay.

TC 17, Prefix 88, Irregular Overtime - Substitute for LWOP, Entry Instructions

Type/select 88 in the Prefix field and 17 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 17, Suffix 1, Sales Commissions

Transaction Code

TC 17, Suffix 1, Sales Commissions

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Smithsonian Institution

TC 17, Suffix 1, Sales Commissions, Description

This TC is used to record special pay entitlements resulting from the sale of Smithsonian publications.

TC 17, Suffix 1, Sales Commissions, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 17 in the TC field and 1 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter an amount of 99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the biweekly T&A, the sales commission will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 17, Suffix 1, Sales Commissions, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Suffix 4, Incentive Pay

Transaction Code

TC 17, Suffix 4, Incentive Pay

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Bureau of the Census
‎Bureau of Public Debt

TC 17, Suffix 4, Incentive Pay, Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount of special pay entitlements.

Note: The amount reported cannot exceed $300.00.

TC 17, Suffix 4, Incentive Pay, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 17 in the TC field and 4 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter an incentive pay amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the incentive pay will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on an additional line.

TC 17, Suffix 4, Incentive Pay, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Work Time (GovTA), the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8), the Time & Attendance Worksheet (STAR), or the Dollar Transactions (webTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Suffix 5, Ship Inspection Overtime Pay

Transaction Code

TC 17, Suffix 5, Ship Inspection Overtime Pay

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Federal Communications Commission


Hourly base rate plus 1/2 times base rate


Hours Worked

Equivalent Overtime Hours

1 - 2


2 1/4 - 4


4 1/4 - 6


6 1/4 - 8


8 1/4 or more


Monday through Saturday

For each 2-hour increment give the employee 4 hours of pay (1/2 day).

The employee must work at least 1 hour of overtime. Overtime pay must not exceed 20 hours (2 1/2 days). This is in addition to any regular compensation per day.

Sunday and Holidays

For each inspection requiring 1 through 8 hours of overtime, the employee is entitled to 16 hours of overtime pay (2 days).

The employee must work at least 1 hour of overtime.

Overtime pay must not exceed 36 hours per day (4 1/2 days).

For each inspection requiring over 8 hours of overtime, hours of pay will be calculated based on 2-hour increments. Use the chart shown above for detailed calculations.

TC 17, Suffix 5, Ship Inspection Overtime Pay, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours for ship inspection.

Note: It is used to report overtime pay only, not actual hours worked.

TC 17, Suffix 5, Ship Inspection Overtime Pay, Entry Instructions

Type/select 17 in the TC field and 5 in the Suffix field. Calculate the overtime hours as described and type in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Calculate overtime as described above.

TC 17, Suffix 6, Services/Payment

Transaction Code

TC 17, Suffix 6, Services/Payment

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Senate Restaurants

TC 17, Suffix 6, Services/Payment, Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount an employee is to receive in gratuity for services rendered. At the time the service was rendered, no cash was transferred from the customer to the employee (e.g., credit card purchase). Payment will be made to the employee from this entry, and the amount entered will be reported on the employee’s W-2.

TC 17, Suffix 6, Services/Payment, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 17 in the TC field and 6 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter a gratuity in the amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the amount will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 17, Suffix 6, Services/Payment, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Work Time (GovTA), the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8), the Time & Attendance Worksheet (STAR), or the Dollar Transactions (webTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Suffix 7, Tips/Cash/IN KIND

Transaction Code

TC 17, Suffix 7, Tips/Cash/IN KIND

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Senate Restaurants
‎National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

TC 17, Suffix 7, Tips/Cash/IN KIND, Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount an employee has received in tips which is to be reported for tax purposes. The employee was given the monies at the time that the service was rendered. These tips are reported as income on the W-2.

Note: Tips cannot be reported in the last pay period paid in the calendar year. They may be entered, however, on corrected T&As processed for prior pay periods which are submitted in the last pay period paid in the calendar year.

TC 17, Suffix 7, Tips/Cash/IN KIND, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 17 in the TC field and 7 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter tips in the amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the amount will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 17, Suffix 7, Tips/Cash/IN KIND, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of T&A:

Select the applicable TC.

Select the accounting code.

Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Suffix 8, Chauffeur Driven Auto

Transaction Code

TC 17, Suffix 8, Chauffeur Driven Auto

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

TC 17, Suffix 8, Chauffeur Driven Auto, Description

This TC is used to record the value of chauffeur-driven vehicle usage, in dollars and cents.

The value of chauffeur-driven vehicle usage to be reported is based on the following calculations: (1) the percentage of miles driven for commuting purposes multiplied by the annual value of the vehicle, (2) the fuel cost of $0.55 multiplied by the number of miles driven, and (3) the value of the chauffeur services provided. Timekeepers should follow Agency guidelines to obtain the amount to be reported.

The amount must be reported by the last pay period of the tax year. Otherwise, Agencies must (1) submit the data on Form AD-343 and (2) contact NFC Payroll/Personnel Operations Section. A delay in reporting will result in the issuance of an incorrect W-2. This information must be reported for separated employees at the time of separation.

TC 17, Suffix 8, Chauffeur Driven Auto, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 17 in the TC field and 8 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter chauffeur-driven vehicle usage in the amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the amount will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 17, Suffix 8, Chauffeur Driven Auto, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 17, Suffix 9, Parking/Taxable Fringe

Transaction Code

TC 17, Suffix 9, Parking/Taxable Fringe

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees who receive qualified parking benefits

TC 17, Suffix 9, Parking/Taxable Fringe, Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount in excess of $250 per month for which an employee is being reimbursed by the Agency for parking fees or receives free parking valued in excess of $250. This fringe benefit is taxable and will be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Parking fees may be recorded biweekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually, but must be reported by the end of the tax year (usually Pay Period 24). Timekeepers should follow Agency reporting guidelines. Report this information for separated employees at the time of separation.

Parking fees are recorded on the T&A by the last pay period of the tax year. Otherwise, (1) submit the data on Form AD-343 and (2) contact NFC, Payroll/Personnel Operations Section. A delay in reporting will result in the issuance of an incorrect W-2. The W-2 will be adjusted to include the parking fees once Form AD-343 is processed.

TC 17, Suffix 9, Parking/Taxable Fringe, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 17 in the TC field and 9 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter parking benefits in the amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the amount will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 17, Suffix 9, Parking/Taxable Fringe, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 18, Overtime Grain Appeal

Transaction Code

TC 18, Overtime Grain Appeal

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All Federal Grain Inspection Service employees, except Senior Executives


One and one-half times base rate. The biweekly limitation of the gross pay for the top step of Grade GS-15 does not apply to this pay.

TC 18, Overtime Grain Appeal, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours spent performing grain appeal inspections.

TC 18, Overtime Grain Appeal, Entry Instructions

Type/select 18 in the TC field and the number of hours worked in excess of the basic workweek for grain appeal inspections in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. If the grain appeal inspection occurs during the night differential period (6 p.m. and 6 a.m.), use a TC applicable to night differential for overtime (or compensatory time).

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 19, Overtime Over 8

Transaction Code

TC 19, Overtime Over 8

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees
‎Intermittent employees
‎Youth Opportunity Campaign Program employees


For an employee exempt from FLSA with rates of basic pay equal to or less than the rate of basic pay for GS-10, step 1, the overtime rate is the employee’s hourly rate of basic pay multiplied by 1.5.

For employees with rates of basic pay greater than basic pay for GS-10, step 1 the overtime rate is the greater of (1) the hourly rate of basic pay for GS-10, step 1, multiplied by 1.5 or (2) the employee’s hourly rate of basic pay.

These hourly overtimes pay limitations do not apply to prevailing rate (wage) employees or to FLSA overtime.

Retirement and Thrift Savings Plan deductions are always computed at the employee’s current base pay even though the over 8 hours are paid at an overtime rate. If the hours of work are performed in excess of 8 hours on any one day to complete the 40-hour basic workweek, the retirement and Thrift Savings plan deductions are still computed at the employee’s base rate of pay.

For employees who fill in nonpay status with TC 19, retirement and Thrift Savings Plan deductions are computed at the current base pay.

TC 19, Overtime Over 8, Description

This TC is used to record work performed in excess of 8 hours on any one day within the 40-hour basic workweek.

TC 19, Overtime Over 8, Full-time GS and FWS Employees

If the employee is on LWOP during the basic workweek and performs work in excess of 8 hours in any one day to fill in or complete his/her 40-hour workweek, record the first 8 hours using the base pay transaction code (01, 04, 05, etc.) and the hours over 8 using TC 19. (For AWS employees, TC 19 would be reported for hours above the daily tour or 8, whichever is greater based on 80 hours per pay period.)

Part-time/Intermittent GS and FWS Employees

Use TC 19 to record the hours worked in excess of 8 hours in any one day.

TC 19, Overtime Over 8, Callback Time

A minimum of 2 hours of premium pay is granted to employees who are called back to their place of employment to perform work. If the employee performs 2 or more hours of work, record the callback time over 8 but within 40 hours using TC 19. If the employee performs less than 2 hours of work, record the callback time for which work was performed in 15-minute increments, using TC 19. Record the balance of the 2 hours for which no work was performed using TC 30, Overtime Call Back No Work Performed.

TC 19, Overtime Over 8, Entry Instructions

Type/select 19 in the TC field and the number of hours worked in excess of 8 hours on any one day to complete the 40-hour basic workweek in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. TC 01 should be used to record base hours.

Note: The total hours recorded using TC 01 (up to 8 hours per day) and TC 19 (over 8 hours per day) cannot exceed 40 hours per week.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 19, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 8 (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 19, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 8 (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


(1) For an employee exempt from FLSA, 1 1/2 times base hourly rate not to exceed the base rate for GS-10, Step 1. (2) For an employee nonexempt from FLSA, the applicable FLSA overtime rate.

TC 19, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 8 (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record work for protective services duty performed in excess of 8 hours in any one day within the 40-hour basic workweek.

TC 19, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 8 (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 19 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 19, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 19, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

FWS employees


175 percent of environmental differential rate

TC 19, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record overtime over 8 hours in a day actually spent in the water while engaged in diving operation performed outside the regular tour of duty.

TC 19, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 97 in the Prefix field and 19 in the TC field. Type the number of hours (minimum 1 hour) outside the regular tour of duty used in a diving operation in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 21, Overtime-Premium Rate

Transaction Code

TC 21, Overtime-Premium Rate

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

All employees
Exception: Senior Executives


For an employee exempt from FLSA with rates of basic pay equal to or less than the rate of basic pay for GS-10, step 1, the overtime rate is the employee’s hourly rate of basic pay multiplied by 1.5.

For employees with rates of basic pay greater than basic pay for GS-10, step 1, the overtime rate is the greater of (1) the hourly rate of basic pay for GS-10, step 1, multiplied by 1.5, or (2) the employee’s hourly rate of basic pay.

These hourly overtime pay limitations do not apply to prevailing rate (wage) employees or to FLSA overtime.

Note: National Civilian Community Corps employees are paid at a base rate.

Do not use TC 21 to record hours worked in excess of the basic workweek if:

The overtime worked is used to fill in the basic workweek. (The employee was in nonpay status.)

The employee is to receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay.

CallBack Time: A minimum of 2 hours of premium pay is granted to employees who are called back to their place of employment to perform work. If the employee performs 2 or more hours of work, record all of the callback time using TC 21. If the employee performs less than 2 hours of work, record the callback time for which work was performed in 15-minute increments, using TC 21. Record the balance of the 2 hours for which no work was performed using TC 30, Overtime Call Back No Work Performed.

Law Enforcement Officer Employees: Overtime pay for FLSA exempt law enforcement officers who are paid more than GS-10, Step 1, is either paid at 1 1/2 times GS-10, Step 1, or the base rate of pay, whichever is greater. Any overtime earned after January 1, 1991, is calculated using an interim geographic adjustment or locality comparability adjustment.

TC 21, Overtime-Premium Rate, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours performed outside the basic 40-hour workweek. For AWS Code 5 or 8, record the hours over 80 hours per pay period.

TC 21, Overtime-Premium Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 21 in the TC field and the number of overtime hours worked outside the basic workweek in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 21, Prefix 01, Overtime over 40 (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 01, Overtime over 40 (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


One and one-half times base rate or FLSA rate

TC 21, Prefix 01, Overtime over 40 (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours for protective services duty performed outside the basic 40-hour workweek. For AWS Code 5 or 8, record the hours over 80 per pay period.

TC 21, Prefix 01, Overtime over 40 (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 21, Prefix 11, Forest Service Emergency Fire Suppression

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 11, Forest Service Emergency Fire Suppression

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Forest Service


One and one-half times the hourly rate of basic pay

TC 21, Prefix 11, Forest Service Emergency Fire Suppression, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours performed outside the basic 40-hour workweek for those employees assigned to emergency fire suppression duty.

TC 21, Prefix 11, Forest Service Emergency Fire Suppression, Entry Instructions

Type/select 11 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the number of overtime hours worked in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 21, Prefix 17, OT Sub-Within Tour OT Not Worked

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 17, OT Sub-Within Tour OT Not Worked

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 21, Prefix 17, OT Sub-Within Tour OT Not Worked, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked as regular scheduled overtime and substituted for Within Tour Overtime not worked in the same pay period or to repay an existing obligated debt balance. This TC will decrease the Obligated Debt Balance hours.

TC 21, Prefix 17, OT Sub-Within Tour OT Not Worked, Entry Instructions

Type/select 17 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 21, Prefix 20, Overtime Paid at Double Rate

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 20, Overtime Paid at Double Rate

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Two times the basic hourly rate

Note: Basic pay includes locality pay and excludes premium/differential pay.

TC 21, Prefix 20, Overtime Paid at Double Rate, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours worked by Customs Officers that are calculated at 2 times the basic hourly rate.

Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 21 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 within a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 21, Prefix 20, Overtime Paid at Double Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 21, Prefix 22, Call Back Overtime Double Rate

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 22, Call Back Overtime Double Rate

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Two times the basic hourly rate

TC 21, Prefix 22, Call Back Overtime Double Rate, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked (minimum of 2) for which compensation is authorized and for which a Customs Officer is required to return to his/her place of work.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. Work must begin at least 1 hour after the end of any previous regularly scheduled tour of duty and end at least 1 hour before the beginning of the following regularly scheduled tour of duty. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 within a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 21 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field.

TC 21, Prefix 22, Call Back Overtime Double Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 22 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 21, Prefix 30, Commute Overtime Triple Rate

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 30, Commute Overtime Triple Rate

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Three times the basic hourly rate

TC 21, Prefix 30, Commute Overtime Triple Rate, Description

This TC is used to record the amount of time a Customs Officer is entitled to be paid as compensation for commuting time.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 within a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

Work must begin within 16 hours of the last regularly scheduled work assignment and more than 2 hours before the next regularly scheduled work assignment.

Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to TC 21 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field.

TC 21, Prefix 30, Commute Overtime Triple Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 30 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 21, Prefix 71, OT Substituted - LWOP, AWOL, SUSP

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 71, OT Substituted - LWOP, AWOL, SUSP

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 21, Prefix 71, OT Substituted - LWOP, AWOL, SUSP, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked as regular scheduled overtime and substituted for LWOP, AWOL, suspension, or furlough in the same pay period only. This TC will be paid at the base hourly rate and will be included in base pay.

TC 21, Prefix 71, OT Substituted - LWOP, AWOL, SUSP, Entry Instructions

Type/select 71 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 21, Prefix 83, Overtime Used to Repay Debt

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 83, Overtime Used to Repay Debt

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 21, Prefix 83, Overtime Used to Repay Debt, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked as regular scheduled overtime and used to repay an existing obligated debt balance. Employee is not entitled to pay for this transaction. Hours worked are subtracted from the BPAPRA obligated debt balance. This transaction will not be included as a part of gross pay.

TC 21, Prefix 83, Overtime Used to Repay Debt, Entry Instructions

Type/select 83 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the appropriate hours to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 21, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 21, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

FWS employees


175 percent of environmental differential rate

TC 21, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours actually spent in the water while engaged in diving operation performed outside the regular tour of duty.

TC 21, Prefix 97, Overtime-Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 97 in the Prefix field and 21 in the TC field. Type the number of hours (minimum 1 hour) in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 22, Overtime Double for Sunday Work

Transaction Code

TC 22, Overtime Double for Sunday Work

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 04

Applies To

All Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service employees, except Senior Executives


Two times the hourly base rate

TC 22, Overtime Double for Sunday Work, Description

This TC is used to record overtime hours worked to perform inspection and quarantine services on Sunday. The biweekly limitation of the gross pay for the top step of Grade GS-15 does not apply to this pay.

TC 22, Overtime Double for Sunday Work, Night Differential

The employee is also entitled to night differential payment for all hours of work performed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Record the hours that fall within the night differential period using TC 13. See TC 13 instructions.

TC 22, Overtime Double for Sunday Work, Travel

Record the hours allowed for commuted travel for Sunday work using TC 23. Travel hours are payable at the regular overtime rate and are subject to the maximum overtime rate restriction of GS-10, step 1.

Note: TC 22 should only be used if the employee’s regularly scheduled tour of duty does not include Sunday work and if the work performed is overtime.

TC 22, Overtime Double for Sunday Work, Entry Instructions

Type/select 22 in the TC field and the number of hours of work performed on Sunday for inspection, quarantine, and auxiliary services for United States imports and exports in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 23, Overtime Travel Under FLSA

Transaction Code

TC 23, Overtime Travel Under FLSA

TC Descriptor

01, 04

Applies To

Nonexempt FLSA employees

Exception: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform


FLSA overtime

TC 23, Overtime Travel Under FLSA, Description

This TC is used to record hours of travel away from the official duty station outside the tour of duty for which an employee is entitled to compensation under FLSA.

Note: Hours of travel which occur during the basic workweek must be reported using TC 01. Forty hours of regular time (including leave) must be recorded before TC 23 can be used.

TC 23, Overtime Travel Under FLSA, Entry Instructions

Type/select 23 in the TC field and the number of overtime hours worked outside the basic workweek in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 24, Overtime Travel Under Title V

Transaction Code

TC 24, Overtime Travel Under Title V

TC Descriptor

01, 04

Applies To

All employees

Exception: Wage marine employees and Senior Executives


One and one-half times base rate

TC 24, Overtime Travel Under Title V, Description

This TC is used to record hours of travel for purposes which are compensable under Title V and FLSA. See 5 CFR 550.112(g) and FPM Letter 551-24 for detailed information.

TC 24, Overtime Travel Under Title V, Entry Instructions

Type/select 24 in the TC field and the number of hours of travel which are performed outside the regular working hours on a workday or non-workday in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 25, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential

Transaction Code

TC 25, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS employees

Exception: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform


Hourly overtime rate plus 10 percent base rate for night differential

TC 25, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential, Description

This TC is used to record hours of regularly scheduled work performed outside the basic 40-hour workweek during the night differential period. For AWS Code 5 or 8, record hours of work over 80 hours per pay period.

Night differential may not be paid for occasional overtime worked. A regularly scheduled tour of duty must be authorized in advance of the administrative workweek.

Exception 1: Night differential in addition to overtime payment for employees performing grain appeal inspections may be paid only if the overtime is worked during the hours of services established at the point of inspection. Overtime work on grain appeal performed outside the established hours must be reported using TC 18, Overtime Grain Appeal.

Exception 2: Employees, whether full-time, part-time, or intermittent, engaged in meat and poultry inspection work are entitled to night differential for all regular and occasional overtime performed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

TC 25, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential, Entry Instructions

Type/select 25 in the TC field and the number of regularly scheduled overtime hours worked that fall between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 25, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 25, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Officers
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


Hourly overtime rate plus 10 percent base rate for night differential

TC 25, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record hours of regularly scheduled work for protective services duty performed outside the basic 40-hour workweek during the night differential period. For AWS Code 5 or 8, record hours of work over 80 hours per pay period.

TC 25, Prefix 01, Overtime Over 40 With Night Differential (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 25 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 26, Overtime Over 8 With Night Differential

Transaction Code

TC 26, Overtime Over 8 With Night Differential

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS employees
‎Youth Opportunity Campaign Program employees

Exception: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform


Hourly overtime rate plus 10 percent base rate for night differential

TC 26, Overtime Over 8 With Night Differential, Description

This TC is used to record regularly scheduled work performed during the night differential period in excess of 8 hours on any one day within the 40-hour basic workweek.

For eligible employees, retirement and Thrift Savings Plan deductions are computed on the employee’s current base pay for the hours reported using TC 26 even though the hours are paid at the overtime rate.

For employees who fill in nonpay status with TC 26, retirement and thrift savings plan deductions are computed at the base rate of pay.

Night differential may not be paid for occasional overtime worked. A regularly scheduled tour of duty must be authorized in advance of the administrative workweek and must be scheduled to recur on successive days or after specified intervals. Employees engaged in meat and poultry inspection work are entitled to night differential for all overtime work performed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., whether or not it was scheduled as part of the regularly scheduled workweek.

TC 26, Overtime Over 8 With Night Differential, Full-time GS Employees

If the employee was on LWOP during the basic workweek and performed work during the night differential period in excess of 8 hours in any one day to fill in or complete the basic workweek, record the hours over 8 using TC 26.

Record any regularly scheduled hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the workweek during the night differential period. If not regularly scheduled, the time should be recorded using TC 21 or TC 25.

TC 26, Overtime Over 8 With Night Differential, Part-time GS Employees

Use TC 26 to record the hours worked in excess of 8 hours in any one duty day if the hours of work are within the night differential period.

TC 26, Overtime Over 8 With Night Differential, Entry Instructions

For base hours, type/select 01 in the TC field and the applicable hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. For the overtime over 8 with night differential hours, type/select 26 in the TC field and the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate TD Code in the TD field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: The hours for TC 26 cannot exceed the hours for TC 01. The total hours recorded using TC 11 (up to 8 hours per day) and TC 26 (over 8 hours per day) cannot exceed 40 hours per week.

TC 27, Overtime Plus 10 Percent of Overtime Rate

Transaction Code

TC 27, Overtime Plus 10 Percent of Overtime Rate

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time wage marine engineer officers


Hourly rate for overtime plus 10 percent. Multiply the overtime rate by 1.1 and round to the nearest cent. No other premium compensation is payable.

TC 27, Overtime Plus 10 Percent of Overtime Rate, Description

This TC is used to record entitlement to overtime pay for dirty work for Engineer Officers (Occupational Series 9931, 9932, 9933, and 9934).

TC 27, Overtime Plus 10 Percent of Overtime Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 27 in the TC field and the number of overtime hours performed for dirty work in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 29, Credit Hours Worked

Transaction Code

TC 29, Credit Hours Worked

TC Descriptor

01, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS employees (excluding SES employees)
‎FWS employees

TC 29, Credit Hours Worked, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked in excess of the basic work requirement, approved by the employee’s Agency, at the option of the employee in order to vary the length of the workday or workweek under certain AWSs. The excess hours worked are not considered overtime hours.

In order for an employee to be eligible to earn credit hours, the AWS field must be coded 7 or 8. If the AWS field is not coded 7 or 8, the employee will not be allowed to earn credit hours. The hours recorded under TC 29 will automatically be disallowed, but the T&A will not reject.

A full-time employee on a flexible schedule may accumulate up to 24 hours of credit hours which may be carried over from one biweekly pay period to the next.

If an employee has a credit hours balance over the maximum, the overage will be deleted, and the T&A will reject if the amount of credit hours over the maximum is a result of a corrected T&A with credit hours earned.

Note: GAO employees may accumulate a maximum of 10 hours of credit hours which may be carried over from one biweekly pay period to the next. A part-time employee is limited on a prorated basis and may carry over an amount equal to a quarter of the biweekly work requirement. For example, a part-time employee who is scheduled to work 40 hours per pay period could accumulate a maximum of 10 credit hours (.25 x 40 = 10).

Note: This TC can be recorded as "other time" or "regular time." This restriction is controlled in most T&A systems via the "Top-Flag Indicator." If the Agency wishes to use accounting codes with these specific TCs, the top-flag indicator for these TCs must be set to "Y" (TC requires accounting). Recording these TCs with a top flag of "Y" allows the Agency to collect and track these times for accounting purposes. As a result, if accounting is normally entered each pay period on the T&A, it must be entered for these TCs as well if they are used with a top-flag indicator of "Y". If stored accounting is normally used, no accounting data entries are required once accounting has been stored for that individual.

TC 29, Credit Hours Worked, Entry Instructions

Type/select 29 in the TC field and the credit hours worked in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, enter the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 30, Overtime Call Back No Work Performed

Transaction Code

TC 30, Overtime Call Back No Work Performed

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

All employees

Exception: Wage marine employees and Senior Executives


One and one-half times base rate

TC 30, Overtime Call Back No Work Performed, Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of premium pay entitlement for employees called back to their place of employment when no work was performed. An employee is entitled to a minimum of 2 hours of premium pay.

If the employee performs 2 or more hours of work, all of the callback time should be recorded using the appropriate overtime transaction code. If the employee performs less than 2 hours of work, the callback time for which work was performed is recorded, in 15-minute increments, should be recorded using the appropriate overtime transaction code.

TC 30, Overtime Call Back No Work Performed, Entry Instructions

Type/select 30 in the TC field and the balance of the 2 hours for which no work was performed in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 31, Holiday Worked

Transaction Code

TC 31, Holiday Worked

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees
‎Summer Employment Program for Youth (over 90 days)


Base rate of pay

TC 31, Holiday Worked, Description

This TC is used to record hours of work performed during an employee’s regularly scheduled basic tour of duty on a day designated as a holiday for which the employee is entitled to holiday premium pay.

If the employee is not entitled to premium pay, TC 01 should be used to record the hours worked on a holiday.

If the employee is on an alternate work schedule, a minimum of 2 hours and not more than 9 or 10 hours, depending upon the employee’s schedule, may be recorded using TC 31.

If two holidays occur in a single pay period, the time recorded using TC 31 can exceed 8 hours.

In addition to recording the holiday hours worked, record the employee’s regularly scheduled duty hours for the day designated as a holiday using TC 66, Other Leave.

If an employee works on a day designated as a holiday outside of the regularly scheduled tour of duty, the appropriate overtime transaction code should be used.

If the employee was scheduled to work on a holiday but is called for military duty or an injury occurs, TC 31 with one of the following transaction codes should be used:

Code Name
‎65 Regular Military Leave
‎67 Injury Leave
‎68 Emergency Military Leave

TC 31, Holiday Worked, Full-time GS and FWS Employees

Full-time GS and FWS employees who have a regularly scheduled basic tour of duty are entitled to base pay and, if applicable, night or shift differentials for a non-worked holiday which occurs within the regularly scheduled basic workweek. If a holiday does not fall on the employee’s regularly scheduled workday, the workday which is considered to be the holiday will depend upon the employee’s schedule and the actual day of the holiday. The designated holiday is set forth by the OPM, Departmental, and Agency regulations.

TC 31, Holiday Worked, Full-time Employees With an Alternate Work Schedule

Full-time employees on an AWS who perform non-overtime work on a holiday (or a day designated as the holiday) are entitled to base pay plus premium pay equal to base pay for the hours worked on the holiday. The holiday hours worked cannot exceed 9 hours or 10 hours depending upon the employee’s AWS.

TC 31, Holiday Worked, Part-time GS and FWS Employees

Part-time GS and FWS employees who have a regularly scheduled basic tour of duty are entitled to be excused or to receive premium pay only if the holiday falls within the scheduled tour of duty.

TC 31, Holiday Worked, Intermittent Employees and Employees With an Appointment Limitation of Less Than 90 Days

Intermittent employees and employees with an appointment limitation of less than 90 days are not entitled to premium holiday pay. These employees receive the basic rate of compensation for the hours worked on a holiday. The 90-day requirement does not apply to employees compensated on an annual or monthly basis.

Exception: If the employee has been employed for a continuous period of 90 days or more, under one or more appointments, without a break in service, he/she is entitled to pay for a non-worked holiday plus premium pay for the holiday hours worked.

TC 31, Holiday Worked, Entry Instructions

Type/select 31 in the TC field and record the number of hours (minimum 2; maximum 16) the employee worked on a day designated as a holiday in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields only if the employee is entitled to premium holiday pay.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: For FWS employees, enter Suffix 1, 2, 3, or 4 when using TC 31 to record premium pay for holiday hours worked.

TC 31, Prefix 01, Holiday Worked (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 31, Prefix 01, Holiday Worked (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


Base rate of pay

TC 31, Prefix 01, Holiday Worked (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record the hours of work for protective services duty performed during an employee’s regularly scheduled basic tour of duty on a day designated as a holiday for which the employee is entitled to holiday premium pay.

TC 31, Prefix 01, Holiday Worked (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 31 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 31, Prefix 10, Holiday Pay Regular Rate

Transaction Code

TC 31, Prefix 10, Holiday Pay Regular Rate

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Basic hourly rate for the hours worked on a holiday

TC 31, Prefix 10, Holiday Pay Regular Rate, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of any regularly scheduled work performed on a holiday, including those holidays declared by Executive Order.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 within a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

Note: Customs officers do not have the same entitlement to a 2-hour minimum, as is applicable to other employees.

TC 31, Prefix 10, Holiday Pay Regular Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 31 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

Note: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform are only entitled to the TC 31 with an appropriate entry in the Prefix field.

