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Security Entry and Tracking System (SETS)

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To access this system, you must:

  1. Sign on to the NFC Mainframe. The NFC Mainframe Warning screen is displayed.

    NFC MainframeWarning screen

  2. Press Enter to display the NFC banner screen.

    NFC Banner Screen

  3. Complete the fields as described below.

    Enter User ID


    New Password?

    Enter Application Name

  4. At the CL/SUPERSESSION Main Menu screen:
    • Press F8 to scroll through the Session IDs until the appropriate Session ID appears.
    • Press Tab until the cursor is located on the line next to the Session ID.
    • Press Enter.


    • Press F9 to bring the cursor to the Command Line at the bottom of the screen and retrieve a specific Session ID.
    • Type s.
    • Press the space bar once.
    • Type the Session ID acronym.
    • Press Enter. See screen below for an example. The applicable system is displayed.

    CL/SUPERSESSION Main Menu (Password changed notification)

    CL/SUPERSESSION Main Menu Screen (Command line function)


See Also

System Access


Changing Your Password

Help Screens