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The Office of the Chief Financial Officer Fee Review (OFEE) is an application that allows USDA Agencies to recover costs.

In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-25, User Charges and the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, guidelines and procedures are established that define USDA Agency responsibilities, Agency Chief Financial Officers' (CFO) responsibilities, and OCFO's responsibilities.

USDA utilizes the Web-based OFEE as the application to provide OCFO Agencies with the ability to enter, submit, and review online charges and fee schedules. It also allows authorized users to view and download a limited number of reports. The application will allow for the summarization of all fee review activity for the current year, indicating fees scheduled for review the following year, and allowing the CFO to approve the schedule as displayed or reject it with comments.

OFEE is a Web-based application of the National Finance Center (NFC). OFEE is accessed via secure socket layer 128-bit encrypted connection via NFC-secured Web servers. All record-level access is controlled by user roles established by NFC security that work in the following manner:

OFEE is designed to capture only a summary of the review. The detailed supporting documentation used in the analysis should be maintained at the Agency. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) or OCFO will request additional detailed information from the Agency, if needed.

Note: Appendices with the application are available below each page providing more information.