TC 31, Prefix 97, Holiday-Scuba Diving 175 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 31, Prefix 97, Holiday-Scuba Diving 175 Percent

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

FWS employees


175 percent of environmental differential rate

TC 31, Prefix 97, Holiday-Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record time actually spent in the water while engaged in diving operation performed on a holiday.

TC 31, Prefix 97, Holiday-Scuba Diving 175 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 97 in the Prefix field and 31 in the TC field. Type the number of hours (minimum 1 hour) worked in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 32, Compensatory Time Worked

Transaction Code

TC 32, Compensatory Time Worked

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

Exception: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform


Time off from the scheduled basic workweek on an hour-for-hour basis or monetary payment at the overtime rate in effect for the work period in which it was earned if the compensatory time is not taken within the established timeframe.

TC 32, Compensatory Time Worked, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of irregular or occasional overtime work for which the employee is required or has elected to take time off in lieu of receiving overtime pay.

Regulations governing the earning of overtime pay also apply to earning compensatory time. Compensatory time must be worked outside the employee’s regularly scheduled tour of duty. The amount of time off must not exceed the time spent performing irregular or occasional overtime work.

Compensatory time may be earned to repay time off for religious observance. See TC 32, Prefix 77, for detailed instructions.

Record the codes for the financial projects, activities, and locations benefiting from the compensatory time worked in the remarks section.

Compensatory time earned may be liquidated by the end of the leave year, carried forward to the following year, or paid in full. Follow your Agency policy regarding compensatory time payments/liquidation.

Note: Regular compensatory time worked is the first category of premium pay that is cut back if the base pay plus premium pay exceeds the gross biweekly limitation. The personnel office can verify compensatory time balances by accessing IRIS program IR139.

TC 32, Compensatory Time Worked, FWS Employees

To record the hours of compensatory time earned on the T&A, TC 32 must be used with suffixes 1, 2, or 3. These suffixes allow the earned compensatory time to be recorded at the prevailing rate of each shift.

TC 32, Compensatory Time Worked, Payment for Compensatory Time

The employee is paid for compensatory time when leaving the rolls or at the time designated by the Agency. The employee is paid at the premium rate of pay that was in effect when the hours of overtime were actually performed.

When the employee must be paid for compensatory time, you must report through the channels of your organization, as appropriate, the employee’s name, Social Security number, T&A contact point code, and the number of hours to be paid. This should be done during the last pay period being reported for an employee leaving the organization or at the time designated by the Agency.

The personnel office must process Form AD-581, Lump Sum Leave or Compensatory Time Payments, for payment of compensatory leave. Reduce the hours paid from the compensatory leave balance for interim payments of compensatory time. Enter To be paid for (number) comp hours, in the remarks section.

Note: This TC can be recorded as "other time" or "regular time." This restriction is controlled in most T&A systems via the "Top-Flag Indicator." If the Agency wishes to use accounting codes with these specific TCs, the top-flag indicator for these TCs must be set to "Y" (TC requires accounting). Recording these TCs with a top flag of "Y" allows the Agency to collect and track these times for accounting purposes. As a result, if accounting is normally entered each pay period on the T&A, it must be entered for these TCs as well if they are used with a top-flag indicator of "Y". If stored accounting is normally used, no accounting data entries are required once accounting has been stored for that individual.

TC 32, Compensatory Time Worked, Entry Instructions

Type/select 32 in the TC field and the number of overtime hours worked in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type/select TC 12 (in addition to TC 32) to record overtime worked during the night differential period that is subject to night differential.

Compensatory time may be accrued by FLSA exempt employees only to the extent that the aggregate compensation (gross pay) for the biweekly pay period does not exceed the gross biweekly pay for the top pay of Grade GS-15. The hours earned and the base or premium rate of pay applicable to those hours are maintained in the employee’s database.

For FWS employees, type 1, 2, or 3 in the suffix field.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 32, Prefix 77, Compensatory Time Worked-Religious Observance

Transaction Code

TC 32, Prefix 77, Compensatory Time Worked-Religious Observance

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS employees

TC 32, Prefix 77, Compensatory Time Worked-Religious Observance, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of irregular or occasional overtime work which the employee performs or accumulates to repay or accrue time used for religious observance.

Compensatory time off may be accumulated or advanced for religious observance. This time may be accumulated 13 pay periods prior to being taken. However, any advanced time granted (see TC 60) should be repaid by compensatory overtime worked within 13 pay periods in which the advanced time off was taken. Supervisors should review T&As to assure repayment is made within the 13 pay periods. The Compensatory Time for Religious Observance Report is generated for supervisors to monitor outstanding compensatory time balances to ensure that repayment is made in accordance with Agency policy.

If an employee separates and maintains a positive balance of compensatory time worked for religious purposes, the compensatory time is paid at the basic rate of pay.

Compensatory time for religious observance is not subject to the premium pay provisions of Title V and FLSA.

Caution: Only TC 32, with Prefix 77, will reduce outstanding balances for compensatory time used for religious observance. Do not use TC 32 without the prefix to repay hours recorded against TC 60.

TC 32, Prefix 77, Compensatory Time Worked-Religious Observance, Entry Instructions

Type/select 77 in the Prefix field and 32 in the TC field. Enter the number of compensatory hours worked for religious observance in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields to offset time off for religious observance.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 32, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel Earned

Transaction Code

TC 32, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel Earned

Applies To

All employees, except Senior Executive Service, and Senior Foreign Service employees

TC 32, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel Earned, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of overtime earned for travel during uncompensated non-work hours. This is a form of compensatory time off for time spent by an employee in a travel status away from the employee’s official duty station when such time is not otherwise compensable.

Compensatory time for travel rules provide a number of definitions and conditions including "travel" and "travel status," which individuals must meet to be eligible for this form of time off from work. To obtain this information, refer to the OPM's regulations (5 CFR Part 550, RIN: 3206-AK74).

Employees will forfeit accrued compensatory time after 26 pay periods of it being credited. NFC will automatically delete any balances after 26 pay periods.

Compensatory time for travel is displayed in IRIS on IR139, Compensatory Leave & Rate, with a zero value in the rate field. However, there is no separate field for the compensatory time for travel total balance. Therefore, this balance is included with the regular compensatory time hours in the Total Current Balance field.

Additionally, a separate line is displayed in the Earnings and Deductions portion of the employee’s E& L Statement and the Employee Personnel Page (EPP) to reflect compensatory time for travel accrual and usage information. Compensatory time for travel balance information, however, will be combined with the regular compensatory time balance.

Note: This TC can be recorded as "other time" or "regular time." This restriction is controlled in most T&A systems via the "Top-Flag Indicator." If the Agency wishes to use accounting codes with these specific TCs, the top-flag indicator for these TCs must be set to "Y" (TC requires accounting). Recording these TCs with a top flag of "Y" allows the Agency to collect and track these times for accounting purposes. As a result, if accounting is normally entered each pay period on the T&A, it must be entered for these TCs as well if they are used with a top-flag indicator of "Y". If stored accounting is normally used, no accounting data entries are required once accounting has been stored for that individual.

TC 32, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel Earned, Entry Instructions

Type/select 78 in the Prefix field and 32 in the TC field. Enter the number of compensatory hours worked for compensatory travel earned in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 32, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Time Earned

Transaction Code

TC 32, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Time Earned

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 32, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Time Earned, Description

This TC is used to record hours worked in excess of the base 80 hours and Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Within Tour Overtime approved by management but not scheduled in advance of the pay period.

TC 32, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Time Earned, Entry Instructions

Type/select 80 in the Prefix field and 32 in the TC field. Enter the number of compensatory hours worked in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 32, Suffix 5, Comp Time Worked at Base Rate

Transaction Code

TC 32, Suffix 5, Comp Time Worked at Base Rate

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Capitol Police


Base rate of pay

TC 32, Suffix 5, Comp Time Worked at Base Rate, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of irregular or occasional overtime worked for which the employee has elected to take time off in lieu of receiving additional duty pay at the base rate.

Note: When these hours are used, they should be recorded on the employee’s T&A with TC 64, Compensatory Leave.

TC 32, Suffix 5, Comp Time Worked at Base Rate, Entry Instructions

Type/select 32 in the TC field and 5 in the Suffix field. Type the number of applicable hours in the Week1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 32, Suffix 6, Comp Time Worked on Holiday

Transaction Code

TC 32, Suffix 6, Comp Time Worked on Holiday

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Applies To

U.S. Capitol Police

TC 32, Suffix 6, Comp Time Worked on Holiday, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of overtime worked on a holiday for which the employee has elected to take time off in lieu of receiving holiday pay.

Note: When these hours are used, they should be recorded on the employee’s T&A with TC 64, Compensatory Leave.

TC 32, Suffix 6, Comp Time Worked on Holiday, Entry Instructions

Type/select 32 in the TC field and 6 in the Suffix field. Type the number of applicable hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 33, Overtime Call Back No Work on Sunday

Transaction Code

TC 33, Overtime Call Back No Work on Sunday

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

All employees


Two times base rate

TC 33, Overtime Call Back No Work on Sunday, Description

This TC is used to record a minimum of 2 hours of premium pay entitlement for employees called back to perform animal inspection and plant quarantine services on Sunday when no work was performed.

If the employee performs 2 or more hours of work, record all of the time using TC 22 (plant quarantine and animal health import/export inspectors only). If the employee performs less than 2 hours of work, record the callback time for which work was performed in 15-minute increments, using TC 22. Record the balance of the 2 hours for which no work was performed using TC 33.

TC 33, Overtime Call Back No Work on Sunday, Entry Instructions

Type/select 33 in the TC field and the number of Sunday callback hours worked in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 35, Union/Contract Negotiation

Transaction Code

TC 35, Union/Contract Negotiation

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees


Hourly base rate of pay

TC 35, Union/Contract Negotiation, Description

This TC is used to record union contract-related activities occurring during the employee’s normal work schedule.

Listed below are the activities applicable to TC 35:

  • Negotiation and renegotiation of collective bargaining agreements
  • A contract re-opener clause
  • Negotiation meetings with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) and the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP)

See TCs 36, 37, and 38 for additional TCs used to record authorized, official time used for participation in union-related functions not listed above.

TC 35, Union/Contract Negotiation, Entry Instructions

Type/select 35 in the TC field and the number of hours the employee participates in or is a witness for a union-related, representational function in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. For additional pay entitlement, use the appropriate suffix with TC 35.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 35, Prefix 05, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 35, Prefix 05, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 35, Prefix 05, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union contract-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 35, Prefix 05, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 35 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 35, Prefix 10, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 35, Prefix 10, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 35, Prefix 10, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union contract-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 35, Prefix 10, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 35 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 35, Prefix 15, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 35, Prefix 15, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 35, Prefix 15, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours union contract-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 35, Prefix 15, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 35 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 35, Prefix 20, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 35, Prefix 20, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 35, Prefix 20, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union contract-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 35, Prefix 20, Union/Contract Negotiation (at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 35 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 35, Prefix 50, Union/Contract Negotiation

Transaction Code

TC 35, Prefix 50, Union/Contract Negotiation

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 35, Prefix 50, Union/Contract Negotiation, Description

This TC is used to record hours of union contract-related activities occurring on a regularly scheduled non-overtime Sunday that is not a holiday.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 35, Prefix 50, Union/Contract Negotiation, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 35 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 36, Union/Midterm Negotiation

Transaction Code

TC 36, Union/Midterm Negotiation

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees


Hourly base rate of pay

TC 36, Union/Midterm Negotiation, Description

This TC is used to record union midterm-related activities occurring during the employee’s normal work schedule.

TC 36 should not be used for the following union-related activities:

Negotiation and renegotiation of collective bargaining agreements

A contract re-opener clause

Negotiation meetings with FMCS and FSIP

See TCs 35, 37, and 38 for additional TCs used to record authorized, official time the employee participated in other union-related representational functions.

TC 36, Union/Midterm Negotiation, Entry Instructions

Type/select 36 in the TC field and the number of hours the employee participates in union-related, representational functions in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

For additional pay entitlement, use the appropriate suffix with TC 36.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 36, Prefix 05, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 36, Prefix 05, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 36, Prefix 05, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union midterm-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 36, Prefix 05, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 36 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 36, Prefix 10, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 36, Prefix 10, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 36, Prefix 10, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union midterm-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 36, Prefix 10, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 36 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 36, Prefix 15, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 36, Prefix 15, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of regular hourly rate

TC 36, Prefix 15, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union midterm-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 36, Prefix 15, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 36 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 36, Prefix 20, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 36, Prefix 20, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 36, Prefix 20, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union midterm-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 36, Prefix 20, Union/Midterm Negotiation (at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 36 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 36, Prefix 50, Union/Midterm Negotiation

Transaction Code

TC 36, Prefix 50, Union/Midterm Negotiation

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 36, Prefix 50, Union/Midterm Negotiation, Description

This TC is used to record hours of union midterm-related activities occurring on a regularly scheduled non-overtime Sunday that is not a holiday.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 36, Prefix 50, Union/Midterm Negotiation, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 36 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 37, Union/Ongoing Labor Management Relations (LMR) Activity

Transaction Code

TC 37, Union/Ongoing Labor Management Relations (LMR) Activity

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees


Hourly base rate of pay

TC 37, Union/Ongoing Labor Management Relations (LMR) Activity, Description

This TC is used to record union ongoing LMR-related activities occurring during the employee’s normal work schedule.

Listed below are the activities applicable to TC 37:

  • Labor-Management Committees
  • Consultations
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Inspections
  • Labor relations training for union representatives
  • Formal and Weingarten-type meetings

See TCs 35, 36, and 38 for additional TCs used to record authorized, official time the employee participated in other union-related representational functions.

TC 37, Union/Ongoing Labor Management Relations (LMR) Activity, Entry Instructions

Type/select 37 in the TC field and the number of hours the employee participates in or is witness for a union-related representational function in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. For additional pay entitlement, use the appropriate suffix with TC 37.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 37, Prefix 05, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 37, Prefix 05, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 37, Prefix 05, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of ongoing union labor management-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 37, Prefix 05, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 37 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 37, Prefix 10, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 37, Prefix 10, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 37, Prefix 10, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of ongoing union labor management-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

Entry Instructions, TC 37, Prefix 10, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent)

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 37 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 37, Prefix 15, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 37, Prefix 15, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 37, Prefix 15, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of ongoing union labor management-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 37, Prefix 15, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 37 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 37, Prefix 20, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 37, Prefix 20, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 37, Prefix 20, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of ongoing union labor management-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 37, Prefix 20, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity (at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 37 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 37, Prefix 50, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity

Transaction Code

TC 37, Prefix 50, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 37, Prefix 50, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity, Description

This TC is used to record hours of union ongoing labor management-related activities occurring on a regularly scheduled non-overtime Sunday that is not a holiday.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 37, Prefix 50, Union/Ongoing LMR Activity, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 37 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 38, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation

Transaction Code

TC 38, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees


Hourly base rate of pay

TC 38, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation, Description

This TC is used to record union grievance- and appeal-related activities occurring during the employee’s normal work schedule.

