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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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TINQ Edit Messages


Error With Audit-EP Store, Call Customer Support

Error Reading Audit-EP Rec, Call Customer Support

Error on Audit Record, (Audit-Element-Num), Call Customer Support

Access Denied, Available Agency = _____

Security Denied Access

Security Denied Access, Check Agency

Not Employee of Requested Agency

Error on Salary Duplicate, Call Customer Support

Error on Audit Calc In Include, Call Customer Support

SSNO Not on Data Base #1

SSNO Not on Data Base #2

No Fields Were Changed

Please Correct Highlighted Fields

Correct Highlighted Fields, Fraction Must = 00, 25, 50, 75

SSNO Must Be Numeric

DB Error on Salary Calc, Call Customer Support

Ann-Sick-Lv Record Not Present, Call Customer Support

Error on Find Ann-Sick-Lv, Call Customer Support

Fraction Hours Must = 00, 25, 50, 75

Please Enter Numeric Task Number

Please Enter Your Selection

Error on Obtain Ann-Sick-Lv, Call Customer Support

No AWOP Record, Type Data & Enter to Add

Error on Obtain AWOP, Call Customer Support

No Susp-Lv Record, Type Data & Enter to Add

Error on Obtain Susp-Lv, Call Customer Support

No Mil-Lv Record, Type Data & Enter to Add

Enter on Obtain Mil-Lv, Call Customer Support

Unable to Add Comp-Lv Record, Call Customer Support

Error on Obtain Comp-Lv, Call Customer Support

No Home-Shore-Lv Record, Type Data & Enter to Add

Error on Obtain Home-Shore-Lv, Call Customer Support

No-Ann-Lv-Rest Record, Type Data & Enter to Add

Error on Obtain Ann-Lv-Rest-Record, Call Customer Support

Ann-Lv Change Not Allowed; Separation & Lump Sum Paid; No Fields Updated

Cannot Add Ann-Sick-Lv Record, Call Customer Support

Ann-Sick-Lv Record Updated

Problem With Ann-Sick-Lv Modify, Call Customer Support

Please Correct Highlighted Field, Fraction Must = 00, 25, 50, 75

Not Approved Leave Recipient, (TI-Annual-Leave-Accruals-YTD) Exceeds Max Yearly Accrual

Not Approved Leave Recipient, (TI-Sick-Leave-Accruals-YTD) Exceeds Max Yearly Accrual

(TI-Annual-Leave-Used-YTD), Exceeds Max Hours of 2080

(TI-Sick-Leave-Used-YTD), Exceeds Max Hours of 2080

(TI-Credit Hrs-Current Bal), Exceeds 24 Hour Maximum

Access Denied, Available Agency = "XX"

