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Table Management System (TMGT)

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System Overview

The Table Management System (TMGT) is a menu-driven database management system of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Finance Center (NFC). TMGT provides direct access to table records containing selected data elements, Agency or Bureau codes, addresses, etc. from the payroll/personnel, financial, and administrative systems. TMGT allows authorized users to view and update records, request reports, and view documentation data for various tables used in application programs.

TMGT maintains an active file which includes all active and deleted records. Certain tables maintain a history file, which includes at least one inactive record. Records are identified as active, history, or deleted within each table, and list the user identification (ID) and the date changed.

Key data elements are identified on the screens with an asterisk (*) and are used to access table records. The number of data elements in a record and the table record format are based on the requirements for the specified table.

Selected data elements in some tables are validated against other tables within TMGT. Therefore, before processing an update or a deletion, the user must verify that the data elements are contained in the applicable tables. If the data elements are not in the tables, they must be added. (See Appendix A, Tables Used to Validate Data Elements, for a list of tables that are validated against other tables.)

TMGT consists of four functions that may be used to obtain table data. Following is a brief description of each function.

Inquiry: Used to view active, history, or deleted records.

Update: Used to add, modify, delete, or reactivate a record. Each of these options is described below.

Instructions for adding a record to TMGT are different for each table. Therefore, to add a record, use the instructions under the applicable table. In addition, help screens are available to assist the user in completing fields on all screens. Instructions for modifying, deleting, and reactivating a record in TMGT are the same for all tables. To modify, delete, or reactivate a record, follow the instructions under Table 001, Personnel Office Identifier Name and Address, substituting the applicable table number and key fields where appropriate.

Agencies have the update capability for designated tables, to inquire, run a report, and document the capabilities for all tables. This procedure identifies tables that only authorized NFC personnel can update. Tables that are not specifically identified as being updated by authorized NFC personnel can be updated by the Agencies that have update authority for those tables. Agencies desiring update authority may submit a written request as directed in the specific tables.

Report: Used to retrieve payroll/personnel data elements for processing personnel actions and to request ad hoc reports. Additionally, the Report function is used to produce mailing labels for specified tables.

Documentation: Used to retrieve pertinent individual table screen information. This screen lists the table number, name, record count, purpose, and description of the table’s data elements.

In This Section

Getting Started in TMGT