Listed below are the activities applicable to TC 38:

  • Grievances
  • Arbitrations
  • Adverse Actions
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Complaints
  • Other complaints and appellate processes

See TCs 35, 36, and 37 for additional TCs used to record authorized, official time the employee participated in other union-related representational functions.

TC 38, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation, Entry Instructions

Type/select 38 in the TC field and the number of hours the employee participates in or is a witness for a union-related representational function in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. For additional pay entitlement, use the appropriate suffix with TC 38.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 38, Prefix 05, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 38, Prefix 05, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 38, Prefix 05, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union grievance- and appeal-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 38, Prefix 05, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 38 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 38, Prefix 10, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 38, Prefix 10, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 38, Prefix 10, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union grievance- and appeal-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 38, Prefix 10, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 38 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 38, Prefix 15, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 38, Prefix 15, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 38, Prefix 15, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours union grievance- and appeal-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year as authorized by COPRA.

TC 38, Prefix 15, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 38 in the TC field. Enter the appropriate amount of time in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 38, Prefix 20, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 38, Prefix 20, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 38, Prefix 20, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of union grievance- and appeal-related activities (in 15-minute increments) occurring during the employee’s regular tour of duty, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 38, Prefix 20, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation (at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 38 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 38, Prefix 50, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation

Transaction Code

TC 38, Prefix 50, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 38, Prefix 50, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation, Description

This TC is used to record hours of union grievance- and appeal-related activities occurring on a regularly scheduled non-overtime Sunday that is not a holiday that is applicable for Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation, otherwise the T&A will reject. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 38, Prefix 50, Union/Grievance/Appeal Representation, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 38 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 01 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 39, Shore Leave Earned

Transaction Code

TC 39, Shore Leave Earned

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of Commerce GS employees
‎FWS employees

Exception: Intermittent employees and temporary employees with an appointment limitation of less than 90 days

TC 39, Shore Leave Earned, Description

This TC is used to record hours of shore-leave earned during extended voyage(s) that is to be credited to the employee’s shore leave account.

Employees regularly assigned extended duties aboard oceangoing vessels are entitled to earn shore leave in addition to annual and sick leave accruals. Shore leave is accumulated, without limitation, at the rate of 1 day for each 15 calendar days on one or more extended voyages. An extended voyage must be for 7 or more calendar days in duration.

If the employee is transferred, any shore-leave balance may be transferred only if the employee does not have a break in service and is assigned to another Agency where shore leave may be earned. Shore leave is forfeited (is not paid in lump sum) upon separation or upon assignment to a position where employees do not earn shore leave.

See TC 59 for instructions for recording shore leave used.

TC 39, Shore Leave Earned, Entry Instructions

Type/select 39 in the TC field and the number of hours earned (in 8-hour increments) in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 40, Home Leave Earned

Transaction Code

TC 40, Home Leave Earned

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees in service abroad

Exception: Wage marine employees


Base rate

TC 40, Home Leave Earned, Description

This TC is used to record the number of days of home leave earned during service abroad that is to be credited as hours to the employee’s home leave account.

Home leave is earned by eligible employees for service abroad. Service abroad is defined as service by an employee at a post of duty outside the United States and outside the employee’s place of residence if the place of residence is the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a possession of the United States. The accrued home leave is used for vacation in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or in possessions of the United States.

Depending upon the requirements, type of assignment, and percent of differential entitlements at the post of duty, home leave is earned at the rate of 5, 10, or 15 days for each 12 months of service abroad.

When a change in the employee’s home leave earning status changes during the month of service abroad, the Agency should credit the employee with the amount of home leave for the month at the rate the employee was entitled to before the change was made. This may occur when:

An employee moves between different home leave earning rates during the month of service abroad.

A change in the differential occurs during a month of service abroad and results in a different home leave earning rate.

See TC 69 for instructions on home leave taken.

TC 40, Home Leave Earned, Entry Instructions

Type/select 40 in the TC field and the number of home leave days converted to hours in 1-day increments that are to be credited to the employee’s account in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. The entry should reflect the appropriate number of hours equivalent to the number of days earned.

TC 41, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis Differential In Lieu of Overtime (DLO)

Transaction Code

TC 41, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis Differential In Lieu of Overtime (DLO)

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

FLSA exempt and nonexempt employees

Exception: Customs Officers Pay Reform


For AUO, the rate is one half of the regular FLSA rate, if FLSA nonexempt; for availability pay, there is no applicable FLSA overtime.

TC 41, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis Differential In Lieu of Overtime (DLO), Description

This TC is used to record the hours of standby time or AUO which were actually worked.

Note: TC 41 is used for tracking AUO and availability pay only for Small Business Administration and for Departments of Justice, Commerce, and Department of the Treasury employees.

An employee must be coded in the database by processing a personnel action to earn standby/AUO; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

The AUO 1, 2, and % fields must be coded with the scheduled hours and percentage rate to begin AUO.

TC 41, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis Differential In Lieu of Overtime (DLO), Entry Instructions

Type/select 41 in the TC field and the hours of standby/AUO work performed in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 41, Prefix 01, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis (DLO) (for protective services)

Transaction Code

TC 41, Prefix 01, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis (DLO) (for protective services)

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service


For AUO, the rate is one half of the regular FLSA rate. If FLSA nonexempt, for availability pay there is no applicable FLSA overtime.

TC 41, Prefix 01, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis (DLO) (for protective services), Description

This TC is used to record the hours of AUO or the hours of availability pay which were actually worked for protective services duty.

TC 41, Prefix 01, Premium Pay on an Annual Basis (DLO) (for protective services), Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 41 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 41, Prefix 11, Supplemental Pay 25%

Transaction Code

TC 41, Prefix 11, Supplemental Pay 25%

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 41, Prefix 11, Supplemental Pay 25%, Description

This TC is used to record the hours entitled to supplemental pay for the pay period, for the Level 1 Schedule.

TC 41, Prefix 11, Supplemental Pay 25%, Entry Instructions

Type/select 11 in the Prefix field and 41 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 41, Prefix 12, Supplemental Pay 12.5%

Transaction Code

TC 41, Prefix 12, Supplemental Pay 12.5%

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 41, Prefix 12, Supplemental Pay 12.5%, Description

This TC is used to record the hours entitled to supplemental pay for the pay period, for the Level 2 Schedule.

TC 41, Prefix 12, Supplemental Pay 12.5%, Entry Instructions

Type/select 12 in the Prefix field and 41 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 45, Cost of Living Allowance

Transaction Code

TC 45, Cost of Living Allowance

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

GS employees

TC 45, Cost of Living Allowance, Description

This TC is used to begin cost-of-living allowance (COLA) payments.

COLA is a special pay entitlement for an employee whose duty station is in a high cost-of-living area (e.g., Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. possessions, and Panama). Entitlement to COLA must be established in the database by processing a personnel action. Payment of the allowance begins and ends, based on the data furnished on the T&A. Payment for COLA will be charged against the same accounting data used for regular time.

The T&A entry for COLA payments is made only in the pay period the COLA begins. Payment will automatically continue until TC 47 is entered to discontinue the payments or until a personnel action is processed to cancel eligibility.

The hours recorded using TC 45 can only be equal to or less than the total base pay hours recorded for the pay period.

A combination of TC 45 and TC 46 cannot exceed 45 hours per week.

TC 45, Cost of Living Allowance, Entry Instructions

Record the hours in pay status in the usual manner with the appropriate TC(s). Type/select 45 in the TC field and the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields only in the pay period the COLA begins. Type the effective date that the employee arrives at the designated duty station in the remarks section.

TC 46, Post Differential

Transaction Code

TC 46, Post Differential

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

GS employees

TC 46, Post Differential, Description

This TC is used to begin post differential payments.

Post differential is a special pay entitlement provided an employee who is assigned to a designated duty station. Entitlement to post differential must be established in the database by processing a personnel action. Payment for post differential begins and ends based on the data furnished on the T&A. Payment for post differential will be charged against the same accounting data used for regular time.

The T&A entry for post differential payments is made only in the pay period the post differential begins. Payment will automatically continue until TC 48 is entered to discontinue the payments or until a personnel action is processed to cancel eligibility.

The hours recorded using TC 46 can only be equal to or less than the total base pay hours recorded for the pay period. A combination of TC 45 and TC 46 cannot exceed 45 hours per week.

TC 46, Post Differential, Entry Instructions

Record the hours in pay status in the usual manner with the appropriate TC(s). Type/select 46 in the TC field and the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields only in the pay period the differential is to begin. Type the effective date that the employee arrives at the designated duty station in the remarks section.

TC 47, Stop Cost of Living Allowance

Transaction Code

TC 47, Stop Cost of Living Allowance

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

GS employees

TC 47, Stop Cost of Living Allowance, Description

This TC is used to discontinue COLA payments.

The personnel office should submit Form AD-343 to retroactively discontinue COLA. A corrected T&A should not be processed.

TC 47, Stop Cost of Living Allowance, Entry Instructions

To permanently discontinue COLA payments, complete the T&A in the usual manner during the pay period in which the payment is to be discontinued. Total all regular time hours from the beginning of the pay period through the last day the employee was eligible to receive the allowance. Type/select 47 in the TC field and the number of hours for which the employee is entitled to COLA in the Week 1/Week 2 fields. The total hours entered using TC 47 cannot exceed an employee’s regularly scheduled tour of duty hours.

To temporarily discontinue COLA payments, the employee must have received payment for allowances for the entire pay period prior to the pay period being reported. Complete the T&A in the usual manner. Type/select 47 in the TC field and 0 (zero) in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

To resume COLA payments on a subsequent T&A, use TC 45.

Type the effective date that the employee departs from the designated duty station in the remarks section.

TC 48, Stop Post Differential

Transaction Code

TC 48, Stop Post Differential

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

GS employees

TC 48, Stop Post Differential, Description

This TC is used to discontinue post differential payments.

The personnel office should submit Form AD-343 to discontinue post differential payments. A corrected T&A should not be processed.

Note: An employee is ineligible to receive post differential when on leave outside the post differential area.

TC 48, Stop Post Differential, Entry Instructions

To permanently discontinue post differential payments, complete the T&A in the usual manner during the pay period in which the payment is to be discontinued. Total all regular time hours from the beginning of the pay period through the last day the employee was eligible to receive the allowance. Type/select 48 in the TC field and the number of hours for which the employee is entitled to post differential in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. The total hours entered using TC 48 cannot exceed the employee’s regularly scheduled tour of duty hours.

To temporarily discontinue post differential payments, the employee must have received payment for allowances for the entire pay period prior to the pay period being reported. Complete the T&A in the usual manner. Type/select 48 TC field and 0 (zero) in Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

To resume post differential payments on a subsequent T&A, use TC 46.

Enter the effective date that the employee departs from the designated duty station in the remarks section.

TC 49, Remote Worksite Allowance

Transaction Code

TC 49, Remote Worksite Allowance

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

TC 49, Remote Worksite Allowance, Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount of additional pay entitlement for employees assigned duties in remote work sites.

An employee may be entitled to an additional allowance in pay when assigned to duty at a site so remote from an established community that it causes a degree of expense, hardship, and/or inconvenience in commuting to and from his/her residence and worksite. Before using this TC you should check with your personnel office to ensure that the employee’s entitlement to remote work-site allowance has been established in the database.

TC 49, Remote Worksite Allowance, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 49 in the TC field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Enter the dollar amount being reported.

Example: To enter allowance benefits in the amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the amount will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 49, Remote Worksite Allowance, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 49, Suffix 3, Quarters Allowance Not Taxable

Transaction Code

TC 49, Suffix 3, Quarters Allowance Not Taxable

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Employees assigned in a foreign area where Government quarters are not provided


Daily rate entered in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI

TC 49, Suffix 3, Quarters Allowance Not Taxable, Description

This TC is used to record the number of days for which the employee is being reimbursed for housing costs. This allowance is not taxable and will not be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Quarters allowance can either be reported per day or per pay period. To report this allowance per day, the information is recorded on the T&A.

To authorize the payment of quarters allowance on a pay period basis, the personnel office must enter the data in EPIC Web, EmpowHR or FESI. Quarters allowance information should not be entered on the T&A. The TC will be generated on the E&L Statement.

A corrected T&A should be processed to record days from a prior pay period.

TC 49, Suffix 3, Quarters Allowance Not Taxable, Entry Instructions

To record daily quarters allowance, type/select 49 in the TC field and 3 in the Suffix field. Type the number of days for which the employee is being reimbursed for housing costs in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

The maximum number of days that may be recorded in one pay period is 14. The entire 14 days may be entered in either the Week 1 Hrs or Week 2 Hrs field, or they may be divided and entered in both fields.

TC 49, Suffix 4, Quarters Allowance Taxable

Transaction Code

TC 49, Suffix 4, Quarters Allowance Taxable

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Employees assigned in a foreign area


Daily rate entered in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI

TC 49, Suffix 4, Quarters Allowance Taxable, Description

This TC is used to record the number of days an employee incurs housing cost expenditures while assigned duties in a foreign area whenever free Government quarters are not provided. This allowance is taxable and will be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Quarters allowance may be reported per day or per pay period. To report this allowance per day, the information is recorded on the T&A.

To authorize the payment of quarters allowance on a pay period basis, the personnel office must enter the data in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI. Quarters allowance information should not be entered on the T&A. The TC will be generated on the E&L Statement.

A corrected T&A should be processed to record days from a prior pay period.

TC 49, Suffix 4, Quarters Allowance Taxable, Entry Instructions

To record daily quarters allowance, type/select 49 in the TC field and 4 in the Suffix field. Type the number of days for which the employee is being reimbursed for housing costs in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

The maximum number of days that may be recorded in one pay period is 14. The entire14 days may be entered in either the Week 1 Hrs or Week 2 Hrs field or they may be divided and entered in both fields.

TC 49, Suffix 9, Danger Pay Allowance

Transaction Code

TC 49, Suffix 9, Danger Pay Allowance

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Employees serving at a post where civil insurrection, civil war, or warlike conditions exist


15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 percent of basic pay

TC 49, Suffix 9, Danger Pay Allowance, Description

This TC is used to record hours of entitlement to danger pay allowance.

Danger pay is usually linked to conditions where there has been an authorized departure or evacuation of dependents and nonessential personnel. It is available to employees assigned or detailed to a danger pay post as designated by the Secretary of State.

For these purposes, a detail is defined as a minimum of 4 cumulative hours in 1 day, at a place designated as a danger pay area. When an employee is detailed to a danger pay area for 4 hours or more, he/she is entitled to receive the danger pay allowance for the full day.

Danger pay cannot exceed 25 percent of the basic salary. A maximum of 80 hours of danger pay allowance is allowed in one pay period.

