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Adding Information on First Check Record

To add the first check information, press PF2. The message changes to Add.

Complete the fields as described. The data in most system-generated fields are transferred from the Inquiry Information screen or the database, if the payment was processed in the automated system. If the payment was processed manually, the system does not generate the data; these fields must be completed by the Agency. Instructions follow for completing these fields.



Identification Number

System-generated PAYE in the first four fields followed by the entered employee’s SSN.


System-generated name of the payee.


System-generated amount of the original payment.

Check Sym/No

System-generated original check number for a paper check.

Date Issued

Type the date the payment was processed in the automated Payroll/Personnel System. If the original payment was processed outside the automated system, enter the current date.

Check Amount

Type the amount of the original payment. This amount must be the same as the amount field.


Type the name of the payee. The name must be identical to the name on the original check.

Address (1)

Type the first line of the street address or post office box number of the original check inscription.

Note: If the original check went to a designated agent (DA), enter the DA number on this line (i.e., D/A 1234). If the original payment was an EFT, enter a routing number. Type RT#, press Space, and type the routing number (i.e., RT# 065205219).

Address (2)

Type the second line of the street, apartment number, or post office box number, if needed, for a paper check. Complete this field for all recertified payments.

Note: If an account number has to be entered for an EFT payment, type ACCT#, press Space, and type the account number (i.e., Acct# 1234).


Type the city as it appears on the original check inscription. Complete this field for paper checks only.


Type the abbreviated State code as it appears on the original check inscription. Type FF for a foreign address. Complete this field for paper checks only.

ZIP Code

Type the ZIP Code. Leave two spaces then type the ZIP+4 Code (optional). If the ZIP+4 is not available, leave blank or fill with zeros. Leave blank for a foreign address. This field is required for paper checks only.

Check Series

Type the range of check numbers issued on an SF 1166 or SF 1184. This field is system generated for a paper check and not required for an EFT. If the check series is not generated because the original check was processed outside the automated system, enter 9s in this field.

Disbursing Office

Type the SF 1166 disbursing office (DO) only if the SF 1166 Schedule Number field is completed. If the original payment was processed outside the automated system, type 0310 as the DO number. The system generates this data (for automated payments) after all entries are made on this screen.


System-generated Agency Location Code 12400001.

SF 1166 Schedule Number

Type the SF 1166 voucher and schedule number on which the original check was issued if Field 14 is completed. This schedule number can be found in PINQ Program PQ032.This schedule should be changed to reflect your Department code and if the payment was a paper check or EFT. The elements of the schedule number are as follows:

First position = fiscal year
Second position = paper check (B) or EFT payment (repeats the database code)
Third position = database code
Fourth and Fifth position = pay period
Sixth position = paid on first or second pass of PAYE
Hyphen with number three (-3) at the end of the schedule number identifies the disbursing office, which is always 3

Examples of payments processed in Pay Period 04, 2013, on the first schedule of PAYE:


Paper Check

EFT Payment

USDA employees



Non-USDA employees



Treasury employees



Homeland Security employees




Note: PQ032 will always display a "B" in the second position of the schedule number, even if the payment was sent EFT.

Pay Period

Type the pay period of the original payment.

Check Number (Correction)

System-generated corrected check number on the SF 1184 received from Treasury if the incorrect check number was entered.

Date To Claims

System-generated corrected check date on the SF 1184 received from Treasury if the incorrect check date was entered.

DO Symbol

System-generated corrected DO symbol on the SF 1184 received from Treasury if the incorrect DO symbol was entered.


Type any additional information pertinent to the inquiry.

Press Enter. The system edits the data. If no errors are found, the record is added and the function message changes to Found to confirm that the record was added. If errors are found, the message Please Correct Field(s) in Error is displayed at the bottom of the screen and the fields with errors are highlighted. Correct the field(s) in error and press Enter to add the record. After the record is added, the SF 1166 - Second Check screen is displayed for an EFT or the SF 1184 Unavailable Check Cancellation screen is displayed for a paper check.

To perform other processing tasks, press the appropriate PF key. To exit, press Clear.

See Also

Information on First Check

Updating Information on First Check Record

Viewing a First Check Record