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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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Employee Indebtedness Update (For Death Case)

Employee Indebtedness Update is option 1 on the Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness menu. This option is used to add, change, or delete administrative debts not already recorded in ABCO. Debts recorded in ABCO cannot be changed or deleted in SPPS. If a debt that is recorded in ABCO requires a change or deletion, contact the NFC Contact Center at 1-855-NFC-4GOV (1-855-632-4468).

Updating Employee Indebtedness:

  1. Type 1 at the Select Option (1-2) prompt on the Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness menu.
  2. Press Enter. The Employee Indebtedness Update screen is displayed.

    Indebtedness Update Death

  3. SSNO, Agency, and Name are system generated. Complete the fields as follows:



    Func Code

    Type the applicable function code for each administrative debt. The valid values are:

    • A - add
    • C - change
    • D - delete

    Note: This is a line item update for debts recorded in SPPS

    Rec Acct Type Cd

    Type the applicable code to identify the reason for the debt and/or deduction. For a list of valid codes, press PF5.

    Note: Do not enter advanced leave on this screen. Advanced leave is forgiven for deceased employees.


    Type the total amount (use a decimal point to separate dollars and cents) of the indebtedness for the specific RA.

    Acct Stat

    Type the deceased employee's accounting station code.

    Accounting Data

    Type the applicable accounting data to which the dollar amount is being charged. (The accounting data should be entered in the same format that is recorded in MASC.)

    Bill Number

    System generated.

  4. Press Enter. The debts are added, changed, or deleted. The debts are sequenced with the last entry displaying first.

See Also

Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness (For Death Case)

Employee Indebtedness Inquiry (For Death Case)