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EmpowHR: Section 8 - ESS

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Entering/Changing/Canceling Thrift Savings Plan Catch-Up Data

To Add/Change/Cancel Thrift Savings Plan Catch-up Data:

  1. Select the Employee Self Service menu group.
  2. Select the Tasks menu.
  3. Select the Payroll Documents component.
  4. Select Modify TSP Catch-Up. The TSP Catch-Up/TSP Roth Catch-Up tab is displayed.

    TSP Catch-up/TSP Roth Catch-up Tab

  5. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Populated when the employee signs on to ESS.


    Populated when the employee signs on to ESS.

    TSP Catch-Up/TSP Roth Catch-Up Election


    *Effective Date

    Required field. Populated with the beginning date of the current pay period. Change the date, if applicable.

    Pay Period

    Populated with the coordinating pay period based upon the effective date entered.

    Date Entered

    Populated with the date entered.

    User ID

    Populated when the employee signs on to ESS.

    Transaction Status

    Defaults to In Progress and reflects the status of the transaction. The transaction status will change when the transaction is saved, is in suspense, or resent to NFC.

    Election Information


    TSP/TSP Roth

    Select the applicable radio button to designate whether the catch-up contribution is TSP or TSP Roth.

    TSP Catchup Transaction Code

    Select the applicable code from the drop-down list.

    Contribution Amount

    Enter the contribution amount ($XX.XX).

  6. Click Save.

See Also

Thrift Savings Plan Catch-Up Contributions