Standard Form 2810 Notice of Change in Health Benefits Enrollment
This section includes instructions and definitions of the fields on SF 2810.
The following fields are available on the Standard Form 2810, Notice of Change in Health Benefits Enrollment form:
Address Line - Enrollee
Enter the enrollee's address.
Agency Address
Enter the Agency address.
Agency Address Line 2
Enter the second line of the Agency address, if applicable.
Authorizing Official First Name
Enter the authorizing official's first name.
Authorizing Official Last Name
Enter the authorizing official's last name.
Authorizing Official Middle Initial
Enter the middle initial of the authorizing official, if applicable.
Changed Address - Enrollee
Enter enrollee's new address line 2, if applicable.
Changed City
Enter the enrollee's new city.
Changed First Name - Enrollee
Enter the enrollee's new first name.
Changed Last Name - Enrollee
Enter the enrollee's new last name.
Changed State
Select the enrollee's new State.
City - Service Provider
Enter the service provider's city.
Enter the date of the action in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Use the calendar icon to select the date.
Date of Birth
Enter the enrollee's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Date of Death
Enter the enrollee's date of death in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Use the calendar icon to select the date.
Date This Action Becomes Effective
Enter the date this action becomes effective MM/DD/YYYY format.
Use the calendar icon to select the date.
Enrollment Code Number
Enter the enrollee's enrollment code number.
First Name - Enrollee
Enter of the enrollee's first name.
Home Mailing Address - Enrollee
Enter the enrollee's mailing address.
Last Name - Enrollee
Enter the enrollee's last name.
Middle Name - Enrollee
Enter the enrollee's middle initial, if applicable.
Name of Tribal Employer
Enter the name of tribal employer.
Part B Termination
Check the checkbox to terminate the SF 2810, if applicable. The default is an unchecked box, which does not terminate coverage.
Part D Reinstatement
Check the checkbox to reinstate the SF 2810, if applicable.
Payroll Office Number
Displays the payroll office number.
Personnel Contact First Name
Enter the personnel contact's first name.
Personnel Contact Last Name
Enter the personnel contact's last name.
Personnel Phone Number
Enter the personnel phone number in (xxx) xxx-xxxx format.
Select the enrollee's POI.
Enter any applicable remarks (e.g., Correction).
Service Provider - Contact
Displays the service provider.
Social Security Number
Enter the enrollee's SSN.
State - Service Provider
Enter the service provider's State.
Telephone - Service Provider
Displays the service provider's telephone number in (xxx) xxx-xxxx format.
Select the available name of the tribe from the from the dropdown.
ZIP - Enrollee
Enter the enrollee's ZIP code.
ZIP - Service Provider
Enter the service provider's ZIP code.