TC 49, Suffix 9, Danger Pay Allowance, Entry Instructions

Type/select 15, 20, or 25 (percentage rate of basic pay) in the Prefix field, 49 in the TC field, and 9 in the Suffix field. Type the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 50, Credit Hours

Transaction Code

TC 50, Credit Hours

TC Descriptor

02, 03

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees (excluding SES employees)

TC 50, Credit Hours, Description

This TC is used to record credit hours used that were earned and recorded using TC 29. See TC 29 for more information.

Employees under variable workday or workweek schedules are allowed to work additional hours in excess of their normal tour of duty so as to vary the length of the workday or workweek for time off without leave usage.

In order to use credit hours, the employee’s T&A must be coded 7 or 8 in the AWS field. If the T&A is not coded or an insufficient balance exists and the T&A reflects credit hours used, the T&A will reject. The hours used will be charged to TC 61, Annual Leave. If annual leave is not available, the hours will be charged to TC 71, Leave Without Pay.

A full-time employee on a flexible schedule may accumulate up to 24 hours of credit hours which may be carried over from one biweekly pay period to the next. A part-time employee is limited to a prorated basis and may carry over an amount equal to 1/4 of the biweekly work requirement.

Example: A part-time employee who is scheduled to work 40 hours per pay period could accumulate a maximum of 10 credit hours (1/4 x 40 = 10).

TC 50, Credit Hours, Disposition of Credit Hours

Use TC 29, Credit Hours Worked, to record the hours of credit hours earned.

When an employee is no longer entitled to earn credit hours, the balance must be paid at the current rate of pay. Provide the servicing personnel office with a certified copy of the final T&A with the following information so that an AD-343 can be prepared for payment:

  • The number of credit hours to be paid
  • The T&A coded final or showing the reason of liquidation
  • The accounting that is to be charged

The credit hour balances are not recorded in the Leave section of the T&A. You may maintain a record of the leave accruals and uses in the remarks section of the T&A.

Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. (Credit hours taken are not considered paid leave because these hours are a substitution for hours worked. Therefore, night differential is not reduced if an employee uses 8 or more credit hours during a pay period.) Night differential is applied when less than 8 hours of paid leave is used. Night differential is not applied when paid leave used is 8 or more hours within a pay period.

An employee allowed to work credit hours under a flexible work schedule is entitled to night differential only to the extent to which he/she must work at night in order to fulfill his/her basic work requirement.

TC 50, Credit Hours, Transaction Descriptor Codes

One of the following codes may be entered in the Transaction Code Descriptor field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.





OWCP (Injury)

Credit leave used for time absent due to an OWCP injury on the job.


OWCP (Illness)

Credit leave used for time absent due to an OWCP occupational illness.

TC 50, Credit Hours, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the TC field and the number of credit hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Credit hours can be charged in multiples of one-quarter hours with clearance from the Director of Personnel. Credit hours used cannot exceed credit hours earned.

Type 2 in the Suffix field to record credit hours with night differential, if applicable.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 51, Suffix 1, Uniform Allowance (Taxable)

Transaction Code

TC 51, Suffix 1, Uniform Allowance (Taxable)

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

TC 51, Suffix 1, Uniform Allowance (Taxable), Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount provided as an allowance to compensate an employee for buying work uniforms. This allowance is taxable and will be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Uniform allowance may be recorded in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, FESI, or on the T&A.

Caution: Duplicate payment could result if uniform allowance is both recorded on the T&A and entered in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI. Before entering uniform allowance on the T&A, verify that it has not been entered in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI by the personnel office.

TC 51, Suffix 1, Uniform Allowance (Taxable), Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 51 in the TC field and 1 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Example: To enter allowance benefits in the amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the uniform subsidy will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 51, Suffix 1, Uniform Allowance (Taxable), Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 51, Suffix 2, Separate Maintenance Allowance Non Taxable

Transaction Code

TC 51, Suffix 2, Separate Maintenance Allowance Non Taxable

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Employees assigned in a foreign area where Government quarters are not provided


Daily rate entered in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI

TC 51, Suffix 2, Separate Maintenance Allowance Non Taxable, Description

This TC is used to record the number of days for which the employee is being reimbursed for housing costs. This allowance is tax exempt and will not be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Separate Maintenance Allowance is used (1) to assist an employee who is compelled by reason of dangerous, notably unhealthful, or excessively adverse living conditions at the post of assignment in a foreign area or (2) for the convenience of the Government, to meet the additional expense of maintaining family members elsewhere than at such post.

Separate maintenance allowance may be reported per day or per pay period. To report this allowance per day, the information is recorded on the T&A.

To authorize the payment of separate maintenance allowance on a pay period basis, the personnel office must enter the data in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI. Separate maintenance allowance information should not be entered on the T&A. The TC will be generated on the E&L Statement.

The maximum number of days that may be recorded in one pay period is 14. A total of 14 days may be entered in either the Week 1 Hrs or Week 2 Hrs fields or they may be divided and entered in both fields. A corrected T&A should be processed to record days from a prior pay period.

TC 51, Suffix 2, Separate Maintenance Allowance Non Taxable, Entry Instructions

To record daily separate maintenance allowance, type/select 51 in the TC field and 2 in the Suffix field. Type the number of days being recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 51, Suffix 3, Separate Maintenance Allowance Taxable

Transaction Code

TC 51, Suffix 3, Separate Maintenance Allowance Taxable

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Employees assigned in a foreign area where Government quarters are not provided


Daily rate entered in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI

TC 51, Suffix 3, Separate Maintenance Allowance Taxable, Description

This TC is used to record the number of days for which the employee is being reimbursed for housing costs. This allowance is taxable and will be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Separate Maintenance Allowance is used (1) to assist an employee who is compelled by reason of dangerous, notably unhealthful, or excessively adverse living conditions at the post of assignment in a foreign area or (2) for the convenience of the Government, to meet the additional expense of maintaining family members elsewhere than at such post.

Separate maintenance allowance may be reported per day or per pay period. To report this allowance per day, the information is recorded on the T&A.

To authorize the payment of separate maintenance allowance on a pay period basis, the personnel office must enter the data in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI. Separate maintenance allowance information should not be entered on the T&A. The TC will be generated on the E&L Statement.

The maximum number of days that may be recorded in one pay period is 14. A total of 14 days may be entered in either the Week 1 Hrs or Week 2 Hrs fields or they may be divided and entered in both fields. A corrected T&A should be processed to record days from a prior pay period.

TC 51, Suffix 3, Separate Maintenance Allowance Taxable, Entry Instructions

To record daily separate maintenance allowance, type/select 51 in the TC field and 3 in the Suffix field. Type the number of days being recorded in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 51, Suffix 8, Uniform Allowance (Tax Exempt)

Transaction Code

TC 51, Suffix 8, Uniform Allowance (Tax Exempt)

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

TC 51, Suffix 8, Uniform Allowance (Tax Exempt), Description

This TC is used to record the monetary amount provided as an allowance to compensate an employee for buying work uniforms. This allowance is tax exempt and will not be reported on the employee’s W-2.

Uniform allowance may be recorded in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI or on the T&A.

Caution: Duplicate payment could result if uniform allowance is recorded on the T&A and entered in EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or FESI. Before entering uniform allowance on the T&A, verify that it has not been entered in EPIC by the personnel office. Uniform allowances may be charged to the current year and one prior year appropriation during any pay period.

TC 51, Suffix 8, Uniform Allowance (Tax Exempt), Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 51 in the TC field and 8 in the Suffix field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Example: To enter allowance benefits in the amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the uniform subsidy will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 51, Suffix 8, Uniform Allowance (Tax Exempt), Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 54, Telework

Transaction Code

TC 54, Telework

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Employees eligible to participate in telework

TC 54, Telework, Description

This TC is a nonpay transaction used for the reporting of telework information only. It is entered in the Other Time section of the T&A. TC 54 is used in addition to the regular pay TCs and will not replace any existing TCs. It is not used in the calculation of the employee's salary payment.

TC 54, Telework, Entry Instructions

Type/select 54 in the TC field and the hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type 0 in the suffix field for (Routine) or type 1 for (Situational) telework. Type/select the applicable prefix code (1-14) for the entry of the number of instances of telework for hours entered. Must have one instance when TC 54 is used. Maximum instances per pay period are 14.

TC 59, Shore Leave

Transaction Code

TC 59, Shore Leave

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of Commerce, GS employees
‎FWS employees

TC 59, Shore Leave, Description

This TC is used to record hours of shore leave used.

Employees who are regularly assigned extended duties aboard oceangoing vessels are entitled to earn shore leave in addition to annual and sick leave accruals. Shore leave is accumulated, without limitation, at the rate of 1 day for each 15 calendar days for one or more extended voyages. An extended voyage must be for 7 or more calendar days in duration.

If the employee is transferred to another Agency or position, the shore leave balance may be transferred only if the employee does not have a break in service and is assigned to another Agency where shore leave may be earned. Shore leave is forfeited (is not paid in lump sum) upon separation or upon assignment to a position where employees do not earn shore leave.

Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. Night differential is applied when less than 8 hours of paid leave is used. Night differential is not applied when paid leave is 8 or more hours within a pay period.

TC 59, Shore Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 59 in the TC field and the hours of paid absence for shore leave taken (minimum is 8 hours/1 day) in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Shore leave taken is recorded in 8-hour increments. Shore leave used cannot exceed the shore leave balance.

Type/select 2 in the Suffix field to record shore leave with night differential.

TC 60, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance

Transaction Code

TC 60, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 60, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance, Description

This TC is used to record hours of absence for religious observance without a loss of pay.

Compensatory time off may be accumulated or advanced for religious observance. This time may be accumulated 13 pay periods prior to being taken. However, any advanced time granted should be repaid by compensatory overtime worked within 13 pay periods in which the advanced time off was taken. The Compensatory Time for Religious Observance Report is generated to provide supervisors an aid in monitoring outstanding compensatory time balances to ensure repayment is made in accordance with established Agency policies.

Compensatory time advanced using TC 60 will create a negative balance that will be reduced by compensatory overtime worked which is recorded using TC 32, Prefix 77, Compensatory Time Worked Religious Observance. A notation in the remarks section should be made if the entry creates a negative balance for compensatory time for religious observance.

Note: Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, official leave, and compensatory time used for religious observance, regardless of the number of hours taken.

TC 60, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance, Entry Instructions

Type/select 60 in the TC field and the number of hours of compensatory time used for religious observance (15-minute increments) in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Note: Enter 2 in the Suffix field to record compensatory time used for religious observance with night differential.

TC 60, Prefix 05, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 60, Prefix 05, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 15 percent of base pay

TC 60, Prefix 05, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of absence for religious observance for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 60, Prefix 05, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 60 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 60, Prefix 10, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 60, Prefix 10, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 20 percent of base pay

TC 60, Prefix 10, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of absence for religious observance for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 60, Prefix 10, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 60 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 60, Prefix 15, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 60, Prefix 15, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 15 percent of base pay

TC 60, Prefix 15, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of absence for religious observance for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 60, Prefix 15, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 15 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 60 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 60, Prefix 20, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 60, Prefix 20, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 20 percent of base pay

TC 60, Prefix 20, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of absence for religious observance for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 60, Prefix 20, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 60 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 60, Prefix 50, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 50 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 60, Prefix 50, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 50 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 60, Prefix 50, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 50 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of absence for religious observance for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 60, Prefix 50, Comp Time Used-Religious Observance at 50 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 60 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 61, Annual Leave

Transaction Code

TC 61, Annual Leave

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

Exception: Smithsonian Institution employees with Pay Plans RA, IC, AE

TC 61, Annual Leave, Description

This TC is used to record hours of annual leave used that are to be charged against the employee’s accrued annual leave balance.

Eligible employees may use annual leave for such things as vacation time, personal time off, or emergencies.

An employee may elect to substitute annual leave consistent with current laws and OPM’s regulations for using annual leave for any unpaid leave under the FMLA. See Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for references to Federal regulations regarding employee eligibility to earn and use leave. The use of annual leave should be requested by the employee and approved by the supervisor.

Note: Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. Night differential is applied when less than 8 hours of paid leave is used. Night differential is not applied when paid leave used is 8 or more hours within a pay period.

TC 61, Annual Leave, Transaction Code Descriptors

One of the following codes may be entered in the TD field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.






Annual leave used in lieu of LWOP under the protection of the Family and Medical Leave Act


OWCP (Injury)

Annual leave used for time absent due to an OWCP injury on the job.


OWCP (Illness)

Annual leave used for time absent due to an OWCP occupational illness.

TC 61, Annual Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 61 in the TC field and the hours of annual leave used (multiples of 15-minute increments) in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type/select 2 in the Suffix field to record annual leave with night differential or the appropriate FWS shift suffix.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

Complete the Advance Leave field if the annual leave is approved for use in advance of earning.

TC 61, Prefix 05, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 05, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 61, Prefix 05, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 61, Prefix 05, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 05, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 05, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 05, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Prefix 05, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field, 2 in the Suffix field, and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E COBRA)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E COBRA)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E COBRA), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Prefix 10, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E COBRA), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 10, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 10, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 10, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Prefix 10, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (S&E/COBRA) (COPRA), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field, 2 in the Suffix field, and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 15, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 15, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 61, Prefix 15, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 61, Prefix 15, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 15, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (COPRA)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 15, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (COPRA)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 15, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (COPRA), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Prefix 15, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent) (COPRA), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field, 2 in the Suffix field, and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of annual leave occurring on a regularly scheduled assignment, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Prefix 20, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 20, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (COPRA)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 20, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (COPRA)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 20, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (COPRA), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Prefix 20, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent) (COPRA), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Prefix 50, Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Prefix 61, Annual Leave Donated

Transaction Code

TC 61, Prefix 61, Annual Leave Donated

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Prefix 61, Annual Leave Donated, Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave to be donated to a leave recipient for a medical emergency.

TC 61, Prefix 61, Annual Leave Donated, Entry Instructions

Type/select 61 in the Prefix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours of annual leave being donated in either the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 61, Suffix 1, Annual Leave (7 a.m. to 3 p.m. WG-Shift 1)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Suffix 1, Annual Leave (7 a.m. to 3 p.m. WG-Shift 1)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Suffix 1, Annual Leave (7 a.m. to 3 p.m. WG-Shift 1), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Suffix 1, Annual Leave (7 a.m. to 3 p.m. WG-Shift 1), Entry Instructions

Type/select 1 in the Suffix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (3 p.m. to midnight WG-Shift 2)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (3 p.m. to midnight WG-Shift 2)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (3 p.m. to midnight WG-Shift 2), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Suffix 2, Annual Leave (3 p.m. to midnight WG-Shift 2), Entry Instructions

Type/select 2 in the Suffix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 61, Suffix 3, Annual Leave (11 p.m. to 8 a.m. WG-Shift 3)

Transaction Code

TC 61, Suffix 3, Annual Leave (11 p.m. to 8 a.m. WG-Shift 3)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 61, Suffix 3, Annual Leave (11 p.m. to 8 a.m. WG-Shift 3), Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of annual leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 61, Suffix 3, Annual Leave (11 p.m. to 8 a.m. WG-Shift 3), Entry Instructions

Type/select 3 in the Suffix field and 61 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 61 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 62, Sick Leave

Transaction Code

TC 62, Sick Leave

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

Exception: Smithsonian Institution (Trust) employees
‎Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Trust) employees
‎Reading Is Fundamental employees

TC 62, Sick Leave, Description

This TC is used to record hours of sick leave used that are to be charged against the employee’s accrued sick leave balance.

