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Entering Federal Income Tax Data

  1. To enter federal tax, select Payroll Documents menu group.
  2. Select the Tax Data menu group. The Tax Data page - Find an Existing Value is displayed. The information on this page will allow the user to locate an existing employee to enter or change tax data.

Tax Data - Find an Existing ValueFigure 46: Tax Data - Find an Existing Value

  1. Enter the search criteria.
  2. Select the Search button. A page is displayed with tabs for city, county, State, and Federal taxes.

Federal Tax Data Page

Figure 47: Federal Tax Data Page

The following fields are displayed:




Populated from the search criteria. The name of the employee is displayed from the Empl ID entered.

Empl ID

Populated from the search criteria entered.


Displays the number of records for the employee.


Populated from the search criteria entered. The employee SSN is displayed based on the Empl ID.


  1. Complete the Federal Tax Data fields as follows:



Effective Date

Required field. Populated with the beginning date of the current pay period. This is the date on which a table record becomes effective; the date that an action begins. This date also determines when to view or change information. Select a date from the calendar icon to change the default date.

Pay Period

Populated and cannot be changed.

Date Entered

Populated with the current date.

User ID

Populated with the system identifier and name of the individual who generates the transaction.

Transaction Status

Select the down arrow to select the applicable status.

Tax Marital Status

Select the applicable status from the drop-down list. The valid values are Exempt, Married filing jointly, Married filing separately, and Nonresident Alien.


  1. Complete the Exemption fields as follows:



Multiple Jobs/Spouse Works

Select the box that will store as "Y" when checked or "N" when unchecked.

Qualified Children

Enter the whole dollar amount only in multiples of $2000 for each qualified child claimed. This field will be hidden when importing in non-originated applied tax documents.

Other Dependents

Enter the whole dollar amount only in multiples of $500 for each additional dependent child claimed. This field will be hidden when importing in non-originated applied tax documents.

Total Dependents and other Tax Credits

Enter the total of the Qualified Children and Other Dependents fields.

Other Income

Enter any tax withheld for other income. This may include interest, dividends, and retirement income

Other Deductions

Enter the total of other deductions.

Extra Withholding

Enter the Extra Withholding amount in whole dollars.


At this point, the following options are available:



Select the Save button

Saves the new data entered.

Select the Return to Search button

Returns the user to the applicable page to search for another record.

Select the Previous in List button

Returns to the previous person in the list.

Select the Next in List button

Advances to the next person in the list.

Select the Notify button

Notifies the next individual in the workflow.

Select the Previous Tab button

Views the data on the previous tab.

Select the Next Tab button

Views the data on the next tab.