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Security Entry and Tracking System (SETS)

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SETS Edit Messages

Field Must Be Numeric

Personnel Office Identifier Must Be Entered

Agency Code Must Be Entered

Invalid Agency/POI Combination

TMGT Validation Temporarily Unavailable

Invalid Personnel Type Must Be A, C, or V

Invalid Date of Birth

Date of Birth Must Not Be Greater Than Current Date

Grade Must Be Between 00 and 15

Invalid Date of Separation

Invalid 2nd Character of Position Sensitivity Code

Invalid 1st Character of Position Sensitivity Code

Date of Birth Must Be Greater Than Current Date

Invalid City and State Code Combination

Invalid Date Format on Date Entered Agency

Invalid Date Format Date can not Be Blank or Zeros

Invalid Date, Date Must not Be Greater Than Current Date

Invalid Clearance Level, Enter IT, IS, IC, T, S, or C

Must Have a Valid Clearance Level for Date Clearance Requested

Clearance Level Changed to CC, Date Clearance Requested Must = Zeros

Invalid Date Clr (Clearance) Granted/Cancel

Must Have a Valid Date Clearance Requested for the Clearance Level

Invalid Date Clearance Req (Requested)

Date Clearance Req (Requested) Must Be Less Than or Equal to Current Date

Must Have a Valid Date Clearance Requested or Date Clr (Clearance) Granted/Cancel

Invalid Date Clr (Clearance) Granted/Cancel

Date Clr (Clearance) Granted/Cancel Must Be Less Than or Equal to Current Date

Invalid Date SF 312 Signed

Date SF 312 Signed Must Be Less Than or Equal to Current Date

Invalid Date Waiver Requested

Date Waiver Requested Must Be Less Than Current Date

Invalid Date Waiver Approved

Date Waiver Approved Must Be Greater Than Date Waiver Requested

Date Waiver Approved Must Be Less Than Current Date

Name Must Be Alphabetic Characters A - Z

Invalid Security Form Enter 85, 85P, or 86

Must Enter Valid Security Form for Date Security Form Requested

Invalid Date Format

Invalid Date Format, Date can not Be Blank or Zeros

Invalid Date, Date Must Be Greater Than Current Date

Invalid Date Format

Invalid Date, Date Recvd Forms Must Be > or = Date Request Forms

Date Name Completed Must Be > or = Date Name Requested

Date Fingerprint Ret (Returned) Must Be > or = Date Finger Print Init (Initiated)

Invalid Date Format on Date

Date Fingerprint Resub (Resubmitted) Must Be > or = Date Fingerprint Ret (Returned)

Date Fingerprint Check Results Rec (Recorded) Must Be > or = Date Fingerprint Init (Initiated)

Invalid Type of Invest Must Be 01, 02, 05, 06, or 07

Must Enter Valid Type of Investigation for Requested Date

Invalid Date, Date Returned Must Be > or = Date Requested

Invalid Date, Date Resubmit Must Be > or = Date Returned

Invalid Date, Date Scheduled Must Be > or = Date Requested

Invalid Date, Date Completed Must Be > or = Date Requested

Invalid Date, Date Adjudicated Must Be > or = Date Requested

Invalid OPM Closing Code, Must Be DC, CM, IC, TR or CF

Invalid OPM Case Status, Must Be C1, CL, CP, P1, RD, SC or UN

Invalid Type of Invest (Investigation), Must Be Between 10 and 92 or = XX

Invalid Investigating Agency. See Help for Valid Agency

Must Enter Investigating Agency for Type of Investigation

Must Enter Valid Type of Investigation for Request Date

Invalid Case Status, Must Be C1, CL, CP, P1, RD, SC or UN

Invalid OPM Case Service Days, Enter A, B, C, D or X

Must Enter Valid Resubmit Date for Scheduled Date

Employee Separated More Than 18 Months, Update is not Allowed

See Also


Type of Investigation - Other

Other Investigating Agency

OPM Extra Coverage Codes