Agencies identify all activity and balances resulting from transactions with other Agencies from Standard General Ledger (SGL ) account groups.
SGL Account Groups |
Series |
Assets |
1000 |
Liabilities |
2000 |
Revenues |
5000 |
Expenses |
6000 |
Gains, Losses, Miscellaneous Items |
7000 |
All intradepartmental activity is based on signed agreements. No intradepartmental transactions are permitted without an agreement signed by both trading partners. The elimination of intradepartmental activity for the consolidated financial statement requires that the same amount must exist in each trading partner's general ledger in reciprocal accounts.
Agencies are required to identify intradepartmental balances from automated reports based on the Agency general ledger. Each Agency, both providing and receiving, follows a schedule for recognition on the same accounting period for all intradepartmental transactions.
No threshold will be in effect for the identification of amounts to be eliminated within the Agency.
See Also |