Must Be 0, 1, or 2

Leave Types Are A=AWOL, L=LWOP, S=Suspension

AWOP Record Updated

Rate Records Balanced

AWOP Record Added

Unable to Add AWOP Record, Call Customer Support

Invalid Month, Re-Enter

Invalid Year, Re-Enter

Invalid Day, Re-Enter

Unable to Obtain Owner Record, Call Customer Support

Unable to Modify Owner Record, Call Customer Support

Susp-Lv Record Updated

Problem With Susp-Lv Modify, Call Customer Support

Susp-Lv Record Added

Unable to Add Susp-Lv Record, Call Customer Support

Mil-Lv Record Updated

Problem With Mil-Lv Modify, Call Customer Support

Mil-Lv Record Added

Unable to Add Mil-Lv Record, Call Customer Support

Max Hours = 288 (Including Carryover Days), Please Re-Enter

Max Hours = 240 (Including Carryover Days), Please Re-Enter

Max Hours = 144 (Including Carryover Days), Please Re-Enter

Max Hours = 120 (Including Carryover Days), Please Re-Enter

(Military-Lv-Days-YTD-Reg) Exceeds 36 Day Maximum

(Military-Lv-Days-YTD-Reg) Exceeds 30 Day Maximum

(Military-Lv-Days-YTD-Reg) Exceeds 18 Day Maximum

(Military-Lv-Days-YTD-Reg) Exceeds 15 Day Maximum

(Military-Lv-Hrs-YTD-Emeg) Exceeds Maximum Allowed

(Military-Lv-Hrs-YTD-Emeg) Exceeds 176 Hr Maximum

(Military-Lv-Hrs-PP-Emeg) Exceeds 80 Hr Maximum

(Military-Leave-Carryover) Exceeds 18 Day Maximum

(Military-Leave-Carryover) Exceeds 15 Day Maximum

(Military-Lv-Days-Prior-Yr) Exceeds 18 Day Maximum

(Military-Lv-Days-Prior-Yr) Exceeds 15 Day Maximum

Comp-Oth-Rt Record Added

Comp-Lv and Comp-Oth-Rt Adjusted

Comp-Oth-Rt Record Updated

Comp-Lv Record Updated

Call Programmer, Database Error

Error on Obtain Comp-Lv, Call Customer Support

Unable to Read Table-28, Call Customer Support

Comp-Lv-Bal Exists Without Rate Recs, Add Rate Rec or Press Enter To Balance

No Rate Records, Type Data to Add

Current Comp-Lv Not in Balance, Press Enter if Balance Is Desired

Current Comp-Lv Not in Balance, Press Enter if Balance Is Desired - 1

Prior-1 Comp-Lv Not in Balance, Press Enter if Balance Desired

Prior-2 Comp-Lv Not in Balance, Press Enter if Balance Desired

******* Press Enter to Balance Rate Records *******

******* Press Enter to Balance Comp Leave ********

Press PF8 to See More Records or PF5 to Enter New SSNO

No More Records, PF5 to Enter New SSNO

Cannot Modify This Record, Call Customer Support

DB-Error on Comp-Oth-Rt Modify, Call Customer Support

Neg Earned Not Allowed, Press Enter to Reduce Used-YTD

Record has Been Balanced and Updated

DB-Error on Comp-Lv Modify, Call Customer Support

Lost Currency

Press PF7/PF8 to Page Backward/Forward

Numerics Only, Please Re-Enter

Maximum No. of Rate Records, Call Customer Support

Zero This Record and Enter Rate Record On Line Above

Current Calendar Year Rate Records Cannot Be Entered Until February

216 Rate Records Is the Maximum, Call Customer Support

Please Enter Valid Year

Please Enter Valid PP

Please Enter Correct Rate

Ind Cannot Be Added to Existing Record, Add New Record

Enter "E" for Religious Earned. "T" for Religious Used

Indicator Must Be F, U, R, or Space

Religious or Used Leave Must Be Current Year

Top of Data Reached, Press PF5 to Enter New SSNO

PF7 to return to Page 1 or PF5 to Enter New SSNO

No More Pages for (SSNO), PF5 to Enter New SSNO

End of Data, PF7 to Page Backward

Year Change Not Allowed, Create New Rate Record

Year Out of Range, Call Customer Support

Ind Must Be Space When Modifying Rcd

Negative Hours Not Allowed for Prior Years

Negatives Not Allowed, Reduce Comp-Oth-Rt Hours

Year in Error, Only 3 Years Allowed

Must Enter Hours to Store Record

Negative Hours Not Allowed, Reduce Existing Record

Negative Hours Not Allowed

Invalid Pay Period, Please Correct

Maximum Two Rate Records Per PP Per Year

Maximum 256 Hours Per PP Per Year

Negative Used Hours Not Allowed

Negative Used or Balance Hours Not Allowed

Used Cannot Exceed Current Balance

Negative Used or Balance Hours Not Allowed

Forfeited Hours Exceed Current Balance, Re-Enter

Forfeited Balance Less Than Hour Amount

Hours Forfeited Exceed Available Balance

Problem With Comp-Oth-Rt Modify, Call Customer Support

Unable to Add Comp-Oth Rt Record, Call Customer Support

DB-Error on Comp-Lv-1 Modify, Call Customer Support

DB-Error on Ann-Sick-Lv Modify, Call Customer Support

Negative Home-Lv-Current-Bal Not Allowed, Re-Enter Appropriate Field

45 Day Code Must = Y or N

Negative Shore-Lv-Current-Bal Not Allowed, Re-Enter Appropriate Field

Home-Shore-Lv Record Updated

Problem With Home-Shore-Lv Modify, Call Customer Support

Home-Shore-Lv Record Added

Unable to Add Home-Shore-Lv Record, Call Customer Support

Max Hours = 360 for Newly Established Record

Error on Obtain Home-Shore-Lv, Call Customer Support

To Exceed Max Hours to Be Restored, Enter "Yes" at Ind

Ann-Lv-Rest Record Updated

Problem With Ann-Lv-Rest Modify, Call Customer Support

Ann-Lv Rest Record Added

Unable to Add Ann-Lv-Rest Record, Call Customer Support

Please Enter Year for Restored Hours

Cannot Restore Hours for Current or Future Year

Cannot Restore Hours Past 3 Years

Duplicate Years Not Valid, Re-Enter

Please Enter Hours to Be Restored

Exceeds Max Hours Allowed, Re-Enter

Hours Exceed Max, if You Wish to, Mark Max Ind With Yes

(Ann-Lv Restored-Forfeited) Exceeds Maximum Hours

Error on Obtain Ann-Lv-Rest, Call Customer Support

Total-Time-Off Record Not Present, Must Be Established With 50 Documentation

Error on Find Total-Time-Off, Call Customer Support

No Time-Off-Awards for This Employee

No More Records for This Employee

PF8 to See More Records

PF7 to Return to Page 1 or PF5 to Enter New SSNO

No More Pages for (SSNO), Press PF5 to Enter New SSNO

Problem With Time-Off-Award Modify, Call Customer Support

Problem With Total-Time-Off Modify, Call Customer Support

Award Hours Have Been Used

Negatives Not Allowed

Award Time Has Expired 1

Award time Has Expired 2

Used Hours Exceed Available Hours

Please Use Balance of Previous Award

No Fields Changed

Please Enter SSNO and Agency

See Also
