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Pay Period Schedule

The Pay Period Schedule option allows users to update their schedule each pay period with the accounting codes/projects stored in their favorites, types of work, and hours worked during the pay period. The pay period schedule can also be submitted to the timekeeper for verification and processing.

A pay period schedule with a status of "Owned by Employee" can be updated. A pay period schedule with a status of "Owned by Timekeeper" can no longer be updated by the employee.

To Enter a Pay Period Schedule:

  1. Select the Pay Period Schedule component. The Pay Period Schedule page is displayed. If the user has a default schedule saved, the T&A data saved on the default schedule will appear on the pay period schedule.

Pay Period Schedule Page

Figure 129: Pay Period Schedule Page


  1. Select the applicable pay period from the drop-down list.
  2. Complete the fields as follows:

Accounting Project Type Work/Leave

Daily Total

Tour of Duty

Accounting Favorites

Type of Work (Tranaction Code)

Work Descriptor

  1. Select Add to add the selected T&A data to the pay period schedule.
    Select Delete to delete the selected T&A data from the default schedule.

At this point, the following options are available:



Select Save

To save the pay period schedule.

Select Cancel

To cancel the action.

Select Submit to Timekeeper

To submit the T&A data to the timekeeper for validation and processing.

Select Reset to Default

To reset the T&A data to the pay period schedule to the data on the default schedule.

Select Print-Friendly.

To display a printable version of the pay period schedule.