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Table 048, PINE Documents Element Names

PINE Documents Element Names is Table 048 on the Table Management System (TMGT) menu. The Personnel Input and Edit System (PINE) Documents Element Names table contains the alpha descriptions for the document element(s) used in the PINE edit process.

Agencies can query Table 048 data, view documentation data, and generate reports; however, update authority is limited to authorized National Finance Center (NFC) personnel only.

Updating Table 048

The Table 048, PINE Documents Element Names, update screen shown below allows authorized NFC personnel to add, modify, delete, or reactivate a record.


Table 048, PINE Documents Element Names Update Screen


Agencies without the authority to update TMGT should submit their TMGT update requests via ServiceNow. Please attach a copy of the prefilled screen print relating to the table information that requires updating to ensure accuracy. A change to this table requires an additional review and approval process; therefore, the TMGT update may not be updated within the currently established processing standard of 5 business days.

Note: To ensure that all change requests are officially authorized, we will only process a request from an authorized Agency representative whose name appears on Table 063, Contact Type 03. Please ensure that each request includes the following: your Department/Agency Code/Personnel Office Identifier Number, name, email address, phone number, and the prefilled screen print attachment.

At the Table 048 update screen, complete the fields as follows:







Requesting a Report for Table 048

The Table 048, PINE Documents Element Names, reports screen shown below allows users to generate ad hoc reports.


Table 048, PINE Documents Element Names Reports Screen


At the Table 048 reports screen, complete the From/To fields as follows:



Select Type of Report

View Report Before Printing?

Routing Information: Name

Remote ID