An employee may elect to substitute sick leave consistent with current laws and OPM’s regulations for using sick leave for any unpaid leave under the FMLA. See FMLA for references to Federal regulations regarding employee eligibility to earn and use leave. The use of sick leave should be requested by the employee and approved by the supervisor.

Note: Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. Night differential is applied when less than 8 hours of paid leave is used. Night differential is not applied when paid leave used is 8 or more hours within a pay period.

TC 62, Sick Leave, Transaction Code Descriptors

One of the following codes may be entered in the Transaction Code Descriptor field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.






Sick leave used in lieu of LWOP under the protection of the Family and Medical Leave Act


OWCP (Injury)

Sick leave used for time absent due to an OWCP injury on the job.


OWCP (Illness)

Sick leave used for time absent due to an OWCP occupational illness.

TC 62, Sick Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 62 in the TC field and the hours of sick leave used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type/select 2 in the Suffix field to record sick leave with night differential or the appropriate FWS suffix code.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

Complete the Advance Leave field if the sick leave is approved for use in advance of earning.

Transaction Code

TC 62, Sick Leave

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 62, Sick Leave, Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of sick leave used for the care of covered service members.

TC 62, Sick Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 62 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 62 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 62, Prefix 05, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 05, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 62, Prefix 05, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of sick leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 62, Prefix 05, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 62 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 62, Prefix 10, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 10, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 62, Prefix 10, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of sick leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 62, Prefix 10, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 62 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 62, Prefix 15, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 15, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 62, Prefix 15, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of sick leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 62, Prefix 15, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 62 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 62, Prefix 20, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 20, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 62, Prefix 20, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of sick leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure than overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 62, Prefix 20, Sick Leave (w/Night Differential at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 62 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 62, Prefix 50, Sick Leave (w/Sunday Differential at 50 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 50, Sick Leave (w/Sunday Differential at 50 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 62, Prefix 50, Sick Leave (w/Sunday Differential at 50 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of sick leave used for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 62, Prefix 50, Sick Leave (w/Sunday Differential at 50 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 62 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 62, Prefix 62, Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 62, Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

Does Not Apply To: Employees entitled to Customs Officers Pay Reform

TC 62, Prefix 62, Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act, Description

This TC is used to record hours of sick leave used to care for a family member or for bereavement purposes, based on the Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act (FEFFLA).

Based on the FEFFLA, this TC is used to record the hours of sick leave used to (1) provide care for a family member as a result of physical or mental illness; injury; pregnancy; childbirth; or medical, dental, or optical examination or treatment or (2) make arrangements necessitated by the death of a family member or attend the funeral of a family member.

All covered full-time employees are able to use up to 40 hours (5 workdays) of sick leave each year for the conditions cited above. A covered full-time employee who maintains a balance of at least 80 hours of sick leave can use an additional 64 hours (8 workdays) of sick leave per year for these purposes. For those employees who satisfy this condition, a maximum of 104 hours of sick leave (13 workdays) per leave year may be used for family member care and bereavement purposes. For a definition of "family member," refer to Public Law 103-388.

Note: The first 40 hours is unrestricted and may be advanced. However, in order to use the remaining 64 hours available under this program, the employee’s sick leave balance cannot drop below 80 hours.

Part-time employees and employees with uncommon tours of duty may use an amount equal to the average number of hours of work in the employee’s scheduled tour of duty each week. In addition, these employees, who maintain a sick leave balance equal to at least twice the average number of hours of work in the employee’s scheduled tour of duty each week, may use an amount equal to the number of hours of sick leave normally accrued by the employee during a leave year for these purposes.

Caution: The system does not maintain the cumulative amount used. A record of FEFFLA sick leave used should be maintained in a separate leave account (e.g., Remarks) to assure that the employee does not exceed the maximum allowed per year.

TC 62, Prefix 62, Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act, Transaction Code Descriptors

One of the codes listed below may be entered in the Transaction Code Descriptor field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs. For the purpose of providing definitions for the transaction code descriptors, the provisions of the FEFFLA are divided into two categories, Family Care - General and Family Care - Extended.

Family Care - General These benefits are used (1) to provide care for a family member who is incapacitated as a result of physical or mental illness, injury, pregnancy, or childbirth; (2) to provide care for a family member as a result of medical, dental, or optical examination or treatment; (3) to make arrangements necessitated by the death of a family member or attend the funeral of a family member; or (4) for purposes related to the adoption of a child. The hourly limitations are described above.

Family Care - Extended These benefits are used to care for a family member with a serious health condition. Qualifying employees may use up to 12 administrative work weeks of sick leave (including time under Family Care - General) provided that the use of said leave does not drop the employee’s sick leave balance below 80 hours.






Family Care-General w/FMLA

Used for Family Care-General that is being used under the protection of the FMLA.


Family Care- Extended w/FMLA

Used for Family Care-Extended that is being used under the protection of the FMLA. This code cannot be utilized on a corrected T&A unless the employee is an approved leave recipient.


Family Care-General

Sick leave used for the purpose of general family care as described above.


Family Care-Extended

Sick leave used for the purpose extended family care as described above.

TC 62, Prefix 62, Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act, Entry Instructions

Type/select 62 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the number of sick leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. If applicable, type the appropriate suffix code in the Suffix field to record sick leave with any differential or the appropriate FWS suffix code.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 62, Prefix 63, Disabled Veteran Leave

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 63, Disabled Veteran Leave

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC.

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

Does Not Apply To: Employees who are not covered by Title 5 Leave provisions or employees who work for a Non-Title 5 Agency.

TC 62, Prefix 63, Disabled Veteran Leave, Description

This TC is used to record hours of leave used by Veterans with a service-connected disability rated at 30 percent or more, for the purposes of undergoing medical treatment for their disability.

Based on the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act of 2015, this TC provides immediate access to 104 hours for any new Federal employee (hired on or after November 5, 2016) who is a Veteran with a service-connected disability rated at 30 percent or more. If the employee is reinstated after a break in service, or transferred and has a sick leave credit balance when they are hired, the amount of Disabled Veteran Leave will be reduced by the amount of sick leave that the employee has available on the first day of the reemployment.

Part-time, non-seasonal, and full-time seasonal employees' leave will be prorated based on the employee's tour of duty.

Any Disabled Veteran Leave credited to an employee that is not used during the first 12 months of employment and/or reemployment shall be forfeited.

This leave may only be used within a continuous 12-month period beginning on the first day of employment/reemployment and may not exceed 104 hours; however, some employees with an uncommon tour of duty may exceed 104 hours.

TC 62, Prefix 63, Disabled Veteran Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 70 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the number of leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 62, Prefix 70, PPL Biological Birth

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 70, PPL Biological Birth

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 62, Prefix 70, PPL Biological Birth, Description

This TC is used to record PPL hours used for the birth of a child.

TC 62, Prefix 70, PPL Biological Birth, Entry Instructions

Type/select 71 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the number of leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 62, Prefix 71, PPL Placement for Adoption

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 71, PPL Placement for Adoption

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 62, Prefix 71, PPL Placement for Adoption, Description

This TC is used to record PPL hours used for the adoption of a child.

TC 62, Prefix 71, PPL Placement for Adoption, Entry Instructions

Type/select 72 in the Prefix field and 62 in the TC field. Type the number of leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 62, Prefix 72, PPL Placement for Fostering

Transaction Code

TC 62, Prefix 72, PPL Placement for Fostering

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 62, Prefix 72, PPL Placement for Fostering, Description

This TC is used to record PPL hours used for the fostering of a child.

TC 62, Prefix 72, PPL Placement for Fostering, Entry Instructions

Type/select 62 in the TC field and the hours of sick leave used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Type/select 70 in the Prefix field to record sick leave for birth of a child.

TC 63, Restored Annual Leave

Transaction Code

TC 63, Restored Annual Leave

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees


This TC is used to record hours of annual leave used that are to be deducted from an employee’s restored annual leave balance.

Annual leave that was previously forfeited and subsequently restored to an employee’s account is documented by the personnel office on a Form AD-582 under P.L. 93-181. The personnel office/supervisor must furnish you a copy of the AD-582.

Restored annual leave is not added to the employee’s current annual leave balance. It is kept in a separate database record. It may be entered in the remarks section of the T&A.

The restored annual leave must be used by the date indicated on the Form AD-582. The time limit is normally within 2 years of the end of the leave year in which it is restored. Any restored annual leave not used by the date indicated will be forfeited.

You are responsible for manually controlling the use of the restored annual leave to ensure that it is not used after the expiration date and is deleted from the T&A when the expiration date occurs.

Note: Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. Night differential is applied when less than 8 hours of paid leave is used. Night differential is not applied when paid leave used is 8 or more hours within a pay period.

TC 63, Restored Annual Leave, Transaction Code Descriptors

One of the following codes may be entered in the TD field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.






Restored annual leave used in lieu of LWOP under the protection of the Family and Medical Leave Act.


OWCP (Injury)

Restored annual leave used for time absent due to an OWCP injury on the job.


OWCP (Illness)

Restored annual leave used for time absent due to an OWCP occupational illness.

TC 63, Restored Annual Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 63 in the TC field and the hours of restored annual leave used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs /Week 2 Hrs fields. If applicable, type/select 2 in the Suffix field to record the restored annual leave with night differential or the appropriate FWS suffix code.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

Total the hours recorded using TC 63 and type the total in the remarks section. Subtract these hours from the restored annual leave available.

Note: The number of hours entered for TC 63 must not exceed the restored leave balance in the database.

TC 63, Prefix 05, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 63, Prefix 05, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 63, Prefix 05, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of restored annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 63, Prefix 05, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 63 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 63 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 63, Prefix 10, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 63, Prefix 10, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 63, Prefix 10, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of restored annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 63, Prefix 10, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 63 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 63 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 63, Prefix 15, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 63, Prefix 15, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 63, Prefix 15, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of restored annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 63, Prefix 15, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 63 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 63 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 63, Prefix 20, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 63, Prefix 20, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 63, Prefix 20, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of restored annual leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 63, Prefix 20, Restored Annual Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 63 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 63 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 63, Prefix 50, Restored Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 63, Prefix 50, Restored Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 63, Prefix 50, Restored Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of restored leave used for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 63, Prefix 50, Restored Annual Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 63 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 63 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 63, Prefix 61, Restored Annual Leave Donated

Transaction Code

TC 63, Prefix 61, Restored Annual Leave Donated

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03

Applies To

All employees

TC 63, Prefix 61, Restored Annual Leave Donated, Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of restored annual leave to be donated to a leave recipient for a medical emergency.

TC 63, Prefix 61, Restored Annual Leave Donated, Entry Instructions

Type/select 61 in the Prefix field and 63 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours of restored annual leave being donated in either the Week1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 63 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 64, Compensatory Leave

Transaction Code

TC 64, Compensatory Leave

TC Descriptor

02, 03

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

TC 64, Compensatory Leave, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of compensatory leave used that are to be charged against the employee’s accrued compensatory leave balance.

Compensatory time earned may be liquidated by the end of the leave year, carried forward to the following year, or paid in full. Follow your Agency policy regarding compensatory time payment/liquidation. Compensatory leave is liquidated on a first-earned, first-used basis. The hours of compensatory leave which are not subsequently used will be paid at the premium rate of pay that was in effect when the hours of overtime were actually performed.

Note: Compensatory leave used cannot exceed the compensatory leave balance.

TC 64, Compensatory Leave, Transaction Code Descriptors

One of the following codes may be entered in the TD field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.





OWCP (Injury)

Regular compensatory leave used for time absent due to an OWCP injury on the job.


OWCP (Illness)

Regular compensatory leave used for time absent due to an OWCP occupational illness.


TC 64, Compensatory Leave, FWS Employees

To record the hours of compensatory leave used on the T&A, TC 64 must be used with suffixes 1, 2, or 3. These suffixes allow the used compensatory time to be recorded at the prevailing rate of each shift. When TC 64 is recorded in the top portion of the T&A, accounting data must be entered, unless a "2" was entered in the Accounting Data Usage Code field. This accounting data is used for reporting purposes only.

The timeframe in which compensatory leave must be used is mandated by each Agency. Refer to your Agency/Departmental policy regarding compensatory leave usage liquidation and payment.

Note: If compensatory leave is used for religious observance, TC 60, Compensatory Time Used - Religious Observance, is used.

While compensatory time off for religious observance may be advanced, regular compensatory time may not be advanced. The employee must have worked the hours of overtime and have a compensatory leave balance before TC 64 may be used on the T&A.

TC 64, Compensatory Leave, Payment for Compensatory Leave

Compensatory leave is payable at separation, at the end of the leave year, or by timeframes established by the Agency. The employee will be paid at the overtime rate of pay that was in effect at the time the compensatory time was earned.

When the employee must be paid for compensatory leave, report through the channels of your organization, as appropriate, the employee’s name, Social Security number, T&A contact point code, and the number of hours to be paid. This should be done during the last period being reported for an employee leaving the organization or the pay period or time designated by the Agency.

The personnel office must process a Form AD-581, Lump Sum Leave or Compensatory Time Payments, in accordance with Chapter 9 of Title I, Payroll/Personnel Processing Manual. The supervisor/timekeeper should be provided a copy of the completed Form AD-581. Upon receipt of the Form AD-581, reduce the employee’s compensatory time balance by the number of hours for which the employee is being paid (applicable T&A entry applications and TINQ) for interim compensatory time payments. Enter To be paid for (number) Comp hours in the remarks section.

Note: Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. Night differential is applied when less than 8 hours of paid leave is used. Night differential is not applied when paid leave used is 8 or more hours within a pay period.

TC 64, Compensatory Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 64 in the TC field and the number of hours of compensatory leave taken in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Compensatory time may be charged in multiples of one-quarter hour.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 64, Prefix 71, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-LWOP Substitution

Transaction Code

TC 64, Prefix 71, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-LWOP Substitution

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC code.

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 64, Prefix 71, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-LWOP Substitution, Description

This TC is used to record the hours used from Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Comp Time Earned as TC 32 80 to substitute for LWOP, AWOL, suspension, or furlough hours within the same pay period for pay purposes only.

