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Management Account Structure Codes System (MASC)

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Replacing Table Data

To Replace Table Data at the Applicable Update Screen:

  1. Type R at the Action field and complete the fields using the applicable table field instructions under Field Instructions for MASC Tables.
  2. Type the table number in the Table Number field.
  3. Press Enter. The data for the selected table number is displayed.
  4. Type the new data using the applicable field instructions under Field Instructions for MASC Tables for the table selected.
  5. Press Enter. (If the data does not pass system edits, an error message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Correct the errors and press Enter.)

After all edits are satisfied, the message Successful Replace is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

After replacing the data, select one of the functions described below.

See Also

Basic Update Functions for MASC Tables

Adding Table Data

Deleting Table Data