TC 64, Prefix 71, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-LWOP Substitution, Entry Instructions

Type/select 71 in the Prefix field and 64 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 64, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel

Transaction Code

TC 64, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel

Applies To

All employees except wage grade, Senior Executive Service, and Senior Foreign Service employees

TC 64, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of compensatory time used that are to be charged against the employee’s accrued travel compensatory leave balance. This is a form of compensatory time off for time spent by an employee in a travel status away from the employee’s official duty station when such time is not otherwise compensable.

Compensatory time for travel rules provide a number of definitions and conditions including "travel" and "travel status," which individuals must meet to be eligible for this form of time off from work. To obtain this information, refer to the OPM’s regulations (5 CFR Part 550, RIN: 3206-AK74).

Employees will forfeit accrued compensatory time after 26 pay periods of it being credited. NFC will automatically delete any balances after 26 pay periods.

Compensatory time for travel is displayed in IRIS on IR139, with a zero value in the rate field. However, there is no separate field for the compensatory time for travel total balance. Therefore, this balance is included with the regular compensatory time hours in the Total Current Balance field.

Additionally, a separate line is displayed in the Earnings and Deductions portion of the employee’s E&L Statement and EPP to reflect compensatory time for travel accrual and usage information. Compensatory time for travel balance information, however, will be combined with the regular compensatory time balance.

TC 64, Prefix 78, Compensatory Travel, Entry Instructions

Type/select 78 in the Prefix field and 64 in the TC field. Enter the number of compensatory hours used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 64, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Leave Used

Transaction Code

TC 64, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Leave Used

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC.

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 64, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Leave Used, Description

This TC is used to record hours used from Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Comp Time Earned as TC 32 80 and used as BPAPRA compensatory leave.

TC 64, Prefix 80, BPAPRA Comp Leave Used, Instructions

Type/select 80 in the Prefix field and 64 in the TC field. Enter the number of compensatory hours used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 64, Prefix 83, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-Debt Repayment

Transaction Code

TC 64, Prefix 83, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-Debt Repayment

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC code.

Applies To

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

TC 64, Prefix 83, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-Debt Repayment, Description

This TC is used to record the hours used from Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act (BPAPRA) Comp Time Earned as TC 32 80 to repay the balance of Obligated Overtime Debt.

TC 64, Prefix 83, BPAPRA Comp LV Used-Debt Repayment, Entry Instructions

Type/select 83 in the Prefix field and 64 in the TC field. Enter the number of compensatory hours used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 65, Regular Military Leave

Transaction Code

TC 65, Regular Military Leave

TC Descriptor


Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

TC 65, Regular Military Leave, Description

This TC is used to record the number of hours of regular military leave used.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject. For additional eligibility information, see Regular Military Leave.

TC 65, Regular Military Leave, Transaction Code Descriptor

The following code may be entered in the TD field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.





DC Parade/ Encampment

This TC/TC Descriptor combination is only available to members of the DC National Guard. An employee must have a Uniform Service Status code of 8 or 9. The number of hours used with the TC/TC Descriptor combination is unlimited in days or hours. Therefore, it does not count against an employee’s annual allocation for military time.


TC 65, Regular Military Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 65 in the TC field and the number of regular military leave hours used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. If applicable, type/select 2 in the Suffix field to record regular military leave with night differential or the appropriate FWS shift suffix.

TC 65, Prefix 05, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 65, Prefix 05, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 65, Prefix 05, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of regular military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 65, Prefix 05, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 65 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 65, Prefix 10, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 65, Prefix 10, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 65, Prefix 10, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of regular military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 65, Prefix 10, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 65 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 65, Prefix 15, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 65, Prefix 15, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 65, Prefix 15, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of regular military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 65, Prefix 15, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 65 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 65, Prefix 20, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 65, Prefix 20, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 65, Prefix 20, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of regular military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 65, Prefix 20, Regular Military Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 65 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 65, Prefix 50, Regular Military Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 65, Prefix 50, Regular Military Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 65, Prefix 50, Regular Military Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Description

This TC is used to record regular military leave hours used for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 65, Prefix 50, Regular Military Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 65 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 66, Other Leave

Transaction Code

TC 66, Other Leave

TC Descriptor

01-06, 21-23, 31-38, 40

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees
‎Senior Executive Service employees

TC 66, Other Leave, Description

This TC is used to record hours of paid absence authorized by law, Executive Order, or administrative action which is not charged to annual leave, sick leave, or compensatory time. The following types of leave fall within the other leave category:




Jury Duty










Federal Holiday


Transfer of Official Station


Court (Other than J or W)


State or Local Holiday


Administrative Leave


Hazardous Weather Dismissal


Bone Marrow/Organ Donor

Type the applicable code (shown above) to identify the type of official leave taken in the remarks section.

Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours used.

Note: If an employee works on a Sunday holiday (or Sunday in lieu of holiday), use TC 66, with the appropriate suffix to record holiday worked with Sunday premium pay. Record code H in the remarks section.

Sunday differential is not authorized for periods of authorized absence from work on paid leave (e.g., jury duty, witness service, funeral leave, and Sunday holiday).

TC 66, Other Leave, Transaction Code Descriptors

Specific codes may be entered in the TC Descriptor field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs. TC Descriptors for this transaction code have been divided into three categories: (1) medical, (2) holiday, and (3) administrative.

  1. Medical - Time coded with these TC Descriptors is subject to the same edits and criteria as time coded with TC 66 with no TDs. However, they cannot be used with TC 31 to obtain holiday worked pay.





Blood Donation

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave to permit an employee to donate blood. The pay period maximum is 4 hours and the calendar year maximum is 28 hours.


OWCP (injury)

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave on the day of an on-the-job injury for time absent during an employee’s scheduled work hours.


OWCP (Illness)

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave on the first day of an illness that results in time absent due to an occupational illness.


Bone Marrow Donor

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for the purposes of being tested for and/or donating bone marrow. A maximum of 56 hours is allowed per calendar year. For more information, refer to 5 U.S.C. 6327.


Organ Donor

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for the purposes of being tested for and/or donating an organ. A maximum of 240 hours is allowed per calendar year. For more information, refer to 5 U.S.C. 6327.


Preventive Health Care

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for time granted to an employee with less than 80 hours of accrued sick leave for the purposes of health screening programs and other effective preventive health measures. Sick leave balances must be less than 80 hours at the time of use. A maximum of 4 hours is allowed per calendar year. For more information, refer to the Presidential Declaration on "Preventive Health Care Services at the Federal Workplace," dated January 4, 2001, and OPM Transmittal 007, dated January 10, 2001.

  1. Holiday - These Transaction Code Descriptors are used to identify paid time off for a holiday with no charge to leave. TC 31 can be used in conjunction with any TC 66 hours in order to obtain holiday worked pay if an employee worked on a holiday. However, in accordance with 5 CFR 550.131, 5 CFR 610.201, and 5 USC 6103, a holiday is defined as a legal public holiday and specifically identified. Therefore, even if a State or local holiday off with pay is granted, there is no authorization for payment of holiday pay worked if the employee is required to work.





Paid Holiday Time Off

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for a period that is declared by Federal statute or Executive Order.


State Holiday

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for day(s) designated as a State holiday and that is observed by a local office. This TC/TC Descriptor combination cannot be used with TC 31.


Local Holiday

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for day(s) designated as a local holiday that is observed by a local office. This TC/TC Descriptor combination cannot be used with TC 31.

  1. Administrative - These Transaction Code Descriptors are used to identify paid time off for various administrative functions.





Agency Directed

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for an employee who is not actually at the worksite, but who is to be paid by the Agency pending an administrative decision (e.g., for improper behavior, pending administrative investigations).



Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for ‎juror/witness service.

Jury Duty - an employee who is summoned to serve as a juror in a judicial proceeding.

Witness - An employee who is summoned as a witness in a judicial proceeding in which the Federal, State, or local government is a party.

Note: An employee who is summoned as a witness in an official capacity on behalf of the Federal Government is on official duty, not court leave. Additionally, serving as witness in a personal capacity (traffic, divorce, custody, etc.) is not considered official duty.

Fees/Expenses - Employees must reimburse to their Agency fees paid for service as a juror or witness. However, monies paid to jurors or witnesses which are in the nature of expenses (e.g., transportation) do not have to be reimbursed to the Agency.



Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for an employee who is excused from duty for time needed (including travel time) to take the following exams:

  • Non-competitive civil service examinations for positions in the Department
  • Examinations established by operating units to determine qualifications for promotion
  • Competitive examinations to qualify for competitive status in the positions which you hold in the Department

Supervisor may grant excused absence for the time necessary to take other examinations (e.g., the CPA exam, bar exam) which are directly related to your current or prospective duties within the Department.


Weather and Safety Leave

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for an employee who is dismissed and/or excused from duty due to hazardous weather conditions (e.g., hurricane, floods, and snowstorm).


Office Closed

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for an employee who is not actually working due to an office move, chemical spill, utility problems, etc.


Office Closed - Red Alert

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for an employee who is not actually working due to an actual terrorist threat (e.g., bomb threat).


Transfer of Station

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for an employee who is being transferred from one duty station to another for an organization’s benefit.



Time off from work to vote in Federal, State, county, or municipal elections or in referendums on any civic matter in their community. A maximum of 8 hours is allowed per pay period.

40 Parental Bereavement Leave

Used to record paid time off without charge to leave for up to 2 weeks due to the death of an employee’s qualifying child.


TC 66, Other Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 66 in the TC field and the number of hours of official leave taken in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type/select 2 in the Suffix field to record Other Leave hours with night differential. Do not complete the Suffix field for any Other Leave hours that occur outside of the night differential period.

Record the hours in which work was performed on the Sunday holiday using T/C 66 with the following applicable suffix:



Pay Plan


First Shift



Night Differential



Second Shift



Sunday differential



Third Shift



Sunday differential with night differential



Sunday differential at the first shift



Sunday differential at the second shift



Sunday differential at the third shift


Type any remaining hours of the holiday in which no work was performed on another line using TC 66, with no suffix for GS employees and Suffix 1, 2, or 3, as applicable, for FWS employees. Non-overtime hours worked on a holiday would also be recorded on a separate line of the T&A using TC 31.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 66, Prefix 01, Other Leave for Protective Services

Transaction Code

TC 66, Prefix 01, Other Leave for Protective Services

TC Descriptor

01-06, 21-23, 31-38

Applies To

Department of the Treasury
‎Secret Service
‎U.S. Customs Service
‎Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
‎Internal Revenue Service

TC 66, Prefix 01, Other Leave for Protective Services, Description

This TC is used to record hours of paid absence authorized by law, Executive Order, or administrative action which is not charged to annual leave, sick leave, or compensatory time. This TC should only be used in conjunction with suffix 2, 3, or 4 for recording night differential, Sunday differential, or Sunday differential with night differential for protective services duty performed on a holiday.

TC 66, Prefix 01, Other Leave for Protective Services, Entry Instructions

Type/select 01 in the Prefix field and 66 in the TC field. Type the applicable number of hours in the Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 66 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 66, Prefix 05, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 66, Prefix 05, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01-06, 21-23, 31-38

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 66, Prefix 05, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of administrative leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 66, Prefix 05, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 66 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 66 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 66, Prefix 10, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 66, Prefix 10, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01-06, 21-23, 31-38

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 66, Prefix 10, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of administrative leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This premium pay applies to the entire basic tour of duty. This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 66, Prefix 10, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 66 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 66 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 66, Prefix 15, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 66, Prefix 15, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor

01-06, 21-23, 31-38

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 66, Prefix 15, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of administrative leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 66, Prefix 15, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 66 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 66 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 66, Prefix 20, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 66, Prefix 20, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor

01-06, 21-23, 31-38

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 66, Prefix 20, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of administrative leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 66, Prefix 20, Other Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 66 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 66 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 66, Prefix 50, Other Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 66, Prefix 50, Other Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

TC Descriptor

01-06, 21-23, 31-38

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


50 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 66, Prefix 50, Other Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of administrative leave used for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 66, Prefix 50, Other Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 66 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 66 for definitions of applicable codes.

TC 66, Prefix 61, Time Off Awards

Transaction Code

TC 66, Prefix 61, Time Off Awards

TC Descriptor

Not applicable for this TC

Applies To

All employees (based on Agency policy)

TC 66, Prefix 61, Time Off Awards, Description

This TC is used to record time off hours used without charge to leave or loss of pay that are granted as an incentive award.

Full-time employees may be granted up to 40 hours per award but no more than 80 hours per leave year. Part-time employees may be granted time off up to one-quarter of their biweekly scheduled tour per award and up to one-half of their biweekly scheduled tour per leave year. A personnel action must be processed to enter the time off hours granted.

Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours used.

Note: Time off hours used can be modified using TINQ Program TI008, Total Time Off & Time Off Awards.

TC 66, Prefix 61, Time Off Awards, Entry Instructions

Type/select 61 in the Prefix field, 66 in the TC field and the number of time off hours used in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type/select 2 in the Suffix field to record time off hours with night differential. Do not complete the Suffix field for any time off hours that occur outside of the night differential period.

TC 67, Injury Leave

Transaction Code

TC 67, Injury Leave

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

TC 67, Injury Leave, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of paid absence due to traumatic injury suffered on the job.

Employees may receive up to 45 calendar days of paid absence for each traumatic injury suffered on the job. Any charge to TC 67 during a day constitutes the use of that day toward the 45-day limit. Inclusive non-workdays preceded and/or followed by OWCP Injury Leave count toward the 45-day limit if evidence of non-ability to perform regular duties on those days exists. Unless the injury occurs before the beginning of the workday, time loss on the day of injury should be charged to administrative leave. OWCP Injury Leave begins the day after injury.

If the injury occurs during the employee’s regular tour of duty and that tour of duty involves additional pay entitlement, record the hours of OWCP using TC 67 with the appropriate suffix.

Under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, an employee who has filed a non-controverted claim for a job-related traumatic injury is entitled to Continuation of Pay (COP) for up to 45 calendar days of disability. The employee has the option of using accrued sick or annual leave instead of COP.

If the employee has elected to use accrued leave but does not have enough to cover all disability during the 45 days, the Agency should convert the employee to COP immediately upon the expiration of the leave balance. The Office of Workers’ Compensation Program may not pay compensation during the 45 days of COP entitlement. Thus, to place the claimant on leave without pay after expiration of accrued leave during the 45-day period would defeat legislative intent by causing a period of wage loss for which compensation could not be awarded.

The Agency is required to continue pay from the date of the new request for the remainder of the 45 days or until the employee is able to work. The Agency is required to change past periods of paid leave to COP.

TC 67, Injury Leave, Entry Instructions

Prepare a T&A every pay period for the OWCP Injury Leave if the employee is expected to return to work within 30 days of the date of injury. Type/select 67 in the TC field and the number of injury leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. Show a summary record of the OWCP Injury Leave balance in the remarks section of the T&A.

For night/shift differential only, type 2 for GS or 2 or 3 for FWS employees. (Suffix 1 indicates first shift FWS with no differential).

TC 67, Prefix 05, Injury Leave at 15 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 67, Prefix 05, Injury Leave at 15 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 15 percent of base pay

TC 67, Prefix 05, Injury Leave at 15 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of paid absence due to traumatic injury suffered on the job for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 67, Prefix 05, Injury Leave at 15 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 67 in the TC field. Type the number of injury leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 67, Prefix 10, Injury Leave at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 67, Prefix 10, Injury Leave at 20 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 20 percent of base pay

TC 67, Prefix 10, Injury Leave at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of paid absence due to traumatic injury suffered on the job for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 67, Prefix 10, Injury Leave at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 67 in the TC field. Type the number of injury leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 67, Prefix 15, Injury Leave at 15 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 67, Prefix 15, Injury Leave at 15 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 15 percent of base pay

TC 67, Prefix 15, Injury Leave at 15 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of paid absence due to traumatic injury suffered on the job for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 67, Prefix 15, Injury Leave at 15 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 67 in the TC field. Type the number of injury leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 67, Prefix 20, Injury Leave at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 67, Prefix 20, Injury Leave at 20 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 20 percent of base pay

TC 67, Prefix 20, Injury Leave at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of paid absence due to traumatic injury suffered on the job for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of the tour of duty hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 67, Prefix 20, Injury Leave at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 67 in the TC field. Type the number of injury leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 67, Prefix 50, Injury Leave at 50 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 67, Prefix 50, Injury Leave at 50 Percent

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 67, Prefix 50, Injury Leave at 50 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of paid absence due to traumatic injury suffered on the job for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 67, Prefix 50, Injury Leave at 50 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 67 in the TC field. Type the number of injury leave hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 68, Emergency Military Leave

Transaction Code

TC 68, Emergency Military Leave

TC Descriptor


Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

TC 68, Emergency Military Leave, Description

This TC is used to record the hours for which the employee is absent from his/her civilian place of duty because of emergency military duty.

Emergency military leave is defined as leave necessary to protect life and property in time of natural disasters, civil disorder, and the like. It is limited to a maximum of 176 hours (22 days) during each calendar year.

Copies of military orders or other documentation showing the authority, extent, and nature of the service should be retained. The certified T&A serves as certification that the required documentation is on file.

Time recorded using TC 68 creates a positive balance that accumulates during the calendar year.

TC 68, Emergency Military Leave, Transaction Code Descriptor

The following code may be entered in the TD field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.





DC Parade/ Encampment

This TC/TC Descriptor combination is only available to members of the DC National Guard. An employee must have a Uniform Service Status code of 8 or 9. The number of hours used with the TC/TC Descriptor combination is unlimited in days or hours. Therefore, it does not count against an employee’s annual allocation for military time.

TC 68, Emergency Military Leave, Entry Instructions

Type/select 68 in the TC field and the number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If the emergency military leave occurs during the employee’s regular tour of duty and that tour of duty involves additional pay entitlement, type the appropriate suffix in the Suffix field.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 68, Prefix 05, Emergency Military Leave at 5 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 68, Prefix 05, Emergency Military Leave at 5 Percent

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


5 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 68, Prefix 05, Emergency Military Leave at 5 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of emergency military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 68, Prefix 05, Emergency Military Leave at 5 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 68 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 68 for definition.

TC 68, Prefix 10, Emergency Military Leave at 10 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 68, Prefix 10, Emergency Military Leave at 10 Percent

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


10 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 68, Prefix 10, Emergency Military Leave at 10 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of emergency military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 68, Prefix 10, Emergency Military Leave at 10 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 68 in TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 68 for definition.

TC 68, Prefix 15, Emergency Military Leave at 15 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 68, Prefix 15, Emergency Military Leave at 15 Percent

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 68, Prefix 15, Emergency Military Leave at 15 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of emergency military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 68, Prefix 15, Emergency Military Leave at 15 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 68 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 68 for definition.

TC 68, Prefix 20, Emergency Military Leave at 20 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 68, Prefix 20, Emergency Military Leave at 20 Percent

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 68, Prefix 20, Emergency Military Leave at 20 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record hours of emergency military leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 68, Prefix 20, Emergency Military Leave at 20 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 68 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 68 for definition.

TC 68, Prefix 50, Emergency Military Leave at 50 Percent

Transaction Code

TC 68, Prefix 50, Emergency Military Leave at 50 Percent

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


Base pay plus 50 percent of base pay

TC 68, Prefix 50, Emergency Military Leave at 50 Percent, Description

This TC is used to record emergency military leave hours used for which the employee is entitled to Sunday differential.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 68, Prefix 50, Emergency Military Leave at 50 Percent, Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 68 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 68 for definition.

TC 69, Home Leave

Transaction Code

TC 69, Home Leave

TC Descriptor


Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees performing service abroad

TC 69, Home Leave, Description

This TC is used to record the number of home leave hours used and charged against the accrued home leave balance.

Home leave is earned by eligible employees for service abroad. Service abroad is defined as service by an employee at a post of duty outside the United States and outside the employee’s place of residence if the residence is the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a possession of the United States. The accrued home leave is used for vacation in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or in possessions of the United States.

Note: Night differential is applied to all hours within the night differential period for paid absence for holidays, military, and official leave, regardless of the number of hours taken. Night differential is applied when less than 8 hours of paid leave is used. Night differential is not applied when paid leave used is 8 or more hours within a pay period. GS employees are not entitled to night differential for home leave.

TC 69, Home Leave, Transaction Code Descriptor

The following code may be entered in the Transaction Code Descriptor field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.






Home leave used in lieu of LWOP under the protection of FMLA. See FMLA for more information.


Entry Instructions

Type/select 69 in the TC field and the number of home leave hours (minimum is 8 hours) used in one-day increments in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. The number of hours entered on the T&A must not exceed the total hours that have been accrued.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the Suffix field to record home leave hours used with night differential for FWS employees.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 69, Prefix 05, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 69, Prefix 05, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 69, Prefix 05, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of home leave used (in 15-minute increments) for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 69, Prefix 05, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 05 in the Prefix field and 69 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 69 for definition.

TC 69, Prefix 10, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 69, Prefix 10, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 69, Prefix 10, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of home leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

This TC/prefix combination is used to properly record salary costs that are split between the S&E and COBRA appropriation. These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 69, Prefix 10, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 10 in the Prefix field and 69 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 69 for definition.

TC 69, Prefix 15, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 69, Prefix 15, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


15 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 69, Prefix 15, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of home leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 3 p.m. and midnight.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 69, Prefix 15, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 15 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 15 in the Prefix field and 69 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 69 for definition.

TC 69, Prefix 20, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 69, Prefix 20, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent)

TC Description


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


20 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 69, Prefix 20, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of home leave used for which the employee is entitled to night differential, when the majority of hours (more than 4) fall between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 69, Prefix 20, Home Leave (w/Night Diff at 20 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 20 in the Prefix field and 69 in the TC field. Type the appropriate amount of time to be paid in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 69 for definition.

TC 69, Prefix 50, Home Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

Transaction Code

TC 69, Prefix 50, Home Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent)

TC Descriptor


Applies To

U.S. Customs Service, Customs Officers


50 percent of basic hourly rate

TC 69, Prefix 50, Home Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Description

This TC is used to record hours of home leave used for which the employee is entitled to Sunday premium pay.

An employee must be coded eligible in the database to earn this compensation; otherwise, the T&A will reject.

These hours are monitored through this TC to ensure that overtime and premium pay do not exceed $25,000 in a single fiscal year, as authorized by COPRA.

TC 69, Prefix 50, Home Leave (w/Sunday Diff at 50 percent), Entry Instructions

Type/select 50 in the Prefix field and 69 in the TC field. Type the appropriate number of hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

If applicable, type the code in the TC Descriptor field. See TC 69 for definition.

TC 70, Logging - Forfeiture of Pay

Transaction Code

TC 70, Logging - Forfeiture of Pay

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Department of Commerce, wage marines

TC 70, Logging - Forfeiture of Pay, Description

This TC is used to record a pay forfeiture (by hours) assessed upon an employee as a disciplinary measure while the ship is at sea or at a port other than home port.

Entry Instructions

Type/select 70 in the TC field and the number of hours forfeited in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Transaction Code

TC 71, Leave Without Pay (LWOP)

TC Descriptor

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 71, Leave Without Pay (LWOP), Description

This TC is used to record the hours of nonpay status when the employee is on approved time away from work without pay.

The T&A should be used to record LWOP for less than 30 days. A personnel action must be processed to place the employee on LWOP for 30 days or more and to return the employee to active status. If the employee was placed on LWOP by processing a personnel action, a T&A should not be processed for the pay period if the employee is on LWOP for the entire pay period. If the employee is on LWOP for only a part of the pay period, a T&A should be processed.

TC 71, Leave Without Pay (LWOP), Transaction Code Descriptors

One of the following codes may be entered in the Transaction Code Descriptor field to enforce restrictions and limitations for special uses and to provide a means to handle Agency, OPM, and Congressional reporting needs.






LWOP under the protection of FMLA. See FMLA for more information.


OWCP (Injury)

LWOP used for time absent due to an OWCP injury on the job.


OWCP (Illness)

LWOP used for time absent due to an OWCP occupational illness.



LWOP used in conjunction with military time off because an employee has exceeded his/her allocation of military time for the year.


LWOP-US (Emergency)

LWOP used in conjunction with emergency military time off because an employee has exceeded his/her allocation of military time for the year.


Government Closure

LWOP used in conjunction with a Government closure (e.g., BEP closes for winter break and employee elects not to use paid leave and/or has insufficient paid leave to cover the break).


Lapse in Appropriations

LWOP used in conjunction with a Government closure due to a lapse in appropriations for that Department/Agency.


Allocating time for TOD

LWOP used to account for time absent during an employee’s tour of duty (TOD) and time beyond the tour of duty is worked and charged to TC 01.


TC 71, Leave Without Pay (LWOP), Entry Instructions

Type/select 71 in the TC field and the number hours of LWOP in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

Enter holidays which occur within a period of LWOP as a day of LWOP.

Example: The employee is in nonpay status both on the workday immediately before and on the workday following the holiday. The employee is not entitled to holiday leave. If the employee had been at work the day before or after the holiday, the employee is entitled to holiday leave.

If applicable, type the appropriate code in the TC Descriptor field.

TC 72, Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL)

Transaction Code

TC 72, Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL)

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 72, Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL), Description

This TC is used to record the hours of non-paid absence that were not approved. AWOL is unapproved time away from work without pay.

TC 72, Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL), Entry Instructions

Type/select 72 in the TC field and the number of hours of AWOL in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. AWOL subsequently changed to annual leave, sick leave, or LWOP requires a corrected T&A.

Enter holidays which occur within a period of AWOL as a day of AWOL.

TC 73, Suspension

Transaction Code

TC 73, Suspension

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 73, Suspension, Description

This TC is used to record hours of suspension.

Employees are placed on suspension in an unpaid status by a personnel action. Suspension is ordered for full days only. Supervisors should inform you when an employee is placed on suspension. A personnel action is required to return these employees to duty.

TC 73, Suspension, Entry Instructions

Type/select 73 in the TC field and the number of hours the employee was suspended in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields. The employee is not authorized regular or differential pay while on suspension.

Enter holidays which occur within a period of suspension as a day of suspension.

TC 74, Furlough

Transaction Code

TC 74, Furlough

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time employees

TC 74, Furlough, Description

This TC is used to record the hours of nonpay status because of lack of funds, work, or other nondisciplinary reasons. For IRS employees, see TC 17, Prefixes 21 and 22.

Personnel actions are required to place an employee on furlough for 1 day or more and to return the employee to duty.

TC 74, Furlough, Entry Instructions

Type/select 74 in the TC field and the number of furlough hours in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields.

TC 89, Imprest Fund

Transaction Code

TC 89, Imprest Fund

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

Full-time/part-time GS and FWS employees

TC 89, Imprest Fund, Description

This TC is used to record deductions for repayment of an emergency salary advanced payment which was made to an employee from an Imprest Fund.

For all entries made against TC 01 and TC 89, enter the same accounting code used on the SF 1165, Receipt for Cash-Sub-Voucher, which initially authorized the imprest fund payment. If stored accounting is used, do not enter accounting data.

Emergency salary payments may be requested for a newly gained employee through the manual processing of a split T&A.

TC 89, Imprest Fund, Entry Instructions for STAR

Type/select 89 in the TC field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Enter the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter an amount of $99.99, enter 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the amount will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 89, Imprest Fund, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)

TC 91, Quarters

Transaction Code

TC 91, Quarters

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

TC 91, Quarters, Description

This TC is used to record deductions from an employee’s pay when quarters are provided by the Government.

Quarters deductions from an employee’s pay are accomplished on the basis of payroll data stored in the employee’s database. The rate and amount deducted from the employee’s salary each day or each pay period must be established by processing a personnel action.

TC 91, Quarters, Entry Instructions

If quarters deductions are based on a daily rate, type/select 91 in the TC field and the number of days the employee resided in Government quarters in the applicable Week 1 Hrs/Week 2 Hrs fields (e.g., 14 days is recorded as 14 in the whole hours portion of the field and 0 in the fractions portion of the field). Type the accounting data to be charged in the accounting data fields, as applicable.

If quarters are based on a pay period rate, type/select 91 in the TC field. Do not complete the Week 1 Hrs or Week 2 Hrs fields. Type the applicable accounting data to be charged, applicable.

TC 92, Meals

Transaction Code

TC 92, Meals

TC Descriptor

Not applicable with this TC

Applies To

All employees

TC 92, Meals, Description

This TC is used to record deductions from an employee’s pay when meals are provided by the Government.

See TC 17, Prefixes 11 and 18, for law enforcement meal period credit under FLSA.

TC 92, Meals, Entry Instructions

Type/select 92 in the TC field. When the cursor is placed in the Week 1 Hrs field, the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup appears. Type the dollar amount being reported.

Note: Monetary entries can only be entered in the Week 1 Hrs field.

Example: To enter an amount of $99.99, type 99.99 in the Enter Total Dollar Amount popup and then click OK. In the display portion of the Biweekly T&A, the transit subsidy will be reflected in the following format:

  • Ninety-nine dollars will display in Week 1. The decimal point shifts one position to the left.
  • Ninety-nine cents will display in Week 2. The decimal point shifts two positions to the right.

Note: Only an amount up to $199.98 can be entered per line. If the total amount exceeds $199.98, the remaining amount must be entered on additional lines.

TC 92, Meals, Entry Instructions for GovTA, Paycheck8, and webTA

On the Dollar Transactions (webTA) or the Enter Dollar Transaction (Paycheck8) or on the Work Time (GovTA) section of the T&A:

  • Select the applicable TC.
  • Select the accounting code.
  • Enter the total dollar amount in dollar and cents. (Example for $99.99, type 99.99.)